Amazing gravity powered models...

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Amazing gravity powered models...

Post by GravityMechanic »

Amazing Models!
Gravity Power
Peter Holland
Argus Books 1990
Paperback 297mm x 210mm

This remarkable book is a must for everyone interested in harnessing the power of gravity. In this sixty two page book eight ingenious gravity powered models are described with the aid of full sized detailed drawings. The tools and materials required can most probably be found around your home, if not then brought cheaply at an art or model store. The eight models are:-
  1. Wacky Wheel - demonstrates that a wheel driven by its own weight can actually go uphill!
  2. Scan Can - a model satellite that uses a falling weight to turn an axle.
  3. Skater – demonstrates the mechanics of centered spinning in ice skating.
  4. Centriglide - a model glider that flies ever faster while climbing and landing on a high platform.
  5. Bean Planter - the 'fuel' for this model is partly the weight of its cargo of butter beans!
  6. Clipper - this model space station is powered by the weight of paper clips!
  7. Pit Head – two mine lifts go up and down controlled by the mine shaft winding gear.
  8. Monorail - gravity drives a monorail car forwards and backwards along a tilting track.
You can purchase this book from most online second hand book sites including BookFinder, Go.BookButler and UsedBookSearch.

If you wish to loan this book from your local library the International Standard Book Number is 1854860046 or 0830635017.

I hope you have found this post informative. If you have any relevant information to share on this topic then please take a moment to send your comments via a post reply, private message or e-mail. You are also welcome to telephone me on +44 114 360 8831 or via Skype for a talk about this post, any other forum topics or initiatives for promoting collaboration to help turn ideas into reality. Telephone anytime, I am usually in, if I am out on an errand just leave a message on my voicemail and I will get back to you as soon as I return. I look forward to hearing from you.

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re: Amazing gravity powered models...

Post by murilo »

Brian, hi!
Thanks for the inform!
Cheers! M.
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