Overweighted pendulum...

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iacob alex
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Overweighted pendulum...

Post by iacob alex »

.....you can watch at : www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Yd71fzlB4&feature=related

It's a simple experience,but you can add some steps:

-with a rotating counterweighted pendulum (resembling to Milkovic's lever with a pendulum).

-with a limiting "knee-joint" for pendulum,so to get easy a difference torque game("smaller /longer than..." lenght arm commutation).

-with an "adequate size" for this "pulsatory lever"...

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by path_finder »

Dear jacob alex,
This video is compliant with all recognized rules regarding the exchanges between the Potential Energy (PE) and the Kinetic Energy (KE).
The available energy is equal with the product of the bob's weight by twice its length (global rotation of 180°).
This energy is first transformed in kinetic energy for the whole assembly and when the pendulum oscillations become too smooth, finally the system reaches its keeling position (at 6:00 position, pendulum down).
I'm not surprised by the happy end of the movie.

Another confirmation is done here for the well known principle: a single primemover alone cannot drive to any gravitic engine.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by FunWithGravity2 »


I respectfully disagree.

Si mobile in circumferentia circuli feratur ea celeritate, quam acquirit cadendo ex
altitudine, quae sit quartae parti diameter aequalis ; habebit vim centrifugam suae
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by path_finder »

Dear FunWithGravity2,
Your comments are usually pertinent.
But this time why do not give a justification for your position?
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
iacob alex
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by iacob alex »

...as a concise ,laconic expression(and equivalent representation on the paper...) of a possible gravity motor ,outlines nothing more than a full free pendular fall in gravity (0-180*) ,with a starting velocity in the top position.

To get the "self-motion",we need to imagine no more than a certain counterweighted physical pendulum ,in a pulsatory repetitive sequence ,so to get a torque difference on the same side of the fulcrum.

So,in my opinion,the only interrogation goes to "how to overweight " a certain pendular equivalent...

All the best! / Alex
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Re: re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by FunWithGravity2 »

path_finder wrote:Dear FunWithGravity2,
Your comments are usually pertinent.
But this time why do not give a justification for your position?

I have a completely different view on how the wheels worked than you do, i did not think it was the right place to elaborate on my principle but i have been contemplating writing up something and posting it onto an old thread. But in summary.

Its not leverage but force that drives the wheel.

You don't have to lift a weight if it never falls.

When you move the weight it should stay still.

I will elaborate in the near future, but just wanted to wink and say i respectfully disagreed. I am a huge fan of your designs and hope that they work. I always look forward to seeing your newest incarnations and find them very inspired.

"a single primemover cannot drive a gravity wheel" is where i respectfully disagree, but i cannot compose my thoughts in a way that i feel would convince others right now without comprimising my work.


Crazy Dave
Si mobile in circumferentia circuli feratur ea celeritate, quam acquirit cadendo ex
altitudine, quae sit quartae parti diameter aequalis ; habebit vim centrifugam suae
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Re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by nicbordeaux »

iacob alex wrote:.....you can watch at : www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Yd71fzlB4&feature=related

It's a simple experience,but you can add some steps:

-with a rotating counterweighted pendulum (resembling to Milkovic's lever with a pendulum).

-with a limiting "knee-joint" for pendulum,so to get easy a difference torque game("smaller /longer than..." lenght arm commutation).

-with an "adequate size" for this "pulsatory lever"...

All the best ! / Alex
How about trying that with a double pendulum ? Wouldn't be PM, but might run for a minute.
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by FunWithGravity2 »


I would think you had learned more than that already, :(

That IS a double pendulum.

Si mobile in circumferentia circuli feratur ea celeritate, quam acquirit cadendo ex
altitudine, quae sit quartae parti diameter aequalis ; habebit vim centrifugam suae
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by nicbordeaux »

Hmmm... I think I see what you mean. You are counting the cenrally pivotted disk (aka a wheel) as a pendulum) ?

Or it's my eyesight ? Or Alzheimer's ?

As to learning more... Well, the more the know, the more you know you know nothing :-)

Still, stick a small bell on the pendulum arm, it'll make a great doorbell.
iacob alex
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by iacob alex »

...or overpowered pendulum,is simply a pendulum that has a starting velocity in the top position.

The centered disk,is no more than a rotational inertia storage:you can call it a heavy hub/pivot pendulum.

The up movie show a long arm heavy hub pendulum,in a free fall (0-180*),that supplies several rotation for a smaller arm heavy hub (disk) pendulum.

This is equivalent with a starting velocity(to overweight,to overpower...)for the small pendulum ,in the top position...

Pendulum,heavy hub pendulum,counterweighted pendulum,counterweighted heavy hub pendulum,pulsatory counterweighted heavy hub pendulum is a short descriptive word-movies to a possible gravity motor...in my opinion...
All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by iacob alex »

...is the firt step to imagine a self-powered gravity oscillation.

A gravity oscillator can be a "new theoretical domain " for a practical gravity motor.

The ever-lasting power supply (as an "anodic voltage" in electronics...) is gravitational level difference.

If we have a permanent source of machanical power,the next consideration ,naturally... is to use it.

In the beggining,I think,it's a simple mechanical arrangement...

All the best! / Alex
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Post by Grimer »

The problem with that set up is no input of information - no Maxwell's demon in other words.

It does however illustrate the potentiality of a pendulum type perturbation to a Kiiking type pendulum. On can introduce a demon by allowing the pendulum to fall at a given o'clock and to fall back at a second o'clock. Switching the pendulum on and off is analogous to the Maxwell demon opening the door and shutting the door at the appropriate moment. In principle the switching process does not require any energy. It's not the tightening of the nut: it's knowing which nut to tighten.

I'll have to start a separate Buzz thread on this.

Thanks, anyway Alex, for a nudge in the right direction.
iacob alex
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Grimer!

As a joke,the real "demon" is this fact:... really we know so little about pendulum...this is an interesting observation of Prof. Milkovic (Two-Stage-Oscillator...),a great player with pendulum.

Large pendular movement are full of approximations in a mathematical language(a great "space" for all kind of "demons",if you like...).This a nonlinear dynamic...

Kinetic Art ,on net ,maybe ,can suggest some way of thinking for your enterprise...as a "lucky demon" ?!

By the way:why we need a demon ? (evil spirit,very cruel or malignant person ).

All the best! / Alex
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by Bill_Mothershead »

This link just came out on PESWiki:

http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/Docs/Jova ... runity.pdf

About 15 pages of high school math. Some really good.

I try to keep an open mind about such things, but must admit
I am not quite clear on this lever + pendulum combo being
overunity. Answer might be in this PDF document but I didn't
spend enough time to figure it all out.
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re: Overweighted pendulum...

Post by satanspawn »

"this machine has no practical purpose because the rotated object cannot do any work as work requires the levitated object to cause motion in other objects."

It's comparable to a circus demonstration. It serves no purpose. Please post something that can solve the energy crisis - instead of silly little parlor tricks.
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