"AmericaÂ’s War with Itself"

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"AmericaÂ’s War with Itself"

Post by Oxygon »

"AmericaÂ’s War with Itself"

...Pentagon revealed that it sees global warming as far more dangerous to US interests than terrorism...
...When anticipating possible terrorist attacks, the US administration, or so it claims, prepares for the worst. When anticipating the impacts of climate change, it prepares for the best...
...BushÂ’s government has created the monster it claimed to be slaying...
whatÂ’s bad for America is good for Exxon
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re: "AmericaÂ’s War with Itself"

Post by Jonathan »

“Both Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were groomed and armed by the United States.”
That was years ago, to fight the Soviets and Iranians respectively. ItÂ’s not like that was the day before the invasion, their best equipment is now twenty years old and rusty. Statistics indicate that the #1 killer of soldiers in Iraq are things like road-side bombs and random mortar fire, things which a child can make, and which we didnÂ’t give to them.

“Until the invasion of Iraq, there were no links between the Baathists and Al Qaeda...”
Except for the pictures we have of Al Qaeda members conversing with Baath Party members. But IÂ’m sure they were just planning a birthday party.

“The US is now the only member of the UN Security Council whose word is law, with the result that the UN is one of the world’s most effective instruments for the projection of American power.”
If we controlled the UN, then it would have said it was okay for us to invade Iraq.

“‘No one can say with any certainty,’ George Bush asserts, ‘what constitutes a dangerous level of warming, and therefore what level must be avoided.’(5) As we don’t know how bad it is going to be, he suggests, we shouldn’t take costly steps to prevent it. Now read that statement again and substitute ‘terrorism’ for ‘warming’.”
Let’s: ‘No one can say with any certainty, what constitutes a dangerous level of terrorism, and therefore what level must be avoided.’. Now that we have, we can see the ineptness of the analogy. There is a clear and obvious level of terrorism at which it is too dangerous, and that is >0. But it isn't clear how much warming is dangerous. Now it would seem that one should just assume the worst of the weather and act on that, but that would hurt the economy, and so you must find just the right amount of precaution so that you are good either way. What that amount is is anyone's guess, there isn't enough information to tell.
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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re: "America’s War with Itself"

Post by MrTim »

The Sun goes through periodic cycles of increased activity (ie it gets "hotter".) Atmospheric heating is what causes the Earth's weather. Increase the heat, and this makes the weather more active.
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