Another perpetual motion engine in 1880?

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Another perpetual motion engine in 1880?

Post by path_finder »

Excerpt from the February 14th 1880 issue of the Monroe Enquirer.
What success had this invention?
Interesting in this case, the two counter-rotating drums.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Another perpetual motion engine in 1880?

Post by Furcurequs »

That appears to be the first device mentioned in rocky's thread here (where there is a similar quote from a different source but the link to his source now seems to be dead): ... ac2ea4a66c

The same article you uploaded also seems to be in The Carolina Statesman dated February 5, 1880.

There is both an image and a text version at the following link: ... 0991/rec/8

Here is the unedited text (apparently with some errors due to the optical character recognition software):
almost perpetual motion a motor which the inventor declares when once started will run till it wears out all day yesterday the small rooms of al bert pietrowski at 20 spring street were crowded with visitors who had gone thither to see the new motor that was advertised in the sun on monday mr pietrowski is a pole he is an engineer by profession and has been in this country sixteen years lie has devoted his leisure hours to the elabo ration of his invention the model that he exhibited yesterday consists of a pair of hollow metal wheels four leet in dianiter which revolve on the same axis but in opposite direction the moving power is in nine metal balls placed within the wheels so as to bear the rim down at first and then gravitate toward the axis where a side groove runs the balls oil to a grooved radius of the wheel revolv ing in the opposite directions four balls merc placed in the grooved radii ofthe first wheel and four in the radii ofthe second and when momentum had been gained the ninth ball was added to give additional power to the axle of the wheels which is vo the axle of smaller grooved wheels that regulate the speed ofthe machinery the shafting is applied ive me a cast iron wheel sixty feet in diameter said mr pietrowski and i will show you a motor of oul.orse power that requires nothig to keep it in operation it will continue to run until the material wears out several of the engineers who witnessed the working ofthe pietrowski machine yes terday were sanguine in the opinion that fur all practical purposes leaving out the engine of the locomotive and the steamboat it will be found of great value
From googling it appears there are also old Oregon and New York newspapers with the same article or at least mention of Pietrowski. I don't know if there is any additional information, but apparently the story did get around. ... urier%2520
&ei=WVJ6UMmrMKfV0gHP5YDYBw&ved=0CBcQFjAB&usg=AFQjCNE3KiVIKcIJl8tdGX4Ks_fkm_MYFA ... Pietrowski
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