ah good ol patrick
i remember him
he's still alive!?!
i discovered his book PYRAMID POWER in 1973 in a library
(he had hair back then)
so i tried to get all his writings
always thought he had some amazing ideas
lots of valuable stuff
but, last i heard of him was in 1979, where i saw a thing he was promoting where some pyramid necklace was supposed to help you win lotteries
(er something)
as i remember it: just wearing it would focus the cosmic juju of the frikkin
pyramids to help you win lotteries more
and maybe even horse races i would imagine
i even wrote him a letter saying i thought THAT was a bit much
i think i said something like "someone so celtic should not be so mercenary, sir"
he never wrote back, of course
Interesting and most curious... but being the reincarnation of Tesla and supposedly remembering everything about that previous life from the very outset as he claims you'd think he would have known better than to take that nearly lethal swig of mercury that damaged him and impaired his speech and development when he was around three years of age...
or perhaps it was only after that, that he seemed to be aware of being inhabited by the spirit of Tesla and possessing his memories?
Mercury, was called "quicksilver" by the ancients and was used by the alchemists of old to make red mercuric oxide by heating it in a solution of nitric acid.
The resulting reaction creates a thick red vapor that hangs over the solution's surface while bright red crystals precipitate and fall to the bottom of it.
That also had something to do with why those alchemists believed that mercury transcended both the solid and liquid states... earth and heaven... and even life and death.
I find anything and everything spewed by the guy known as Sterling D. Allan to really stink of very crude manipulation with comercial intent. I could be wrong, but the guy rates 10/10 on my conman qualification test.
I like Sterling Alan's website. It's a nice compendium of many of the latest free energy claims, and he does seem to do a pretty good job keeping up with them.
With that said, though, it's also my opinion that he so wants to believe and so wants to be a part of a free energy revolution that he tends to be on the (almost incredibly) gullible and naive side - treating almost every claim as if it has merit and if it were the next big thing.
I feel for the most part - at least in terms of the free energy stuff rather than the mainstream alternative energy stuff he also reports, of course - that his site is full of the claims of fraudsters, hoaxers, the sincere but ignorantly mistaken to even those of the downright deluded.
I don't preclude the possibility that there could be a few claims reported on his website from people who may actually be on to something, but I think it would be hard to find those amongst all that other "noise".
I have to admire Sterling's gumption(?) to some extent, I guess, but sadly if I were to actually get something that worked, I would avoid him (like the proverbial plaque) due to his association (whether due to just gullibility or otherwise) with the fraudsters and others in the above list.
To be honest, I'm probably about as skeptical of most of the free energy crowd as Eric Krieg is. Unfortunately, though, after decades of thinking about things, I'm also highly skeptical of those in mainstream science who seem to do little more than regurgitate what they've been spoonfed while not seeing how amazingly incoherent their current hodge podge of explanations for things actually is.
I do sometimes question whether I should have identified myself as someone who would explore such "crazy" notions as free energy, over-unity, perpetual motion machines, gravity powered devices or whatever. Those familiar with Orffyreus should know how to decipher my surname, so I'm not really anonymous here.
...but in all honesty, I have been exploring such ideas on my own for decades, so I guess I should just own up to it.
I like to think about the Wright Brothers, though, and their quest for controlled, powered heavier-than-air flight. Through their rigorous experiments and careful observations they ultimately achieved the goal.
...but there were also those who had a similar goal who apparently glued feathers to their arms before flapping them - and they never got off the ground.
The Wright brothers certainly made a difference and helped to change our world - whether for the better or the worse or a combination of both.
The arm flappers at least can offer us a little entertainment. ...which in itself can't be all that bad, can it?
Anyway, there are some of my opinions.
Take care.
I don't believe in conspiracies!
I prefer working alone.
And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgment:
Hebrews 9 verse 27 from the King James Bible.
We are a spirit being having a soul and live in a physical body.Three parts. Most animals that breath air have souls They have different personalities.,they love and help us as dogs horses dolphins ,elephants etc.and I believe most all dogs go to heaven ,Your soul and spirit do not come back after death. It's heaven or the other place.
(I must clarify just my opinion that sometimes a loved one can return from heaven as an angel would for a specific reason as to encourage or comfort or protect someone. )
Myself I have had one instance where I believe I was helped by angels about 30 years ago. I was driving with my uncle to Alberta to take a job working in the bush working on the oil exploration lines. Uncle Jim missed a turn and drove the pickup into the ditch . This was in January with about 3-4 feet of snow and in the Alberta badlands area which looks about the surface of Mars.Can we say desolation? Well I get out of the truck ,walk up to the road to flag the first vehicle that comes thinking that it may take some time as we are in such a desolate area ,at least a hundred miles from any house Well in less that a minute a big brand new Ford 4x4 comes around the bend in the road and stops to help. They have a big winch on the front of the truck and hook it up to the bumper of my uncles pickup and pull it back unto the road as easy as can be. They would not take any payment for their trouble.
Now the interesting part ,These two tall guys maybe 7 feet.(Woman would say two hunks) and skinny dressed like cowboys that just stepped off of a movie script.
Plaid shirts ,new blue jeans, cowboy boots , big cowboy hats and bandanas around their necks. (Who the blazes wears bandanas anyway.)
When we started driving again I got goosebumps all over as I realized that when they left they went back in the same direction they came from which didn't make any sense. they should have been going the same direction we were traveling.
Another story
About 5 years ago I remember the day October 4th. I had something unusual happen to me one early Sunday morning.I told my mother who was visiting that day what happened and her words were. "sounds to me like you had a visit from Mr Bessler himself. Looking back now I believe that it was a visit from him . his spirit came back from heaven to give a "word" of encouragement as I was going back to driving tractor trailer and going to forget this crazy idea of trying to figure out how Mr. Bessler did it. Even though I was still to dumb to accept the "word" it was enough to encourage me to go on doing research about Bessler and his amazing invention.
But demonic spirits do come back,three examples being spirits of suicide, alcoholism and religion, going from generation to generation grandfather ,to father to son unless the person is set free by Jesus Christ.
Ever read a story about someone committing suicide with a gun and then the news article will mention the father committed suicide with a shotgun and the grandfather committed suicide as well.
I have taken a break from my Bessler work to complete some other projects and lately to learn welding skills and welding equipment and to build a special welding cart. I will send a pic if I can figure out how.
The everlast welder is a MTS200S IT has MIG, TIG, and STICK. The other welder is also TIG and STICK with a 50 amp Pilot arc Plasma cutter.
The nederman smoke eliminator next to it works great to remove all the welding smoke when I weld.
The cart has two welding tanks in the back ,argon and mix ,a power bar and three air control valves. a bar fridge on the bottom for the ice cold drinks, Water and Dr Pepper. ,a high output air compressor behind the fridge for the plasma cutter. The ever
Last edited by BIBLEAL1 on Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
some say some judgement mght happen and then you get reincarnated
and anyone Jesus raised from the dead must have died twice
(there was Lazarus and there was a child who fell off a wall--and that's just two off the top of my head)
they directly asked Jesus, once, about reincarnation: "Did this man sin, or his parents, that he was born blind?"
and Jesus said "Neither hath this man sinned , nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."
so He had every opportunity to settle the matter
and He declined to do so
To Dwylbtzle:
Perhaps you should read your bible.
John chapter 9 verses 1 to 7
And as Jesus passed by,he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master who did sin, this man,or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered , Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the bling manwith the clay, And said unto him, Go wash in the pool of Siloam,(which is by interpretion, Sent.) He went his way therefore,and washed and came seeing.
There is no mention of his disciples asking him about reincarnation at all.
They asked if his blindness was caused by his sins that he committed or by the sins commited by his parents.
Obviously you believe in reincarnation and would twist the Word of God to support your belief . Many people do this.
Check Utube Muslim near death experience sees Jesus
perhaps you should read closer:
the man was born blind--therefore any sin he committed to deserve blindness must have been committed before he was born
as i stated
i believe Jesus declined to settle the matter--when He was directly asked about it
so i'm leaving His reasons to Him
and therefore don't "believe in reincarnation"
and i believe Jesus wanted us to spend little time arguing the matter
I quote your words
"threfore any sin he committed to deserve blindness must have been committed before he was born"
I don't know of anyone who sins before they were born or even the first few years of their lives. All children go to heaven. Matthew 19 verse 14 But Jesus said Suffer little children,and forbid them not,to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
You are insinuating that this man's blindness was caused by sin directly contradicting the words of Jesus.
Jesus answers directly says of his blindness, Neither hath this man sinned ,nor his parents: but that the works of God should be manifest in him.
I believe Jesus would have us spent more time studing his Word and gaining wisdom and knowledge and discernment ,then we would not have people like you making silly incorrect statements or
There is none so blind as he who refuses to to see and
You just can't fix stupid.
Last edited by BIBLEAL1 on Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
no--you are quoting his disciples words---looked at more closely:
they asked about a man born blind...
-if he had sinned to deserve the blindness
which means they were asking if he'd sinned in a former life
i am insinuating nothing
His disciples were insinuating--obviously looking for the definitive answer to the question of reincarnation
and He declined to clear it up
His answer didn't address reincarnation either way
it neither confirmed it nor denied it
when He had every opportunity to do either
He referred to a MORE IMPORTANT subject to be spending one's time contemplating
i suggest we do THAT
i find that someone who can't see that: when someone asks if a person, born blind, had sinned to
deserve the blindness, then that's referring to sin before birth
even when it's explained three times
perhaps shouldn't be quite so free with the insult: "stupid"
now the kid who fell off a wall and killed himself
THAT mighta been stupid
and Jesus fixed that
i also find it noteworthy to note that, just the fact that they asked Him this
question, shows that the matter had never been cleared up , in their minds
i mean---these were people well versed enough in the doctrine to be
chosen as disciples--and whatever day to day teachings they had been
exposed to
from Adam to Jesus-
-had never cleared the matter up, definitively
so, apparently, after spending thousands of years transmitting the
scriptures to prophets--
and never once saying "And reincarnation is straight out!"...
when He appeared as "the fullness of The Godhead impressed bodily in
flesh", and was asked DIRECTLY to expound upon the subject of
reincarnation--he demurred
i feel He must have had some reason for this
i mean, He makes it clear that one is not to seethe a kid in it's own
mother's milk, yet He specifically never mentions reincarnation
not even once
neither pro nor con
and--even if it's real, no-one ever remembers any of it
(except, apparently, Patrick Flanagan before he was five and after he drank mercury)
also--Matthew tells us that, when Jesus died:
"Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom;
and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened;
and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy
city, and appeared unto many."
so we have: "many", and "Lazarus", and a 12 year old idiot child who fell off a wall
at the very least
who either died twice
or they are still walking around
it says He gives His saints sleep
it doesn't say what happens to the non-saints
either way: He is the God of the living, not of the dead.
and just because one thief was saved don't assume the other was condemned