Projecting Concern

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Projecting Concern

Post by Oxygon »

As I have been reading the current/recent news in our world the thought of projection comes to mind, What I mean by that is... There are so many things we know are going to happen... Eventually.

the phrase "an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure" comes to mind with the recent earthquake and subsequent tidal wave...

Among other preventable/foreseeable events that could be pre-solved or at least anticipated for...

Hasn't our collective intelligents reached a point where we as a species can put forth our minds and work together to aid ourselves as a whole...

P.S. - Would F/E free up some effort for these concerns...?

P.S.2 - Is the Gov. disappointing or what?

bureaucracy ;P

I aint* saying I have all the answer either, but jeeezz...

With all the cabinet members jumping ship reminds me of the pyrotechnician t-shirt that says... "IF YOU SEE ME RUNNING TRY TO KEEP UP!"

(end mini-rant)
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re: Projecting Concern

Post by graham »

Oxy wrote
Hasn't our collective intelligents reached a point where we as a species can put forth our minds and work together to aid ourselves as a whole
I think that the human race has and always will be, be just that , "Human" that is.
Humanity has and always will be Human, with all its diverse imperfections and struggles.

Yet the individual man has an opportunity to rise above the masses and become a better soul than he might have been. Maybe making his little corner of the world and those that touch it a happier place for his being there.

Happy New Year

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