Marking or storing specific posts

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Marking or storing specific posts

Post by nicbordeaux »

A thread starts, there is a clever comment or apparantly so, then the thread lives it's life and runs 30 pages of "How to build a Atwood experiment". Or else.

One solution would be to have a word doc open and cc the stuff of interest...

Or is there on the forum a feature such as "add this post to my file" ??? Would it be feasible ?
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re: Marking or storing specific posts

Post by jim_mich »

I use Windows Notepad. I leave a file titled 'Jim Mich.txt' down in the lower left corner of my desktop for easy quick access. When I see a post that I want to remember then I just copy the http address and paste it into the text file along with some note as to what the link is about.

You can also bookmark topics, but if they run on and on for many pages the bookmark is not that helpful.

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re: Marking or storing specific posts

Post by amateur »

If you ask Scott (nicely, of course), maybe he could add a "URL" (or "REF") button up where the "quote" and "ip" buttons are, that could be used to easily "copy link" or "copy shortcut", so that specific items from a topic could be easily copied/pasted into a file such as Jim Mich keeps, or for the more ambitious, perhaps an html file.

I also observe there's a "bookmarks" menu item on the top of the pages, but that may only be available to the original poster, not sure...
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Post by jim_mich »

Amateur, there is just such a button! Place the mouse cursor on the tiny rectangle just to the left of the "Posted: " in any posting then right click and select "Copy Link Location", assuming you use Mozzilla Firefox as your browser. Window Explorer works the same way except the prompt wording might be different.

PS. You can also bookmark that location in your favorites.

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Post by scott »

Thanks for chiming in here Jim, you are correct!
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