... perspective is everything."And finally, point 10: smile. You're one of the luckiest people in the world. You're living in America. Enjoy it. I feel obliged to give you this banal advice because, although I've lived through the Great Depression, World War II, terrible wars in Korea and Vietnam, and half a century of cold war, I have never seen a time when there were so many Americans so angry or so mean-spirited or so sour about the country as there are today.
"Anger has become the national habit. You see it on the sullen faces of fashion models scowling out of magazines. it pours out of the radio. Washington television hams snarl and shout at each other on television. Ordinary people abuse politicians and their wives with shockingly coarse insults. Rudeness has become an acceptable way of announcing you are sick and tired of it all and are not going to take it anymore. Vile speech is justified on the same ground and is inescapable.
"America is angry at Washington, angry at the press, angry at immigrants, angry at television, angry at traffic, angry at people who are well off and angry at people who are poor, angry at blacks and angry at whites. The old are angry at the young, the young angry at the old. Suburbs are angry at the cities, cities are angry at the suburbs. Rustic America is angry at both whenever urban and suburban invaders threaten the rustic sense of having escaped from God's angry land. A complete catalog of the varieties of bile poisoning the American soul would fill a library. The question is: why? Why has anger become the common response to the inevitable ups and down of nation life? The question is baffling not just because the American habit even in the worst of times has traditionally been mindless optimism, but also because there is so little for Americans to be angry about nowadays. We are the planet's undisputed super power. For the first time in 60 years we enjoy something very much like real peace. We are by all odds the wealthiest nation on earth, though admittedly our vast treasure is not evenly shared.
"Forgive me the geezer's sin of talking about "the bad old days," but the country is still full of people who remember when 35 dollars a week was considered a living wage for a whole family. People whine about being overtaxed, yet in the 1950s the top income-tax rate was 91 percent, universal military service was the law of the land, and racial segregation was legally enforced in large parts of the country.
"So what explains the fury and dyspepsia? I suspect it's the famous American ignorance of history. People who know nothing of even the most recent past are easily gulled by slick operators who prosper by exploiting the ignorant. Among these rascals are our politicians. Politicians flourish by sowing discontent. They triumph by churning discontent into anger. Press, television and radio also have a big financial stake in keeping the county boiling mad.
"Good news, as you know, does not sell papers or keep millions glued to radios and TV screens.
"So when you get out there in the world, ladies and gentlemen, you're going to find yourself surrounded by shouting, red-in-the-face, stomping-mad politicians, radio yakmeisters and, yes sad to say, newspaper columnists, telling you 'you never had it so bad' and otherwise trying to spoil your day.
"When they come at you with that , ladies and gentlemen, give them a wink and a smile and a good view of your departing back. And as you stroll away, bend down to smell a flower
Something I found...
Moderator: scott
Something I found...
http://www.humanity.org/voices/commence ... onnecticut
"A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds."~ M. Twain.
- Addict
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re: Something I found...
.....as a (10) "smile step" , or optimistic vision about our future , at :
Maybe , this movie can help you , when you open your eyes in the morning , to expect the best possible outcome for our forum.
Maybe , this movie can help you , when you open your eyes in the morning , to expect the best possible outcome for our forum.
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
- Dabbler
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re: Something I found...
I like the animation. I think he's got the right idea. Gravity will replace everything via electricity generation.
Interesting article on flywheels
One of the comments was relevant to the use of a home BesslerWheel (BW), viz:
"Flywheel technology seems like it would be a great way to enhance solar. Imagine a home with a big, buried flywheel out back with a solar panel hooked up to it. Then you don't run into down time issues on a cloudy day, or at night. Wind works, too. ..."
Gravity energy does not have the problem on the production side of being intermittent like wind or solar but a problem arises on the consumption side.
The power demand of a home is peaky and providing for that peak would require a larger BW than necessary if one has some form of storage energy such as a flywheel.
The great thing about flywheels and BWs is that both Newtonian Gravity and Ersatz Gravity work underground. They therefore make an ideal combination of generator and storage device.
One could get away with a much smaller BW if combined with a flywheel.
Presumably the domestic supply would be hitched up to the grid so that excess domestic energy production could be fed into the grid. This is done at present with solar energy. Grid connection will lead to an even smaller requirement for a Bessler wheel since any excessive domestic demand could be obtained from the grid.
Also, the fact that most of the electricity was being generated and consumed locally could well mean the end of central distribution and transmission towers becoming obsolete. One would have an Energy Internet.
One is reminded of an analogous situations where the spare power of peoples domestic computers was combined to give an effective distributed computer of enormous power sufficient to solve computational heavy problems.
It can be seen therefore that BWs do not have to generate large amounts of energy to completely revolutionise the world's energy systems.
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata?