Gravity and our expanding Earth

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Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by jim_mich »

silverfox in [url=]post #74103[/url] wrote:One of the most intriguing of those is the theory of the eminent geologist Warren Carey and some others that the Universe isn't simply expanding at an antomic level but that it is actually physcally and tangibly growing.

The artist Neil Adams has picked up the banner on that and presents a very convincing arguement based on our own planet's somewhat glaring and obvious evidence of it as well as demonstrating that the moon and other planets seem to show the very same thing.

Naturally this also raises some questions about our understanding of gravity.
I heard about the concept of a growing Earth about ten years ago. I did some calculations. I assumed that the energy from the force of gravity was converted into Earth mass at a rate according to Einstein's formulas E = mc2 and worked backwards using a computer program to do the math. The results correlated almost exactly with the estimated age of our planet.

It seems that the constant force of gravity gets converted into matter according to Einstein's formulas. Water produces more water. Granite produces more granite. Iron produces more iron. Talk about a living Earth!

Why does this happen? It seems that matter shields or stops the omni-directional flow of energy of the universe causing gravity to push us downward on the Earth. This shielded flow of energy gets stopped by matter. The stopped energy resonates at the same frequency as the matter that stopped it and it becomes more matter. Thus the Earth is constantly being created and growing. As it grows its orbit expands. The same happens to all solar systems and galaxies. Thus everything is expanding.

The dinosaurs could grow to such big sizes because of the lower gravity due to a smaller Earth back then.

Someday science might learn the truth, whatever the truth might be. Skeptics seem to slow scientific progress.

But what causes or started the planets and galaxies to spinning? Could it be the same force that could power perpetual motion? After all, the universe is the ultimate perpetual motion machine!

If matter can grow out of nothing (except the flow of forces that produce gravity) then could energy to power a PMM come from the same omni-directional flow of energy?

It is and has been my theory that inertial energy in the form of centrifugal force derived from the energy of the universe is the prime mover of any perpetual motion machine. How does a spinning object know that it is spinning? How does it know how much CF to produce? It is the bumping of molecules against the background energy of the universe that causes CF. Whenever matter or molecules change direction or velocity they bump into the energy of the universe and thus experience inertial resistance and inertial momentum. A perpetual motion machine must harness this energy of the universe.

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re: Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by KAS »

Interesting post Jim.

That certainly knocks the stuffing out of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics!

Energy cannot be created??

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Post by erick »


Just like energy matter cannot be created nor destroyed, just change form. See: The Law of Conservation of Mass ( )

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Post by jim_mich »

The Wikipedia Author wrote:The law of conservation of mass, also known as principle of mass/matter conservation is that the mass of a closed system (in the sense of a completely isolated system) will remain constant over time. The mass of an isolated system cannot be changed as a result of processes acting inside the system.
The key phrase here is "closed system". In a closed system there would be no "omni-directional flow of energy". There is no such thing as a perfectly closed system. Can you create a box or enclosure that prevents gravity from passing through? Can you make an enclosure that prevents the contents from sensing absolute space outside the box? If an object spins relative to absolute space (the omni-directional flow of energy) outside the box then it exhibits CF. If it is stationary there is no CF. This proves that there is something, some matrix, some force, some ethereal whatever that constitutes empty space and causes any change of motion of an object to produce inertial momentum. If this exists then it would also cause gravity. If there is this omni-directional flow of background energy that is blocked by the Earth thus causing gravity, then what happens to this energy that is blocked and absorbed by the Earth? Does it just disappear?

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Post by erick »

I don't believe that this mysterious energy that you speak of exists. According to the scientific consensus gravity is caused as a byproduct of energy acting on an object as described by mass energy equivalency (E=MC2). An object gaining inertial momentum as a result of its acceleration is an example of this phenomena.

Imagine swinging a ball attached to a string around your head and releasing it. When released the string it attracted to the ball because of CF, because its acceleration has effectively increased its gravitational pull on the string pulling it towards the ball.

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re: Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by ribby55 »

Gr8! I am not the only one who sees this! Expanding Earth makes more sense to me then Pangaea. So everything is expanding including our solar system. Apparently the orbit around our Sun is not perfect circle there is also a spiraling out effect. We are in fact spiraling away from the Sun! But our growth compensates for the change in distance. There is nothing new to the fact that for every action there is a simultaneous re-action. This is the balance we are trying to seek. What we see with our eyes can sometimes deceive us. Interacting forces have a lot of variables and mathematics cannot calculate chaotic environments. But it is within the chaos that where we have to find the "sweet spot" Apparently we are using only 10% of our DNA. There is still more evolving that we need do. We have the potential for reading each others thoughts once we reach that level. It is unfortunate that skeptics are the ones who keep us from moving forward. Let's just say I have shifted from neutral and put it into drive. Only time is my enemy...

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re: Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by silverfox »

Well Gentlemen...

I have an interesting website that has a few more unconventional ideas that I'd also like to share with this forum. Now I don't expect anyone to necessarily agree but to simply consider what is presented with an open mind. Much of the information is quite relevent and centered in and around the topic of gravity and universal forces in a more general sense.
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re: Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by ribby55 »

Just like energy matter cannot be created nor destroyed, just change form.

That is what everyone says. If you think about it if something cannot created or destroyed, then what does that mean? That it has always been there. It was never destroyed and yet never created. It just exists. Energy changes form. Just like when you put mechanical energy into a generator it gives you electrical energy. Just like when you put electrical energy into a motor it puts out mechanical energy. Just like a running water Hydro system where you are tapping into the potential of one height of the water to a lower level. Like a water wheel. The energy from that running water turns those generators which produce electrical current which in turn run your motors at your home to do work. We here in Quebec are using gravity to power ours homes already!

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re: Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by KAS »

This Expanding Matter Theory makes far more sense to me. If we were to draw the land masses of the earth onto a balloon excluding the seas and oceans (as best we can) replacing them with rivers. As the balloon expands, these rivers would turn into seas as the continents drift apart.

An expanding earth explains many things including volcanos (natures pressure valves),

If (as the experts think) the earth's mass has remained constant over the millennia, what replaces all this volcanic mass that constantly rises to the surface?

It makes you think!

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re: Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by ovyyus »

If this expanding Earth theory is true then shouldn't it be supported by current observation and measurement?
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Post by DrWhat »

"Measurements from lunar ranging experiments with laser reflectors left during the Apollo missions have found that the Moon's distance to the Earth increases by 38 mm per year"

Now I doubt the earth is shrinking!, and I doubt the moon is shrinking.

So I believe everything is expanding, all matter and space.

We know the universe is expanding.
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re: Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by ovyyus »

DrWhat, how is a 38mm distance increase (over about 40 years) between Earth and Moon an indication of a physically expanding Earth?

Measurement of an increasing distance between Earth's continents might support this expansion theory. Given the rate of expansion proposed by the theory, it should be easily detected and measured.
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Post by jim_mich »

Bill, the growth would be very small over a human lifespan.

Scientist sometimes find that dinosaur bones are not big enough to support the estimated weight of some dinosaurs. So they change the estimated weight to about half. None ever imagine that maybe the Earth was smaller and thus the dinosaurs did not weigh as much. This is just another tiny piece of a much bigger puzzle that seems to fit. ... -size.html

Outdated reconstruction (by Charles R. Knight), showing 'tripod' pose

Like many bipedal dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex was historically depicted as a 'living tripod', with the body at 45 degrees or less from the vertical and the tail dragging along the ground, similar to a kangaroo. This concept dates from Joseph Leidy's 1865 reconstruction of Hadrosaurus, the first to depict a dinosaur in a bipedal posture. Henry Fairfield Osborn, former president of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City, who believed the creature stood upright, further reinforced the notion after unveiling the first complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in 1915. It stood in this upright pose for nearly a century, until it was dismantled in 1992. By 1970, scientists realized this pose was incorrect and could not have been maintained by a living animal, as it would have resulted in the dislocation or weakening of several joints, including the hips and the articulation between the head and the spinal column. The inaccurate AMNH mount inspired similar depictions in many films and paintings (such as Rudolph Zallinger's famous mural The Age Of Reptiles in Yale University's Peabody Museum of Natural History) until the 1990s, when films such as Jurassic Park introduced a more accurate posture to the general public. Modern representations in museums, art, and film show Tyrannosaurus rex with its body approximately parallel to the ground and tail extended behind the body to balance the head.
The Tyrannosaurus rex may have walked upright in a much lower gravity of a smaller Earth.

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re: Gravity and our expanding Earth

Post by ovyyus »

Jim, the theory proposes that Earth has expanded to about double its size in just 100 million years. Double its size in 100 million years?!

Assuming this proposed expansion rate is still continuing today, it should be easily detected and measured over much less than a human lifespan.
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Post by DrWhat »

Nice one Jim.


remember that the earth is expanding, the moon too is expanding, and the universe is expanding. So the sum change in distance from the earth to the moon would be small.
That is due to the expansion of both the moon and earth, they would be getting closer to each other, but since the universe is expanding they are also moving apart.
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