Gravity Wheel

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Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

I would like to share this design to all. First, I make no claims to having a running wheel. If you ask me, I have no comment. I do not want to be known as having the first running gravity wheel. This just needs to be released to the public before I expire. Do with it as you wish. I'm a recluse and prefer to keep it that way. The design starts with a 36" wheel. Your common 8 segments are used at 45 degrees apart. Sliding weights are used on the lines of each segment which is a total of 8. The weights across the wheel axle from each other are attached with a stiff wire so that the pair will work together and from wheel shaft interference. They slide back and forth in pairs to cause unbalance. There is 4 pairs per each side of the wheel that are offset givng a total of 8 per wheel. This stops interference between the workings. 8 more heavy weight pendulums are mounted around the outside of the wheel at segment lines. 4 per side and are offset from each side. Each heavy weight pendulum is mounted 45 degrees above each sliding pair. It is adjusted to swing into a gentle contact with the sliding weight and push it to the center as the wheel turns at or before the 9:00 o'clock position in a cw rotation. A 90 degree meeting of weights. Of course the other center weight attached to its pair by wire will move to the outside 3:00 o'clock position causing unbalance. So there is a total of 16 weights. 8 heavy pendulum weights that push the 8 inner wheel lighter weights to their required position at right angles that causes continuous unbalance. It doesn't matter what the outside weights weigh as long as they all the same and are heavy enough to push the inner weight. I am showing a photo without the pendulum weights to help understand the design. I'm sure there will be confusion so I will try and answer any questions.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

Well it turns out my photo file is too large. I dont know how to reduce it on android.
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Post by TheVisitorV »

use an online service to upload and post the link
also you can find sites that resize your pics and give you links
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

See if this pic posts.
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Re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

Calloway wrote:I would like to share this design to all.

This just needs to be released to the public before I expire.

Do with it as you wish.

I'm a recluse and prefer to keep it that way.
First Welcome and you are not the only recluse.

It is good of you to go public here; so your work can be appreciated.

Your description and photo explain the basis of your design to a reasonable amount.

Lets see what the other members think.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

Silent, you are correct. It doesn't matter what the pendulums weigh as long as they can push the slider weights easily. It could be 6 oz. or a 100 lbs each. The wheel becomes unbalanced by the sliding pairs. The swing of the pendulums are the driver and they do it easily. The pendulum comes around with its swing and catches the slider weight and moves it roughly half way or more of the 300mm track and then begins to lift out as the wheel is turning. While doing this more unbalance is added in this process. By that time the slider weight pair has slid to its final position. Smooth as silk. The only noise is the slider pair hitting the end of its track at about 4:00 o'clock. Which can be quite noisy when turning. Some small bubble wrap at the end of tracks can dampen the noise.
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Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

Silent, If you look closely you will see 4- 3/8 longer bolts protruding from the wheel edge. This is where the pendulums hang from. They are above the sliding track weights. The weight you see is indeed a 6 oz weight that can be used to move the slider weight pairs. There are 4 per side. But can only be used at a right angle timing, which at the 9:00 o'clock position. This is the easiest position for the 6 oz weight to move the slider weight pair and still run. However, you can catch the weight at around the 8:00 o'clock but the pendulum weight needs to be increased because of the angle of contact. This increases the torque or unbalance of the wheel. To get the right angle easy timing you have to shorten the wire between the slider weights. You just have to experiment with the setup. If you shorten one, you must make the other slider pairs the same. Then adjust your pendulum length accordingly. There is angle aluminum pieces which mount to the slider blocks which catch the pendulum weight. (not shown) I call these gloves. I'm in the process now of redesigning the gloves so that they never miss the pendulum weight. If a glove misses the weight, the wheel stops. I also might add that this design is bi-directional.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

Here is a photo looking from the outer edge of the wheel.
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Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

Calloway wrote:First, I make no claims to having a running wheel. If you ask me, I have no comment. I'm a recluse and prefer to keep it that way.
Hi silent

I appreciate your wishing to know as much as possible. However keep in mind these points in the first post.

Best not to ask on the wheel status. Or the location of Calloway etc.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

Silent, There is soft contact between the pendulum weight and the sliding pair at the 9:00 o'clock position. The side swing of the pendulum is what makes contact with the sliding pair and is the force that moves the sliding pair. The side of the pendulum weight is what makes contact with the sliding weight pairs. There is no banging, hammering or nothing of the sort they dont fall on anything. They just swing as the wheel is turning. Imagine 8 pendulums swinging on the wheel as it turns in their mounted positions around the wheel. They follow a pattern as the wheel turns. The weights lag. When one of the pendulums reaches the 9:00 o'clock position and above, the track of the pendulum flys more or less to the right in a cw wheel rotation because of the wheel turning pattern.. The pendulum has made contact with the slider pair and it is moved to the right. It's soft contact as the two meet. You would just have to get some sort of wheel and hang pendulums
on it to understand the process. I use strings for the pendulums. Cheers
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

Quite simple really the pendulum make contact [ softly ] and puts pressure onto the slider weights this causes them too move into an unbalanced state.

with the pendulum now free the pendulum set are balanced in themselves.

The pendulum cause the sliders too move out of balance quicker then normal.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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