Air Pressure & PM

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Air Pressure & PM

Post by greendoor »

First let me justify the somewhat tangential relationship to a Bessler wheel ...

I personally believe the Bessler wheel ran directly from gravity, and this is by no means an admission of defeat. But there are some who need to believe that Bessler used some other ambiant energy source, and heat or barometric pressure are obvious contenders. You would have to ignore a lot of evidence to believe this was the answer, but I suppose we should explore the possibility. Because it does appear to be otherwise viable.

My interest is a little more selfish & practical. I seriously want to go off the grid, and bulk heat is what I need the most. I have solar & heatpumps, but that is not enough. I'm hopefull of getting a gravity device to spin an alternator, so i'm not rushing to invest in photovoltaic arrays or windmills just yet. But i'm not 100% confident that a gravity wheel will product the kilowatts I need (at least, not immediately).

The idea of powering a heat pump with a Bessler-style wheel seems like a good match - hence my interest.

I own a couple of heatpumps that consume 1kW and deliver 3 - 4kW of heat, so i'm impressed at the COP of these things. This has to be softening people up to the concept of 'energy for nothing' - and hopefully we can do even better than that ...

So with that in mind ...
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re: Air Pressure & PM

Post by greendoor »

I've found some interesting material about air powered locomotives & cars that were an emerging technology prior to WWII. Strangely, WWII seemed to derail that technology, and since then the textbooks have been rewritten and various inventions suppressed, and big oil has been wallowing in the money ever since.

It seems that locomotives & buses were built that ran on compressed air - particularly for coal mining use, but also public transport. There were some amazing inventions that really improved the efficiency of these things, and intriguingly some appeared to have large heat exchangers that would allow ambient heat energy to enter the equation ...

Then there have been various patents for air powered cars. These appear to be PM motors - 'self fueling' - and the stories around these get about as spooky as UFO stuff. But the patents exist, and you don't get patents without working models. (And of course, the real secrets are NEVER revealed in the patents - duh).

However - it would appear that several inventors have successfully been able to use ambiant heat energy to deliver useful work. Heat Pump technology gives me the confidence that this could well be achievable - despite all conspiracy theories:)

Some interesting technical thoughts that I have gleaned coming up ...
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re: Air Pressure & PM

Post by greendoor »

I'm no scholar - and pneumatic theory is far more complex than basic mechanical machine theory. I don't want to get bogged down in the academic paralysis of analysis - just basic ideas to see whether anything is worth exploring further.

From what I can tell - compressing air is completely related to air temperature - the interdependance of heat & pressure & volume makes for some crazy maths. But I have some very interesting basic ideas:

We can heat air by compressing it (raise pressure).
We can cool air by expanding it (lower pressure).
We can expand air by heating it (raise pressure).
We can compress air by cooling it (lower pressure).
Ever seen a hot water cylinder explode?
Ever seen a sealed container crush/implode?

A normal compressor is extremely inefficient. To squeeze air with a piston takes work. The result of that work is to raise the pressure BUT then the air gets hot - which causes it to expand. So then the compressor has to do extra work to compress the air it has already compressed ... chasing our tail. The end result of our work is some very hot compressed air. So much heat can be developed that we could burn out the compressor, so we use heat exchangers to discard that heat energy ... THEN - that hot compressed air goes into the cylinder, whereupon it COOLS - and contracts and loses pressure.

Normal compressors are very wasteful. And it's mainly all about heat.
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re: Air Pressure & PM

Post by greendoor »

Cool idea #1: we can make compressors much more efficient by locating the compressor INSIDE the air cylinder. That way, no heat/energy is lost - it all goes into increasing the pressure.

Cool idea #2: we can compress air much more efficiently by using the principle of equalisation. Instead of requiring the compressor to compress the air in a cylinder from ambiant air pressure up to operating pressure - imagine that we use this process: A - allow ambiant air pressure to fill the cylinder full, B - connect the cylinder to a seperate cylinder already at a very high pressure, C - the cylinders will equalise, effectively compressing our air with air - with no need for work being done and no change in temperature, D - both cyclinders now being 99% up to pressure, the actual work of pressurising both cylinders is much, much easier than attempting to pressurise one cylinder from scratch ...

Cool idea #3: electric resistance heating is extremely effecient - basically 100%. We can pressurise air using electric resistance heating ...

Cool idea #4: possible way to insert low pressure air into a high pressure tank with a low pressure pump ... I think this is very cool ...

Say a pump can pump 10 PSI. Say we have a cylinder at 100 PSI and we want to raise it to 110 PSI. Obviously our little 10 PSI pump can't do this ... or can it ... ?

Think 'pressure differential' ...

What if used a cunning arrangement of valves and did this:

Apply the 100 PSI from our high pressure tank to both the inlet and the outlet of the 10 PSI pump. Since the pressures are balanced, this is effectly 0 PSI difference ... our little pump only has to raise the pressure on the outlet side by 10 PSI ... from it's reference point, that's only 10 PSI. But from an external reference point, that's 110 PSI ...

Combing some of these cool ideas ... we could probably insert low pressure air into a high pressure tank by trapping the low pressure air in a tank, equalising it with high pressure air, using our low pressure pump with balanced high pressure on each side to create a pressure differential, inserting that elevated high pressure into the high pressure tank ...

I have only begun to think about the possibities, so these are half-baked ideas at the moment ...

But I believe that the successful air car inventors basically discovered very cheap ways to compress air, so that the low efficiency of their air motors weren't an issue.

Is there any way we can create bulk compressed air using ambiant air pressure and/or air temperature alone?

I'll be thinking about this some more ...

If these ideas are new to you - enjoy.
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re: Air Pressure & PM

Post by smotgroup »

Why ambient Air?

and why not let the most ideal liquid gas do the work for you?

the ideal PM if that is what you wish to call it is actually a Unified Superfluous Motor.
motors that can theoretically exceed > Mach 10 with the least amount of input. Like I said, those old clunkers at Skunk works are obsolete.

in fact, a Unified Superfluous Motor would rev up so powerful that it would scare you into shutting it down. it is a very special particle accelerator motor
unifying all the Energy and forces/strains of nature in one system.

once the system becomes Superfluous it begins to stabilize and it starts to quiet up, not so scary then but the particle velocities are enormous.

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