Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

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Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by Oystein »

Hello, It's been a long time. I would like to share som very cool findings in Bessler's work. I am torn between just showing some specific things, and the need for explaining the background story, why it would be what we are looking for, and other places where it's also found for confirmations etc.

So, can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Before we can find that out, we must know what it is, right?

Albert Pike wrote that masonry is founded on a geometric formula found in the original Euclid's Elements. It's a description of the 47th problem and contains application of the Pythagorean theorem.

But what does Masonry in general say about the secret? ... al-secret/

If the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry may be openly expressed in a few words, it will be these:

The entire course of nature is manifested in cycles. Some of these are scientifically real, others are but appearances based upon the presence and position of the observer upon the earth, away from which they have no true existence. For instance, there is no night except as we are temporarily on the shadow side of our globe during its diurnal rotation. There is this movement of the earth upon its axis ; there is the annual revolution that we term the year ; and there is the stupendous cycle called the precession of the equinoxes, which requires nearly 26,000 years for its accomplishment. There are the relative velocities and courses of the planets, the axial revolution of the *sun, their angles of inclination, the atomic weights of metals, the phenomena of light, color, crystallization, and gravitation. These (natural phenomenas) can be technically expressed in no other way than in terms of mathematics and geometry. When the results are expressed in their simplest forms, the latter prove to be the same rudimentary geometrical figures that supply the structure of crystals, and all blend together into the marvelous triangle that caused old Pythagoras to cry “Eureka!” when its beauties burst upon him. - The 3-4-5 Triangle

We can also read that it is so important that buildings are constructed according to it:

4-5-3 (Neglecting for the moment its association with the great problem of Euclid, of which it is the basis,) we find it to be the product of the diagonal division of an oblong of 3 x 4, the same that gives us the form of our lodge. The angle of this oblong is one of 37 degrees.

I note that the remaining angle therefor is 90 - 37 = 53 degrees!

There is much more to say about this, but the methods can be found several thousand years back in time as symbols.. ... ry/angles/
There is no doubt about the application we are about to suggest; for we find it on early Bactrian coins of about 120 B. C. in conjunction with the zodiacal figures of the spring equinox and summer solstice, the Lion and Bull, and the ancient Hindu symbol of good/light, Rch (X-P) (X-P - later adopted by the Christians).


A Freemason told me that they still learn about this theorem in Masonry today. And he said that it has been applied in publications in history by several intellectuals but where, and the real reason is an adept secret. Well so I started looking for this triangle in Bessler's work too. Was this the triangle of Saturn. Mars and Jupiter, that was ready to join any battle? Like the masonic physics.. could "everything" be traced down to this basic structure?

So I present the first discovery in the Merseburg drawing.. Now it is maybe possible to "understand" the earlier discussed rope's geometric placement.. (Then I later found out the meaning/purpose of it.. the geometric purpose...) More of this later..

Merseburg 3-4-5.jpg
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by Oystein »

Here's the lengths 5 versus 3 marked, and the angle of 53 degrees is noted.
Where the left square pendulum weight is, the rights angle of a Pythagorean right triangle would be.

From knowing 5 and 3 we can easily calculate the length of the last/third side.

Merseburg 3-5 53 degrees.jpg
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by Oystein »

Let's also look outside of Bessler's work. How could such a Masonic, Rosicrucian or even Templar artistic tradition be honored or applied today?

The Templars are said to have held an ancient secret, related to Pythagoras.. that the Rosicrusians also was said to hold, and both Templar and Rosicrucian degrees and traditions is said to be held by Masonry still..

Modern art still show the connection. Like several intellectual artists of the past did.. Esoteric versus exoteric.. Duality, Public/official and inner message.. There is a rumor about a universal geometric shape that represents "god" or "Ein Sof", a perfect Geometric formula that beautifully describes most relations in nature, and is in every thing, and everywhere in nature.. The Masonic "Letter G" is said to mean both God and Geometry.. (Grand Architect of the Universe) I think Bessler knew this secret and the truth behind "The Letter G". I suggest this geometric secret was added as instructions in MT. You would have to know and understand or discover this, to fully comprehend MT. So there was more to MT than non working machines. And it would have secondary value. Both as teaching material/tasks for students and for documenting "G", the masonic secret..

This modern artist certainly knew something about the 5 and 3, about Pythagoras and about Templar tradition, artistic tradition and Jesus (christian origin)/God"..

Knights Templar Jesus 5-3.jpg
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by daxwc »

I have stated my opinion on drawings before Oystein and I haven’t changed it. My humble opinion is I think you mix up too much the societies of Rosicrucian and Freemasonry. Yes they share a lot the same underlying concepts but Bessler clearly wasn’t a Mason. I still like a lot of your ideas.

There is a whole host of special triangles in the drawing presented, most come about I imagine to by-products of ratios used. What I think most likely underlays the drawing is this and it is stated in DT.
“…than those poor souls who persisted, for example, in the search for an exact squaring of the circle, an exact ratio for the diagonal of a square, or an additional member to add to the set of five known regular solids”
What the last one even remotely looks like I don’t know. But the others all have approximations in geometry that are so close they look plausible.

I do know that drawing is riddle with the golden ratio and Phi.

Here is a list of mathematical or geometric concepts revealed by members in Bessler’s works so far :
1) Golden gnomon
2) Golden triangle
3) Golden rectangle
4) Golden section
5) Golden angle
6) Pi
7) Phi
8) 3-4-5 Pythagorean triangle
9) Kepler triangle
10) Vesica piscis
11) Squaring of the circle
12) Square roots
13) Pentagon
14) Pentagram
15) Hexagon
16) Square

Where is the math hidden for Bessler’s wheel secret as Ecc1 asked before? My belief it is in the first and second figure in Kassel drawings. There is no good reason for it being anywhere before DT, as he thought the wheel was imminently going to be sold. Then there is MT something that wasn't to be made public till after the wheel was sold.
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by Oystein »

But when you say what you say, we couldn't find what is next. By dismissing, you can't get further that path.

If Bessler used Pythagorean geometry or not, or why, you can't find out by saying you believe there is no connection to it..

When I find it, I follow it, to see if it gives meaning.. dismissing would leave the path undiscovered. (But it would demand work though)

These are old methods of treating geometric and mathematical tasks that we today leave up to the computer to draw. At Bessler's time the Ruler, the Square and the compass was in everyday use.

I would suggest to wonder why a Saturn Mars and Jupiter or simply a 3-4-5 triangle of Pythagoras could be drawn by marking the rope. If you dismiss it.. you can't find out why, and that is a dilemma, and a catch 22.

As I also wrote, if you find it many other places, it would prove that he did it by will. Still, by dismissing your first find, you can't find the second.

If it was created by will, we should maybe find it apparent in MT 53 for example. (attached) or in MT 37

But why in the pendulum? Dismiss it, or, say hmmm.. I see it's there, lets investigate the reason why..

What we find, by accepting it's there, maybe by will... will make us able to find ways to create such a triangle by simply a square or a square and compass, and it will also lead us to another even more amazing discovery..

MT53-54 3-4-5 triangle full.jpg
MT53-54 3-4-5 triangle.jpg
Last edited by Oystein on Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by daxwc »

But when you say what you say, we couldn't find what is next. By dismissing, you can't get further that path
That is not what I meant. I don’t know what the sixth known regular solid even is speculated to be by geometry mathematicians.
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by Oystein »

By accepting the 3-4-5 triangle, and that it possibly was added by will, more appear.

If one line at right angle was added to complete the triangle, why would the same be done on the other side of the pendulum? There is a square weight on each side.. By doing the same, so, it becomes a square then..

Then there is lines in the picture, (the pendulum) that splits the square in four...

And if we split them once more.. a 4x4 square..

And what can we learn from a 3-4-5 triangle inside 4x4 square?

We can learn that 3-4-5 triangles appears between lines when doing halving and doubling of the the square (like on a "checkeboard").

But what then?

If a square is guided by the "square" weights.. What should touch the circular weight on the pendulum weight...

Merseburg 3-4-5 example 1.jpg
Merseburg 3-4-5 example 2.jpg
Merseburg 3-4-5 example 3.jpg
Merseburg 3-4-5 example 4.jpg
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by johannesbender »

Oystein wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:36 pm But when you say what you say, we couldn't find what is next. By dismissing, you can't get further that path.

If Bessler used Pythagorean geometry or not, or why, you can't find out by saying you believe there is no connection to it..

When I find it, I follow it, to see if it gives meaning.. dismissing would leave the path undiscovered. (But it would demand work though)

These are old methods of treating geometric and mathematical tasks that we today leave up to the computer to draw. At Bessler's time the Ruler, the Square and the compass was in everyday use.

I would suggest to wonder why a Saturn Mars and Jupiter or simply a 3-4-5 triangle of Pythagoras could be drawn by marking the rope. If you dismiss it.. you can't find out why, and that is a dilemma, and a catch 22.

As I also wrote, if you find it many other places, it would prove that he did it by will. Still, by dismissing your first find, you can't find the second.

If it was created by will, we should maybe find it apparent in MT 53 for example. (attached) or in MT 37

But why in the pendulum? Dismiss it, or, say hmmm.. I see it's there, lets investigate the reason why..

What we find, by accepting it's there, maybe by will... will make us able to find ways to create such a triangle by simply a square or a square and compass, and it will also lead us to another even more amazing discovery..

In my time too , they were the instruments I were taught to use and the methods I learned about , I think most of us learned them growing up.
The Rosicrucian movement, often called Rosicrucianism, first officially surfaced in 1614 Kassel, Germany, with the publication of Fama Fraternitatis

I would not deny that the Kassel area was a hotspot for Rosicrucianism , and I would not deny the possibility of these geometrical uses shown , but you must also ask who did the printing you see , was it really Bessler himself , and if its all fact , what does it have to do with the wheel , I guess I wont know but I still keep an open mind.
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by Oystein »

By accepting this as possible geometry added by will, I found that By "square weights guiding a square, the a circular weight (3D=sphere) would maybe guide a circle?

A circle and a square... If so, I was eager to see what proportions?

It seemed like the Square I found from accepting that the 3-4-5 was placed by will (and found by extending the hidden rope) led to a circle approx. the same circumference as the square.

NB! I later found that a method exist that make us able to make a circle the same circumference as a square by applying a square, a circle and and adding the Pythagorean triangle. The method is public, and mathematically proven to be very very close to Pi (but of course not 100%) It can be found on the internet and has existed for thousands of years..

In MT it is possible to follow these methods and the method for the ancient known squaring will appear!

It seems to me, this knowledge has a symbol. A square and a compass, the equipment you need to do this task.

What later found is that the formula also prove an astronomical relation. BUT, the only way to arrive at this knowledge is to accept(calculate) the SUN as the center of the solar system. Deadly knowledge! The catholic church and the Bible describe the Earth as the center! By using Pythagoras triangle and the knowledge of the SUN as the center and the eclipse (two disks overlapping), Bessler( I would guess) anyway his peers could calculate the sizes of the Earth, the moon and the sun, and the distances between them.

Related to the PM machine, It seems likely to me, that the Square and compass (circle and square - squaring the circle)(mechanically viewed as a basic scissor jack) was what Bessler wanted to lead to.

Anybody can of course think what they want of it, but this is anyway a few excerpts of my findings..

This also matches well what I found in the other pendulum.. The Cross Staff, and the eclipse/eye. One Pendulum resembles apparatus for measuring planetary angles, for calculating planetary distances etc. The other pendulum also show a formula that can be used to calculate The size of the Moon and the earth etc.

Finally I wondered, what mechanical function does The Cross Staff and a square and compass has in common?

When a Square and compass is viewed as a simple scissor jack both a scissor jack and a Cross Staff open/close, widen/narrow a gap/angle and ind return they move in/out..

Merseburg Squaring the circle circumfernce.jpg
Merseburg Squaring the circle circumfernce.jpg (17.07 KiB) Viewed 9290 times
Last edited by Oystein on Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by Oystein »

It seems Bessler may have showed the same relation 3-4-5 and Squaring the circle/Merseburg Pendulum) other places.

As here in MT 63 - 64 - 65

MT 63-4-5 - Squaring the circles circumference pendulum.jpg
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by WaltzCee »

Oystein wrote:underlays the drawing is this and it is stated in DT.
“…than those poor souls who persisted, for example, in the search for an exact squaring of the circle, an exact ratio for the diagonal of a square, or an additional member to add to the set of five known regular solids”
Oct 21, 2023 12:15 pm ... 47#p202847
waltzcee wrote:Thank you John.

I think Bessler squared the circle.
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by Oystein »

waltzcee wrote:
Thank you John.

I think Bessler squared the circle
Correction: Approximately! (IMO)

And not his own invention/method.. but a well kept tradition .(IMO).

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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by daxwc »

Oystein: And not his own invention/method.. but a well kept tradition .(IMO).
I totally agree. He never invented it was taught to him as sacred geometry, that had generations of applied secret knowledge.

Although I no longer think it was constructed like this. There is an easier and more tradition route. ... a34#p68861
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by johannesbender »

Imo , if any or all of geometry found by multiple people were used by him , then it was ether because he was obsessed with certain geometry , or as others think it was to allude at something , i dont know but i have not seen anything special or secret from it yet concerning his wheels .
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Re: Can the ultimate and all-sustaining secret of Freemasonry be found in Bessler's work?

Post by daxwc »

You are right JB although there is geometry and sacred geometry underlain under his drawings there is no evidence that links it to the secret principle of his wheels.

In fact I don’t think Fig 1 and Fig 2 will be combined for a proof till after the wheel is rediscovered. Just my opinion unless a mathematician who really know geometric algebra happens to stubble by.
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