Water Pumps

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Water Pumps

Post by Allen_T »

The link is to the pump in the picture. It's a manual type water pump.
Why am I mentioning this ? it's because I am stupid. And we all know that the water rises in the pipe, even if it's 325 ft. down because the handle is swinging down from it's fulcrum.
See ? I am so stupid that I am stating the obvious. And if a channel runs around the outside of the wheel like the channel E in Mt 26, how can water move upward in it ?
I guess when a lever swings down like a pendulum, it lifts a diaphragm.
And when the diaphragm rises, it draws water into that section of the channel. What helps this is the vacuum seal between each diaphragm so when a water is being siphoned into one section, the vacuum seal between that section and the one above it does not allow for air to be drawn into it.
And with Bessler's Mt 83, it is the same type of pump as a manual well pump and has stork's bills as well.
Chances are that his stork's bills were levers. This would allow them to be lighter and stronger than using boards.
And as I told the gal who has helped to inspire me, she is active duty in the U.S Navy as an officer and helps to return our causalities home.
I figure I owe her more than just a little and will be doing an A.C. Bessler build. I'd rather do something special for her but for now, it's a goal I can accomplish.

By the way, at the bottom of the 2 cylinders in Bessler's drawing is what would be considered a wet sump. Got have water to draw into the area of the diaphragm, right ? And that probably might explain why his wheel needed a push, to get water "circulating". You know, prime the pump if it drained down.
Anyone who has worked in an engine room would know this.

Bessler's water pump
Bessler's water pump
a manual well water pump
a manual well water pump
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Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:20 pm

re: Water Pumps

Post by Allen_T »

One thing that might have been over looked in using water and a diaphragm would be the seals that Bessler would have used. Chances are, they would have been made out of leather.
If so, once he pushed the wheel to get it rotating, water would pass through all chambers wetting the leather. When this happens, the leather would become somewhat airtight. And maybe with a little lard or other lubricant, the leather used in his wheel might stay supple and water tight.
After all, if something is air tight, then it is considered water tight as well.
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Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:20 pm

re: Water Pumps

Post by Allen_T »

Some interesting characteristics found in Mt 83.
When the bottom of the pendulum swings to the left, it raises the piston on the right cylinder.
This is because as the "stork's bill" or scissors are collapsed, the bottom of the scissors rises.
And on the left cylinder, when the "stork's bill" or scissor is lifted on top, it expands the scissors pushing the piston lower in the water filled cylinder.
And as the drawing shows, pulleys are used so that pistons are 180° in
opposition to each other. This would ensure a constant flow of water.
Mt 83.1.jpg
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