Ball of light

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Ball of light

Post by Michael »

I once saw a ball of light around 12 years ago when I lived on a small mountain hill near a lower level farm that was turned into a conservation park. So this is interesting. I considered that it might have been ball lightning. This site has some possible free energy ideas as well.

Granted the website might play up on the whole xfiles catch, it can seem a little hokey but I've listen to Joshua P. Warren and he always presents himself as objectionable and reasonable.
meChANical Man.
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re: Ball of light

Post by docfeelsgood »

I at one time lived close to the "Brown Mountain Lights" . there was a pull off on the side of the road [181 ??] where you could park and sip on a jug of "white" .
it really was quite an interesting sight to see them lights moving !! kinda spooky . the local ole timers had a tale about it but i've forgotten it .

IF I am correct at all with the TALE ,, in anchient times there had been a massacre there . the bodies of the fallen were beheaded . the lights were the souls of the fallen wandering about the mountainside carrying lanterns trying to find their missing body parts . {old indian legend i suppose.}
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re: Ball of light

Post by murilo »

When I was 9, in my hometown, a highly mineralized part of the country,
I was called by my uncle louds to see something at outside.
Up to now, I don't know to what we saw.
A near firing ball, large as the moon, in heavy orange collor, flying in a large arch went back a hill not very far.
An UFO? I don't know. My uncle said it was a real UFO.
Later on, talking with other uncle, he said it could be ''the mother of the gold'', a cold fire ball that could fly from a gold deposit to the other - according to a very local leggend.
That's it... I saw it... it's different!
Take care!
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