Excess What?

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Gill Simo
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Excess What?

Post by Gill Simo »

I've vented previously re Bessler's excess weight statement & I haven't seen reason for changing my opinion....

That being that he mentions excess weight in the context of some motion that is perpetuating, having met the conditions to do so. He is not referring in any way to a wheel/axle & the excess weight that we all know full well how to apply & the results obtained therein.

I've yet to see any member attempt to propose a motion displaying excess weight in some way novel & any attempt here would be much appreciated.

In the meantime, a question if I may.

I have seven weights in motion around/about a centre point. At all times six weights are equal distance from each other, spread evenly about the centre point....a seventh always sits at the centre point.

So basically....all seven are engaged in the motion around/about the centre point but one is always neglectable in terms of weight acting around/about the centre point.

If such a thing could be achieved, perfect balance at all times in terms of our understanding of excess weight/wheels/axles....then would that be a valid example of a novel excess weight?

As ever...I've no knowledge of all those forces & energies that so many of you apparently do...I'm just imagining a unit 6 in motion with the added `hidden clout` of a unit seven if you get my drift?

What would that throw up in relation to those things, like velocity/acceleration/inertia etc?

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Re: Excess What?

Post by agor95 »

Hi Gill

I was thinking on your tetrahedron as a proof for the alternative cause of gravity.
I know using acceleration up is ersatz gravity. But I hold back as presenting the cause needs skills I am developing and not reached.

Can we just imagine the Excess Weight is gravity + centrifugal force?

Now saying that I do not believe either of the above exist.

However they are real when you are swinging on a rope
and find yourself ripped off due to your excess weight!

[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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Re: Excess What?

Post by daxwc »

Simo: I've vented previously re Bessler's excess weight statement & I haven't seen reason for changing my opinion....

That being that he mentions excess weight in the context of some motion that is perpetuating, having met the conditions to do so. He is not referring in any way to a wheel/axle & the excess weight that we all know full well how to apply & the results obtained therein.

I've yet to see any member attempt to propose a motion displaying excess weight in some way novel & any attempt here would be much appreciated.
I think Gill there is a misconception there due to how AP was first translated. Yes in AP it does say “excess weight” but the proper translation in this context probably is overbalance. My opinion Bessler would have stayed middle of the road not wanting to let too much information out.
"Uberwucht" or "Übergewicht" in German can be translated as "preponderance," "overweight," "excess (of) weight," or "overbalance" in English, depending on the context in which it's used.
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Re: Excess What?

Post by johannesbender »

To add to that , from the translations of MT , he uses the terms heavier and lighter on one side or the other , when in fact it mostly looks like torque concepts and not amount of weights per side concepts , but if he still used the terms in the same context and whether MT is correctly translated (which i think it should more or less be) is debatable i guess.
Its all relative.
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Re: Excess What?

Post by thx4 »

Salut Gill. Un exemple.
Deux poids sont réunis par un fil de fer (zoomer pour le voir) ils basculent alternativement.
Au ralenti tout va bien, mais dès que tu accélères, plus rien ne va, la cinétique prends le dessus sur la gravité.
A la décélération tout rentre dans l'ordre mais on n'a mangé trop d'énergie par friction.


Hi Gill. Here's an example.
Two weights are joined by a wire (zoom in to see it) and they swing alternately.
At idle everything's fine, but as soon as you accelerate, nothing's right anymore: kinetics takes over from gravity.
When you decelerate, everything's back to normal, but you've eaten up too much energy through friction.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Gill Simo
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Re: Excess What?

Post by Gill Simo »

Thank you for the replies...appreciated.
Kinda sensing an attempt to drag me back to the excess weight we all know about tho'?

However it be translated into English, I remain convinced that the `whatever` Bessler is referring to appertains to a motion that's engaged in adhering to some Principle of PM....& not to a wheel about an axle. That Bessler's Wheel was exactly that & no more...a balanced wheel like any other. Not so though the movement/motion of weights hidden within.

What is it that makes this quest so apparently impossible to complete? It's exactly that is it not?..It's so apparently impossible.
In order to complete this particular quest, then the procedure for doing so is blindingly obvious...we must make the apparently impossible possible...there's NO alternative route to completion in this instance...the golden rule has to apply here, that being, as per anything that doesn't already exist, it first needs to be imagined.

It would seem that for most all here, the requirement for completion is to imagine something within what we already have imagined, something that's somehow been overlooked....a kinda `we know it but we just don't know how to know it yet`....?

This strikes me as a truly bonkers approach...if we're incapable of imagining the kind of imagining required here then Lord truly knows, we ain't ever going to imagine the solution.

We cannot possibly be seeking an oversight...`Tut, silly humans, not looking carefully enough...again'. It's a wheel on an axle, not advanced string theory!...what chance, over millennia, of trillions of humans passing through...& still yet we haven't come fully to grips with all the physics involved in a wheel?
That is indeed an impossible that we imagine possible...& we only imagine it possible because we imagine it impossible to imagine it any other way.

To truly make the impossible possible requires Enlightenment and Enlightenment comes from viewing the observed differently.

Viewing the already observed as just that, observed, will never lead to us viewing/observing PM.

All that crap off my chest, then Agor95....

You have again made reference to the tetrahedron. In my previous thread you mentioned a swing between two extremes. I have some observations that I'd like to offer/propose but I'll do so back at that previous thread....maybe very soon, maybe never.
Sorry...I just never know when `being able` will be enabled, if at all, at the mo :(
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Sam Peppiatt
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Re: Excess What?

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

So, all of your discussion and thread, "Excess Weight", had or has nothing to do with excess weight. Un believable--Sam
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