Double Inverted Furuta Pendulum

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Double Inverted Furuta Pendulum

Post by cyberdust »

We all know the inverted pendulum, as shown in this video

Now the question is, instead of trying to keep the pendulum erected, let's keep it always running, without ever getting in a balanced state. Computer software and some chips can make all the work, and with few subtle movements, which will need only a small amount of energy, this pendulum could give us a surplus of energy output.

We all know also the results of perpetual motion attempts. Weights are falling not in the way we expected them, either not falling at all, or falling earlier than expected and in the wrong directions and so on, and very soon, the system is in a balanced state. I think, software can solve these problems and guid the perpetual motion machine in a way, that it become a real perpetual motion machine, or at least, it is an overunity device.
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