what a quote

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what a quote

Post by epistemologicide »

I don't believe we should base our ideas of reality on purely scientific grounds. Scientists are essentially physics journalists who "interview" the Universe with instruments like telescopes and particle colliders in order to bring us stories called "theories". As the theories change so do the questions, and the interview process repeats. The real value of science is that of data gathering along certain lines of inquiry. I urge you to read science articles with this viewpoint, so you can benefit from the data without being dragged down by the limitations of the current interpretation. The last 50 years of quantum mechanics has shown the old, thermodynamic view of reality (no free lunch, you can't break even, everything runs down) is a macroscopic illusion that doesn't apply at the bedrock of existence.-unknkown


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re: what a quote

Post by Oxygon »

"A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds."~ M. Twain.
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