Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike Bessler's wheel ???
Moderator: scott
Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike Bess
I believe only Bessler's wheel search is a genuine search for the betterment of mankind.
Because nobody can use PM wheel to rule mankind.
Every MAN would be able to make his own PM and use it, once the technolgy is out there.
P.S: I have just this minute been watching CNN News.
This thread is my immediate reaction after watching the plight of refugees worldwide.
Forgive me if this thread is in the wrong place.
Because nobody can use PM wheel to rule mankind.
Every MAN would be able to make his own PM and use it, once the technolgy is out there.
P.S: I have just this minute been watching CNN News.
This thread is my immediate reaction after watching the plight of refugees worldwide.
Forgive me if this thread is in the wrong place.
Keep learning till the end.
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
Nope, I disagree.I believe only Bessler's wheel search is a genuine search for the betterment of mankind.
Some people do PM-research to get rich(selfish), lower electric bills(selfish), get acknowledged(selfish), have a nice hobby(for themselves)...
To get rich, one has to market it fast and/or get a patent (for themselves), before others(bigger companies, or powers-that-be) take over.
To lower electric bills, one actually shouldn't share because eventually taxes simply would be be raised on other stuff.
etc, etc...
Because nobody can use PM wheel to rule mankind.
There will always be a way to rule mankind! Mankind proves this again and again in innovative ways.
We should all be able to make fire, cheese, paper, chairs, etc... unfortunately, we would rather buy it in bulk: it's cheaper, easier and saver that way.Every MAN would be able to make his own PM and use it, once the technolgy is out there.
I do believe -without doubt- your research is genuinely driven by a positive view.I believe only Bessler's wheel search is a genuine search for the betterment of mankind.
It is not because of the exact thing you actually do, but just the motivation in the way you do it, as that's probably how your system is wired. I think you would even make cheese (for example) if that would help.
I personally believe education is the first and huge factor for the betterment.
There are numerous scientists in a lot of research-areas searching for ways to gain (self-)knowledge, trying to understand our place in the universe, and/or to make all our lives better. A slight problem, 'people in power' have a lot of the needed (research-)money.
I believe most (if not all) external conflicts (between people, no matter how large the group) are 'simply' hidden internal conflicts (inside ones head).
When people start to think for themselves,
and discuss things openly,
unafraid to ask questions,
without having to face or fear consequences of violence,
and unafraid to accept
the existence of possible contradictory and incompatible answers,
then mankind will grow.
Just my opinion
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
Dear Marchello,
Your reply is a great piece of well reflected missile as answer.
My post was a spur of the moment feeling let out!
Thanks friend.
Your reply is a great piece of well reflected missile as answer.
My post was a spur of the moment feeling let out!
Thanks friend.
Keep learning till the end.
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
What's perpetual motion without spurs of the moment(-um)? And what's mankind without feelings? Keep 'spurring'.
I think it's good to contemplate about this stuff, as there are no easy answers to world issues. Answers which depend on personal perspective and unforeseen consequences. But my own missile(not meant that way) backfires immediately when admitting the sad truth that I would rather focus on a working wheel than having refugees in my backyard...
I think it's good to contemplate about this stuff, as there are no easy answers to world issues. Answers which depend on personal perspective and unforeseen consequences. But my own missile(not meant that way) backfires immediately when admitting the sad truth that I would rather focus on a working wheel than having refugees in my backyard...
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
- primemignonite
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- Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 8:19 am
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
Is your living likeness to be found posted anywhere here, ME?
If so then where and if not then why not?
Are you Dutch or just an Anglo expat transplant?
(You seem to have an Italian-like name; the one you've
revealed so-far, at least.)
If so then where and if not then why not?
Are you Dutch or just an Anglo expat transplant?
(You seem to have an Italian-like name; the one you've
revealed so-far, at least.)
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
- primemignonite
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- Posts: 1000
- Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 8:19 am
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
"I have always great difficulties in translating and interpreting your posts, primemignonite... " - ME
Have you?
Why-so this?
You, yourself, I've always credited with being more than merely facile in it - English.
Why now this sudden mis-comprehension?
"Living likeness" means visage or, to reduce it to the lowest of simplism: 'photograph' or 'image' or 'snap'.
Now are you on-track with my simple inquiry?
As reduced for you to the ultimate of plain: Whereat might we VIEW what YOU look-like?
(I cannot read what you have written there in Dutch, or Flemish or whatever it might be actually and, as well, I've no need of any "proof of origin" of yours. I just guessed that you were a transplant from the U.S. as you have used some of our favorite slang expressions, here-and-there.)
Thank you.
Have you?
Why-so this?
You, yourself, I've always credited with being more than merely facile in it - English.
Why now this sudden mis-comprehension?
"Living likeness" means visage or, to reduce it to the lowest of simplism: 'photograph' or 'image' or 'snap'.
Now are you on-track with my simple inquiry?
As reduced for you to the ultimate of plain: Whereat might we VIEW what YOU look-like?
(I cannot read what you have written there in Dutch, or Flemish or whatever it might be actually and, as well, I've no need of any "proof of origin" of yours. I just guessed that you were a transplant from the U.S. as you have used some of our favorite slang expressions, here-and-there.)
Thank you.
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
Reading and writing English just takes a bit of effort in general (compared to Dutch). As you have the tendency to repeat and use some colorful wordings for (I guess) emphasize it often keeps me puzzled longer. That shouldn't be you problem as it is mine to handle(or not), but it doesn't come as easy as it probably seems and/or I would like. So (for example) your repetition in your first post here I took for emphasize on "living", instead of "likeness"...hence: "origin".
(This paragraph I finally removed because I babble along how I struggle along in conveying my intent, and how hard it is to do -poor me-: I'm actually just a tiny-bit jealous of Raj because I have the tendency to over-analyse instead of just "spur")
So that's a summary about what's going on behind the scenes...
All-in-all I take it as a positive byproduct of being on BesslerWheel: I can practice my English.
(American movies sure help a lot)
English: "I wouldn't know for what kind of purpose, doesn't serve anybody."
Fortunately, curiosity is one of the better traits of mankind...
Marchello E.
Not sudden.Why now this sudden mis-comprehension?
Reading and writing English just takes a bit of effort in general (compared to Dutch). As you have the tendency to repeat and use some colorful wordings for (I guess) emphasize it often keeps me puzzled longer. That shouldn't be you problem as it is mine to handle(or not), but it doesn't come as easy as it probably seems and/or I would like. So (for example) your repetition in your first post here I took for emphasize on "living", instead of "likeness"...hence: "origin".
(This paragraph I finally removed because I babble along how I struggle along in conveying my intent, and how hard it is to do -poor me-: I'm actually just a tiny-bit jealous of Raj because I have the tendency to over-analyse instead of just "spur")
So that's a summary about what's going on behind the scenes...
All-in-all I take it as a positive byproduct of being on BesslerWheel: I can practice my English.
Thanks, means I'm getting good at it :-DI just guessed that you were a transplant from the U.S. as you have used some of our favorite slang expressions, here-and-there
(American movies sure help a lot)
Dutch: "Ik zou niet weten waar dat voor nodig zou moeten zijn, daar heeft niemand wat aan".As reduced for you to the ultimate of plain: Whereat might we VIEW what YOU look-like?
English: "I wouldn't know for what kind of purpose, doesn't serve anybody."
Fortunately, curiosity is one of the better traits of mankind...
Marchello E.
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
I'm admitting to the sad truth that I am duty bound to focus on refugees fleeing from their own backyards rather than having any working wheel Marchello.
"Everything you know will always equal the sum of your ignorance"
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
Please don't get me wrong; This sad truth overwhelms my wish that they too could focus on some more pleasant stuff like low priority-hobbies instead of the need of fleeing from their homes.
I hope your help makes a positive difference.
I hope your help makes a positive difference.
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
- primemignonite
- Devotee
- Posts: 1000
- Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 8:19 am
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
* * * * *
"Dutch: "Ik zou niet weten waar dat voor nodig zou moeten zijn, daar heeft niemand wat aan".
English: "I wouldn't know for what kind of purpose, doesn't serve anybody."
Fortunately, curiosity is one of the better traits of mankind...
Marchello E."
* * * * *
"English: "I wouldn't know for what kind of purpose, doesn't serve anybody
Oh, on the contrary, it does.
Being a relative Newbie here (BUT with four bristling Greenies which makes you a beloved of . . . The Great) perhaps you missed it?
If you were to look in John Collins' thread in Community Buzz you would find there "A Rogues Gallery". Further, if you were to peruse it, within you would find my likeness THRICE times showing, along with most all others here (including a very, very rare 'almost' shot of the BWF site "policeman" Ovyyus) and even Scott himself our moderator, plus many surprises such as Graham (one of the very, very few peopling the Dextral side of my "creepy" list (this little gem of neo-needling compliments of the aforementioned Ovyyus of the Board Geheime Staats Polizei) entitled Naughty & Nice.
(Yes, they ARE the naughty and the nice to me.)
"Fortunately, curiosity is one of the better traits of mankind..."
You must understand now (or so I would hope) that my question really had nothing of the aspect of the merely curious to it; most all here have registered their living visages because it ''sort-of became 'the thing to do'? Comprende?
Yes, you ARE getting good at it - writing English. Actually, I mistook you for a native speaker of it, thus my question about repatriation, transplant etc.
Concerning your mention of my puzzling you somewhat with my writing, it is because I try to not conform to boring, common usage of it. Common 'square-toed' is just not fer me, ya see?
I like the alive that is expressive rather than the dead, which is of the too analytical and cold. This last is the common parlance around here which you yourself practice self-admittedly, no? Different strokes for different folks and all.
I am 100% now, a certified nonconformist, and am most proud of it. (One more level DOWN, and I shall be perfected!!! Then, the Hammer!)
Me and 'the Crowd' (particularly the artless, heartless ones infesting here) just don't get along. (Never did really, never will; the Mutual Loathing Society being just what it is and for that selfsame good reason)
Admittedly, I am a failure at lip gracing of ever-beckoning human posterior orifice, to say nothing of sucking at any for results expected or not. Just a defect of mine, ya see?
(Or, some more honest might say it a 'strength' - such sucking resistance which others do not possess and contrarily make AN ART, thus having skinned knees for all their loathsome, Greenie-climbing trouble. "What a world, what a world! [/i]" - Margaret Hamilton.)
I've no need any long to "belong" to it nor anything similar.
I am Singular Man and apart, and am as happy for it as a clam in juice for it. (Most would have been driven barking mad decades before, had they tried similarly.)
Why NOT post your likeness there along with those of all the rest of us, being now a brand new 'Big Man on campus'?
I am sure your fellow Big Men would LOVE to make your august Dutch acquaintance, image-wise???
Why NOT?
As always an' ferever - mega CHEERS to ya, matee!
"Dutch: "Ik zou niet weten waar dat voor nodig zou moeten zijn, daar heeft niemand wat aan".
English: "I wouldn't know for what kind of purpose, doesn't serve anybody."
Fortunately, curiosity is one of the better traits of mankind...
Marchello E."
* * * * *
"English: "I wouldn't know for what kind of purpose, doesn't serve anybody
Oh, on the contrary, it does.
Being a relative Newbie here (BUT with four bristling Greenies which makes you a beloved of . . . The Great) perhaps you missed it?
If you were to look in John Collins' thread in Community Buzz you would find there "A Rogues Gallery". Further, if you were to peruse it, within you would find my likeness THRICE times showing, along with most all others here (including a very, very rare 'almost' shot of the BWF site "policeman" Ovyyus) and even Scott himself our moderator, plus many surprises such as Graham (one of the very, very few peopling the Dextral side of my "creepy" list (this little gem of neo-needling compliments of the aforementioned Ovyyus of the Board Geheime Staats Polizei) entitled Naughty & Nice.
(Yes, they ARE the naughty and the nice to me.)
"Fortunately, curiosity is one of the better traits of mankind..."
You must understand now (or so I would hope) that my question really had nothing of the aspect of the merely curious to it; most all here have registered their living visages because it ''sort-of became 'the thing to do'? Comprende?
Yes, you ARE getting good at it - writing English. Actually, I mistook you for a native speaker of it, thus my question about repatriation, transplant etc.
Concerning your mention of my puzzling you somewhat with my writing, it is because I try to not conform to boring, common usage of it. Common 'square-toed' is just not fer me, ya see?
I like the alive that is expressive rather than the dead, which is of the too analytical and cold. This last is the common parlance around here which you yourself practice self-admittedly, no? Different strokes for different folks and all.
I am 100% now, a certified nonconformist, and am most proud of it. (One more level DOWN, and I shall be perfected!!! Then, the Hammer!)
Me and 'the Crowd' (particularly the artless, heartless ones infesting here) just don't get along. (Never did really, never will; the Mutual Loathing Society being just what it is and for that selfsame good reason)
Admittedly, I am a failure at lip gracing of ever-beckoning human posterior orifice, to say nothing of sucking at any for results expected or not. Just a defect of mine, ya see?
(Or, some more honest might say it a 'strength' - such sucking resistance which others do not possess and contrarily make AN ART, thus having skinned knees for all their loathsome, Greenie-climbing trouble. "What a world, what a world! [/i]" - Margaret Hamilton.)
I've no need any long to "belong" to it nor anything similar.
I am Singular Man and apart, and am as happy for it as a clam in juice for it. (Most would have been driven barking mad decades before, had they tried similarly.)
Why NOT post your likeness there along with those of all the rest of us, being now a brand new 'Big Man on campus'?
I am sure your fellow Big Men would LOVE to make your august Dutch acquaintance, image-wise???
Why NOT?
As always an' ferever - mega CHEERS to ya, matee!
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
Oh, you're right... But what does that mean, what shall I do, four you say?Being a relative Newbie here (BUT with four bristling Greenies which makes you a beloved of . . . The Great) perhaps you missed it?
I just checked the statistics-page. The percentages are calculated based on the total amount of registrants: about 1600, while only a third of them are summed up having a rating. When someone is reasonably active there's at least 1 greenie to get. So when we recalculate the percentages from single-greens up to the five-greeners (as being the ones wandering this place), I end up being in the top quarter, while those fivers are top 7% -thus I guess being a fourite is not the statistically implied top four percent. So I think the label 'great' is a bit of an overstatement. Probably people appreciate some of my input and 'green' me, but can 'red' me the same way when things start to turn; should I be bothered by that?
I'll try to powder it up for ya then - if ya really wanna - despite the effect of making me a bit unstable.Concerning your mention of my puzzling you somewhat with my writing, it is because I try to not conform to boring, common usage of it. Common 'square-toed' is just not fer me, ya see?
So here we go...
(Did I mention I'm just trying here?)
Harvesting greenies:
Should this be the sole priority in life, as life itself is obviously and without any doubt driven by the SURVIVAL of the GREENEST!
Do you really think that it's the only way of getting attention and little appreciation in this cruel lonely world while otherwise one is bound to be thrown away in the pit of oblivion where the ones who failed are silently forgotten.?
Does it help when I start to cry out loud and fall on my bare knees begging for mercy when a surely so-well-deserved greenie is brutally taken away from me?
Now hear me when I warn those who mindlessly do and effecting my not-to-be-taken-lightly revenge by red-dotting every greener on my way down, haha!. I will not even mention it will be undone when being banned myself. (oops, I'm slipping here - let's make it more personal).
And why should I by any means reply to a low-greener like you anyway as this whole post isn't beneficial for anyone but the ones who like to read this kind of nonsense?
You are desperately trying to cling-on to my well-earned shiny greenies, a surely blindly found but feeble short straw well beyond breakage point and only held together by mere hope and desperation.. (what am I saying? Am I comparing my own greenies to straw, or ... let's continue)
They are my greenies, and mine alone. Keep off. !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !
You watched your own decline as the dots rolled away downhill like marbels from a child now running mindlessly towards the clattering but quickly diminishing echo while images of remembrance start to emerge...eehhm, where was I...yes. and you're about to loose that one last precious dot,
but you shall not be banned yet ::
--- you will simply be colorless --- not even showing signs of red-dotted shame...
It is obvious we high-greeners flock together, conspire, exchange some ideas and perhaps even activate the private-message-system; that's our purpose and only purpose - it is what we do, and it is what we are.
So be prepared before a DOTTLESS existence emerge!
Does this kind of wordings and colors help? Get more greenies now?
Wow, congratuations! I hope you can handle the expectations and responsibilities. Are you specializes in some non-specific area? And is this status periodically tested and confirmed?I am 100% now, a certified nonconformist, and am most proud of it.
Yes, I know. I deserved those cheers :-)As always an' ferever - mega CHEERS to ya, matee!
I hope now you're not traumatized for life, and soon your single green gets a brand new buddy.
Greetings from Holland,
Marchello E.
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
- MrTim
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re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
Bravo, ME, bravo! 

"....the mechanism is so simple that even a wheel may be too small to contain it...."
"Sometimes the harder you look the better it hides." - Dilbert's garbageman
- primemignonite
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- Posts: 1000
- Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 8:19 am
re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unlike
Oh, Marchello, you've outdone yourself to say nothing of myself.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OK but . . . all that lavender verbiage just to obfuscate the issue of your not posting an image?
We demand to SEE the very appearance of such an oh-so-clever, so-hard working Dutch smart ass, as yours surely is. (Stress the obvious.)
Yes, let us all view such a capable self.
(What might you be hiding by not, Marcello? Inquiring minds need to know.)
It's a shame that such an ability as is yours with writing cannot be translated into actual, self-working wheelage?
Perhaps it is a worthy substitute for it?
(My guess is a likely 'yes' - that it will just have to do.)
Now, you take really, really, really good care now, over there in old Holland, woncha, woncha, woncha?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OK but . . . all that lavender verbiage just to obfuscate the issue of your not posting an image?
We demand to SEE the very appearance of such an oh-so-clever, so-hard working Dutch smart ass, as yours surely is. (Stress the obvious.)
Yes, let us all view such a capable self.
(What might you be hiding by not, Marcello? Inquiring minds need to know.)
It's a shame that such an ability as is yours with writing cannot be translated into actual, self-working wheelage?
Perhaps it is a worthy substitute for it?
(My guess is a likely 'yes' - that it will just have to do.)
Now, you take really, really, really good care now, over there in old Holland, woncha, woncha, woncha?
Last edited by primemignonite on Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
- primemignonite
- Devotee
- Posts: 1000
- Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 8:19 am
Re: re: Has SCIENCE been and still being used for power, unl
Oh, on the extreme contrary, Mr. Tim.MrTim wrote:Bravo, ME, bravo!
Bravissississimo for effort, would be more like it.
For any actual accomplishment? . . .
You see, it was all mostly to cover for the real issue which, by all the lavender frisson as he threw here-and-there most gaily (gayly), he did side-step? In case you did not notice? Is it to continue to work? Will he show, or . . . continue to hide tap-tap-tapping away in his little Dutch rat hole? (Ha! And soon it is to be filled wall-to-wall with Moslems!!! )
Obvious truths need not be proved. - Maxim of Law; original in Latin
Now . . . how close might be yourself to an actual turning wheel??? You never say. We desire to know. Why can we not? Why may we not?)
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann