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Post by Patrick »

Interesting reciprocator-type design. FYI..sorry if it's a repost.

Use gravity (vertical) instead of the magnets (horizontal)??
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re: Makrama

Post by Bill_Mothershead »


Didn't quite understand your comment about going verticle
and using gravity. Could you please comment further.

If you are interested in magnet motors,
I found this recently over at PESWiki... ... %28ALME%29

Seems simple but not quite sure I understand it either.
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re: Makrama

Post by getterdone »

That one certainly feeds the imagination, it seems to run like a cam-shaft in an engine.

While looking at this video, I came across a video of Aldo Costa on the side-bar,
It is in french, and you 've probably seen it already but I figured I would put it here anyways. His wheel is 52 ft in dia. and cost him $200,000.00 to build. Its pretty cool.
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re: Makrama

Post by greendoor »

I think this proves that anyone with some graphics animation software can build impossible machines. This one shows magnets pulling over impossibly large distances, and depends on "lead, or the most magnetically isolating material".

I suspect that magnet motors are possible (although nobody seems to be selling a functioning one yet - and the market for novelty toy motors must be huge, so what's the hold up ...)

Bessler had a loadstone, so we must not discount the possibility that he used magnetic tricks. But magnetism can't be shielded, just like gravity can't be shielded, otherwise we would all have working magnet and gravity motors.

But magnetic fields can be diverted - which is nearly the same thing. I think variable reluctance motors are worth investigating, since it would seem possible to avoid a back EMF and exceed unity that way. The Ecklin generator has caught my attention at various times, and I don't know why they aren't in mass production either ...

I expect that the unexpected-death-syndrome that plagues most viable free energy devices (including Bessler) has nobbled most devices in this category ...
Anything not related to elephants is irrelephant.
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re: Makrama

Post by Bill_Mothershead »

While looking at this video, I came across a video of Aldo Costa on the side-bar,
It is in french, and you 've probably seen it already but I figured I would put it here anyways. His wheel is 52 ft in dia. and cost him $200,000.00 to build. Its pretty cool.
I had not seen this one before. Very nice.
Got to be a world record for biggest PM build ever.

I dont speak French so I turned the speaker off.

It looks OLD. By the looks of the discolorization of the
metal (rust?) I would guess several decades at least.

I am troubled by the fact that in some scenes the machine
is going clockwise, yet at other times is going counterclockwise
at a slower rate.

And are those green things on the rim wine bottles?
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re: Makrama

Post by getterdone »

I've seen the documentery their talking about. It was called A Machine To Die For, they also talked about Bessler on that doc.

I looked for a clip of it on the net , but couldn't find one.

Inside the wine bottles you seen are the springs, their are levers on the outside of the wheel. The levers appear to be about 18' long. When the levers arrive at the bottom they fold in, When they are on top they are released. The wheel is always approx. 18" wider on the one side. The reason the wheel is so big is that it needs to be over-balanced enough to fold and release the levers.

On the day that Eric the PM debunker was their the weather was perfect, at the end of the day he said there could have been a little bit of wind or maybe it was the sun causing temperture differentials.

A few years ago some people tried to raise money to dismantle the wheel and rebuild in inside a wharehouse, they never raised the money needed,approx. 10.000.00

As long as I'ts outside I don't think anyone can say for sure if it 's PM or not

Ive been building wheels in my garage ever since I seen this documentery. It was on Discovery channel.

I'ts a fine line between genius and lunitic, his family had him go get checked by psychiatrist 3 times, but he just kept building.

Now he's broke and people think he's nut. Anyone seeking PM should be able to relate to that.
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