Questions: Is energy conserved (during rotations of Bessler wheels) and why no replicated Bessler wheel after 300 years?
I got a 19 Feb 2024 comment (below) from Bill White, whereupon, I sent him an email response (below) on 20 Feb 2024. I should have in my response to him emphasized a little more the significance of the 1968 McKinley low-friction demonstration, which acted better than a Bessler wheel, since it started on its own after the ultra-low friction bearing was formed, associated with a very tiny initial angular speed. Such a device would not be practical for producing power because of the energy/power costs in keeping the lead cold.
Ultra-low-friction Bearing Demonstration in 1968. I think that, as observed in 1968, a horizontal magnet-covered wheel-axle, levitated by a lead cradle cooled by liquid helium, will rotate increasingly faster under conditions of ultra-low friction, especially after being given a slight initial angular speed. Lead or Pb at liquid helium temperatures (near 4.22 degrees K) becomes a superconductor (given Pb having 7.23 degrees K calorimetric and 7.19 degrees K magnetic), which excludes all magnetic fields by the Meissner-Ochsenfeld (1933) effect and thus can create an extremely-low-rotational-friction magnetically-levitated-horizontal-axle. As far as I know, such an ultra-low rotational-friction demonstration has not been tried since 1968, where it was done in Albuquerque, New Mexico at McKinley Junior High School. As a student at the school, I saw the demonstration in person. For observations and related comments by me and others, see my 2019 book GWU pp. 139-147, including not-to-scale possible-interior views depicted in Figs. 37 and 38. One may go to my URL of for a free PDF of my book, Gravity-Wheel Unveiled (GWU) to see those figures. I did not see the internal configuration, since I only saw the externals from the south side of the wheel (located on the south side of the apparent bearing). I heard as apparently a large Dewar was lugged in from the west (where normal refrigeration was available) and I saw a tall narrow cloud rising vertically beyond the north side of the one wheel, apparently when the cold liquid was poured in. During the 1968 demonstration, there was an initial damped wobbling of the approximately six-foot-diameter wheel, when the magnetic bearing was formed. The axis (or center of the wheel) may have been about four feet off the floor. The wheel was apparently made of black plastic, with colors between radial ridges on its visible south side. The horizontal axis/axle direction was along a true north-south line but the acquired angular velocity/momentum about the wheel's center happened to be off from fully opposite the earth's angular velocity/momentum about the earth's center, by 35 degrees. That offset in degrees is because the location in Albuquerque had its north latitude of about 35 degrees. From the initial wobble, the angular speed of the wheel increased until it reached a constant angular speed of approximately 20-50 revolutions/minute turning counterclockwise by my observations. I did not take any direct angular speed measurements beyond what I remembered. There was not a single line radiating from the center, standing out from all other lines, to make measuring of the final angular speed especially simple. There was mainly just a blur of colors. I could have selected a spot on the wheel to count revolutions over a particular amount of time but it didn't occur to me to do so then. People could watch the wheel turning for as long as they wanted to see it steadily turning. By my seeing long hair being blown away on the east side, that was evidence of air being thrown outward from the continuously-turning horizontal-axis precautionary-low-friction-wheel. An exterior low friction wheel (with external radial ridges to throw air outward for safety) as suggested in Fig. 37 would not need to be attached, which would provide an ultra-low friction axle. If the axle ever started/began to rotate somewhat dangerously or too rapidly, then friction must be manually applied by any experimenters to the protruding axle well prior to the situation becoming dangerous. This ultra-low-friction bearing/axle is a different type of physical regime so one should not assume one knows the result of such an experiment based upon much prior experience with some rotational friction or nearly-ubiquitous normal-surrounding-rotational-friction here on the earth.
I should have also in my response to Bill White emphasized a little more the production of extremely energetic photons at the furthest edges of the solar atmosphere where (because of the ultra-low-friction for rotating due to non-interference from other nuclei there) nuclei can rotate increasingly more rapidly about horizontal axes because of the Bessler principle until an attracted electron comes along and is struck by a very rapidly rotating nucleus, thus producing a mysterious very large energy photon.
The following was the 19 Feb 2024 comment and my 20 Feb 2024 response to him. AEP - 21 Feb 2024
Hi Mr. Park,
I am a Bessler "enthusiast" and enjoy reviewing the history of Bessler's claims and the accounts of witnesses to his demonstrations.
I have "reviewed" your "
BESSLER’S LITTLE BOOK DECODED" pdf and will admit that much of it is over my head. Because of your educational achievements, I am hoping that you can answer 2 questions I have.
1) do you think the "1st Law of Thermodynamics - Energy cannot be created or destroyed" is incorrect, or did Bessler find a way that operated "within its constraints ", and
2) after 300 years how can it be that no one has duplicated the performance of his wheels?
Bill White
Bill White,
(1) The First Law of Thermodynamics is very much incorrect. With all the forces composed of discrete impulses from discrete electric fields, energy is almost never actually conserved. There are no potential energy fields, only the occurrence of other discrete electric fields, which may produce or remove kinetic energy. As a stone heads upwards in elevation, total energy is destroyed. As a stone falls down in elevation, energy is produced. The graviton is composed of two discrete electric fields coming from opposite most fundamental/finest charges (spirit matter). Because the higher elevation absorption (of the two discrete electric fields) generally occurs after the earlier absorption, this creates a Bessler principle or all wheels rotating about horizontal axes acquire extra rotational kinetic energy from the two pulls down of each graviton. Energy is then produced. Normally the extra energy is absorbed/hidden by friction but there is an increase in the total energy. Bessler reduced friction in his wheels by his invention of very-low-friction mechanical roller bearings to such a low level of friction such that not all the energy produced was lost to friction, so that his wheels increased in rotational kinetic energy until there was a balance between the energy produced and the total energy converted by friction to less useful forms. As his wheels rotated faster there was an increase in air friction.
(2) We have no miracle roller bearings today with such low friction as the special ones Bessler built. At least by 2019, I explained how they can be constructed but it is difficult and dangerous work to produce them. One must watch out for mercury poisoning so as not to fall victim to it as apparently Bessler did. I know of no one who has followed some approximation of my instructions in producing the Orffyrean roller bearings. When those miraculous roller bearings are produced, then I think that we will have miraculous modern-day Bessler wheels. Bessler got help from God in producing his bearings. I got help from God in understanding the situation.
Gravity-powered Perpetual Motion Device. Until then we can consider the following power producing example. As an example of rotors, which can spin on their own while producing power, the Muammer Yildiz magnetic-motors used special low-friction magnetic-bearings, after manual cranking and starting, to turn a fan to blow air "perpetually" or as long as desired. See “Motor powered with neodymium rare earth magnets” (20 Apr 2010, 7 Aug 2012) for a demonstration of the motor rotating about a horizontal axis or see the URL, “Free Energy Generator, Working Patent! Muammer Yildiz Magnet Motor, Detail design!!!” (4 Jun 2017) for more details. The magnetic bearings in the Yildiz-magnetic-motors use permanent magnets, without the rotor being spun too rapidly and with the Yildiz magnetic motors always using rotations about horizontal axes.
Manifestations of Bessler Principle. There are numerous other manifestations/applications/uses/evidences associated with the Bessler principle related to rotating-matter phenomena including: temperatures on the sun greatly increasing with elevation to 10,000,000 K at the furthest edges of the solar atmosphere as rotational friction greatly decreases (despite greater exposure to the ultra-cold 3 K background temperature of space), the 1968 McKinley low friction demonstration (which modern-day Bessler-like-wheel I am a witness of and which I explained how such an experiment can be replicated), airglow/nightglow, Jupiter and Saturn excess radiation, formation of snowflakes, satellites increasingly tumbling in space if precautions against such are not taken, Ranque-Hilsch-vortex-tubes' temperature differences being greater for horizontal attitudes than for vertical attitudes, Ranque-Hilsch-vortex-tubes' temperature differences for horizontal attitudes increasing with greater tube length, railroad energy efficiency ... fficiency/ “In 2021, CSX moved a ton of freight 533 miles on a single gallon of fuel on average.”, car efficiency given that mpg does not fall off as 1/({speed}^2) as expected according to greater air friction, Earth and Venus each not frozen though their average temperatures over all their surrounding directions are each 3 K which included their small sun-size spots of 5000 K, Neptune and Uranus not frozen, thermals rising in clouds, Saturn's warm south and north poles each at calm eyes of storms (with little vertical plane shearing, not creating rotations about vertical axes), excess meteor energy as for example see or ... ained.html or ... roids.html, initiation of "cold" fusion of compressed-pairs of rotating deuterium nuclei in the presence of horizontal magnetic fields (with charge shielding created by inward-thrown electron-clouds as charged mesons transfer during rotations), cold fusion having extra heat energy produced beyond D + D -> He^4 + 23.85 MeV heat as if some produced He^4 atoms were somehow missing as for example see "Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems Melvin Miles The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium" Aug 2015, Papp engines producing light using high-frequency sparks to rapidly rotate protons with rotational moderation by noble gas nuclei, operation of GEET reactors, Bessler's many perpetually-rotating wheels rotating about horizontal axes explained by an unusual surface-steel-growth method of constructing very-low-friction mechanical-roller-bearings according to his 1717 published unusual unlubricated-bearing specifications showing each tiny steel lobe being in rolling contact for 25 degrees with its tiny steel lobe-hole, Leedskalnin's Sweet Sixteen family of cylinders construction & operation according to his 1936 published instructions using ultra-low-friction magnetically-repulsive sprocket-wheel-connections between rotationally-new-cylinders rotating about horizontal axes, nuclei in horizontal magnetic fields producing counter magnetic fields causing leakage currents in magnetic bottles, internal power sources for ball lightning ("no theory can account simultaneously for the degree of mobility, constancy of light output, and for the fact that the ball does not rise." wrote Martin Uman in his All about Lightning or p. 127 of Out of the Blue 2008 by John S. Friedman), x-rays observed during lightning "It's right before the visible stroke occurs" says Joseph Dwyer (p. 119 of Out of the Blue) likely because rapidly-rotating-nuclei often cause in-most electrons to be energetically ejected (with the great current in the visible stroke ending rotational buildup in nuclei), sonoluminescence, turbulence about horizontal axes, and dark sunspots with strong vertical magnetic fields (prohibiting rotations of nuclei about horizontal axes) always having cooler slightly-deeper matter than the sun's 5000 K photosphere. As implied, the Bessler principle associated with a slight cumulative effect for matter rotating about horizontal axes provides explanations to many physical anomalies/enigmas which would otherwise be difficult to explain.
With so much information in favor of the Bessler principle, this provides very strong evidence that the forces really are discrete, which was my starting point in trying to answer your first question.
See my free pdf book, Gravity-Wheel Unveiled, available at for many more details.
I hope that these things help you understand better what is going on with the Bessler wheel situations.
Alden Park - 20 Feb 2024
Energy not conserved and no Bessler wheel after 300 years.
Moderator: scott
Energy not conserved and no Bessler wheel after 300 years.
Alden E. Park, for free .pdf books: Gravity-Wheel Unveiled (GWU), Bessler's Little Book Decoded (BLBD), and A Book in Every Home Decoded (BEHD). Also see
Re: Energy not conserved and no Bessler wheel after 300 years.
Hi Alden .. it's been a very long time ..
Just a few questions for you - wrt "1968 McKinley low-friction demonstration" which you observed ..
I think you stated above that you thought the wheel was of some sort of black plastic - and was approximately 6 feet diameter - and once the ultra-efficient bearing was formed in-situ it reached between 20 to 50 rpm for extended runs .. you also said iinm there basically were little distinguishing marks to aid counting of revolutions but it could be done .. and it self started from a stopped position iirc ..
How many revolutions did it take to increase its angular velocity and angular momentum to reach the stated minimum 20 to 50 rpm ? .. or secondly how long do you remember it taking to reach a minimum of say 20 rpm ?
These are important questions when comparing any wheel to Bessler's wheels performances - as his 9 foot diameter Draschwitz one-way wheel was tied down and upon release immediately gathered pace and reached 50 rpm in a matter of a few turns - his 12 foot diameter Merseburg bi-directional wheel started from a small push start and reached 40 rpm in 1 and a 1/2 turns ..
Did the 6 foot diameter McKinley experimental wheel take 1 or 2 turns to reach its sustainable unloaded rpm like B's. ?
Was there any means above minimal frictional losses for the McKinley wheel to do any work demonstrations and maintain its rpm like B's. ?
Especially since you say the McKinley wheel rotated in one direction, but did start by itself - I can't imagine it having a similar instantaneous torque and acceleration profile as B's. appeared to have from witness statements ?!
cheers -f
Just a few questions for you - wrt "1968 McKinley low-friction demonstration" which you observed ..
I think you stated above that you thought the wheel was of some sort of black plastic - and was approximately 6 feet diameter - and once the ultra-efficient bearing was formed in-situ it reached between 20 to 50 rpm for extended runs .. you also said iinm there basically were little distinguishing marks to aid counting of revolutions but it could be done .. and it self started from a stopped position iirc ..
How many revolutions did it take to increase its angular velocity and angular momentum to reach the stated minimum 20 to 50 rpm ? .. or secondly how long do you remember it taking to reach a minimum of say 20 rpm ?
These are important questions when comparing any wheel to Bessler's wheels performances - as his 9 foot diameter Draschwitz one-way wheel was tied down and upon release immediately gathered pace and reached 50 rpm in a matter of a few turns - his 12 foot diameter Merseburg bi-directional wheel started from a small push start and reached 40 rpm in 1 and a 1/2 turns ..
Did the 6 foot diameter McKinley experimental wheel take 1 or 2 turns to reach its sustainable unloaded rpm like B's. ?
Was there any means above minimal frictional losses for the McKinley wheel to do any work demonstrations and maintain its rpm like B's. ?
Especially since you say the McKinley wheel rotated in one direction, but did start by itself - I can't imagine it having a similar instantaneous torque and acceleration profile as B's. appeared to have from witness statements ?!
cheers -f
Re: Energy not conserved and no Bessler wheel after 300 years.
AldenPark wrote:
Questions: Is energy conserved (during rotations of Bessler wheels) and why no replicated Bessler wheel after 300 years?
I got a 19 Feb 2024 comment (below) from Bill White, whereupon, I sent him an email response (below) on 20 Feb 2024. I should have in my response to him emphasized a little more the significance of the 1968 McKinley low-friction demonstration, which acted better than a Bessler wheel, since it started on its own after the ultra-low friction bearing was formed, associated with a very tiny initial angular speed. Such a device would not be practical for producing power because of the energy/power costs in keeping the lead cold.
Ultra-low-friction Bearing Demonstration in 1968. I think that, as observed in 1968, a horizontal magnet-covered wheel-axle, levitated by a lead cradle cooled by liquid helium, will rotate increasingly faster under conditions of ultra-low friction, especially after being given a slight initial angular speed. Lead or Pb at liquid helium temperatures (near 4.22 degrees K) becomes a superconductor (given Pb having 7.23 degrees K calorimetric and 7.19 degrees K magnetic), which excludes all magnetic fields by the Meissner-Ochsenfeld (1933) effect and thus can create an extremely-low-rotational-friction magnetically-levitated-horizontal-axle. As far as I know, such an ultra-low rotational-friction demonstration has not been tried since 1968, where it was done in Albuquerque, New Mexico at McKinley Junior High School. As a student at the school, I saw the demonstration in person. For observations and related comments by me and others, see my 2019 book GWU pp. 139-147, including not-to-scale possible-interior views depicted in Figs. 37 and 38. One may go to my URL of for a free PDF of my book, Gravity-Wheel Unveiled (GWU) to see those figures. I did not see the internal configuration, since I only saw the externals from the south side of the wheel (located on the south side of the apparent bearing). I heard as apparently a large Dewar was lugged in from the west (where normal refrigeration was available) and I saw a tall narrow cloud rising vertically beyond the north side of the one wheel, apparently when the cold liquid was poured in.
During the 1968 demonstration, there was an initial damped wobbling of the approximately six-foot-diameter wheel, when the magnetic bearing was formed. The axis (or center of the wheel) may have been about four feet off the floor. The wheel was apparently made of black plastic, with colors between radial ridges on its visible south side. The horizontal axis/axle direction was along a true north-south line but the acquired angular velocity/momentum about the wheel's center happened to be off from fully opposite the earth's angular velocity/momentum about the earth's center, by 35 degrees. That offset in degrees is because the location in Albuquerque had its north latitude of about 35 degrees.
From the initial wobble, the angular speed of the wheel increased until it reached a constant angular speed of approximately 20-50 revolutions/minute turning counterclockwise by my observations. I did not take any direct angular speed measurements beyond what I remembered. There was not a single line radiating from the center, standing out from all other lines, to make measuring of the final angular speed especially simple. There was mainly just a blur of colors. I could have selected a spot on the wheel to count revolutions over a particular amount of time but it didn't occur to me to do so then. People could watch the wheel turning for as long as they wanted to see it steadily turning. By my seeing long hair being blown away on the east side, that was evidence of air being thrown outward from the continuously-turning horizontal-axis precautionary-low-friction-wheel. An exterior low friction wheel (with external radial ridges to throw air outward for safety) as suggested in Fig. 37 would not need to be attached, which would provide an ultra-low friction axle. If the axle ever started/began to rotate somewhat dangerously or too rapidly, then friction must be manually applied by any experimenters to the protruding axle well prior to the situation becoming dangerous. This ultra-low-friction bearing/axle is a different type of physical regime so one should not assume one knows the result of such an experiment based upon much prior experience with some rotational friction or nearly-ubiquitous normal-surrounding-rotational-friction here on the earth.
I should have also in my response to Bill White emphasized a little more the production of extremely energetic photons at the furthest edges of the solar atmosphere where (because of the ultra-low-friction for rotating due to non-interference from other nuclei there) nuclei can rotate increasingly more rapidly about horizontal axes because of the Bessler principle until an attracted electron comes along and is struck by a very rapidly rotating nucleus, thus producing a mysterious very large energy photon.
The following was the 19 Feb 2024 comment and my 20 Feb 2024 response to him. AEP - 21 Feb 2024
Hi Mr. Park,
I am a Bessler "enthusiast" and enjoy reviewing the history of Bessler's claims and the accounts of witnesses to his demonstrations.
I have "reviewed" your " BESSLER’S LITTLE BOOK DECODED" pdf and will admit that much of it is over my head. Because of your educational achievements, I am hoping that you can answer 2 questions I have.
1) do you think the "1st Law of Thermodynamics - Energy cannot be created or destroyed" is incorrect, or did Bessler find a way that operated "within its constraints ", and
2) after 300 years how can it be that no one has duplicated the performance of his wheels?
Bill White
Bill White,
(1) The First Law of Thermodynamics is very much incorrect. With all the forces composed of discrete impulses from discrete electric fields, energy is almost never actually conserved. There are no potential energy fields, only the occurrence of other discrete electric fields, which may produce or remove kinetic energy. As a stone heads upwards in elevation, total energy is destroyed. As a stone falls down in elevation, energy is produced. The graviton is composed of two discrete electric fields coming from opposite most fundamental/finest charges (spirit matter). Because the higher elevation absorption (of the two discrete electric fields) generally occurs after the earlier absorption, this creates a Bessler principle or all wheels rotating about horizontal axes acquire extra rotational kinetic energy from the two pulls down of each graviton. Energy is then produced. Normally the extra energy is absorbed/hidden by friction but there is an increase in the total energy. Bessler reduced friction in his wheels by his invention of very-low-friction mechanical roller bearings to such a low level of friction such that not all the energy produced was lost to friction, so that his wheels increased in rotational kinetic energy until there was a balance between the energy produced and the total energy converted by friction to less useful forms. As his wheels rotated faster there was an increase in air friction.
(2) We have no miracle roller bearings today with such low friction as the special ones Bessler built. At least by 2019, I explained how they can be constructed but it is difficult and dangerous work to produce them. One must watch out for mercury poisoning so as not to fall victim to it as apparently Bessler did. I know of no one who has followed some approximation of my instructions in producing the Orffyrean roller bearings. When those miraculous roller bearings are produced, then I think that we will have miraculous modern-day Bessler wheels. Bessler got help from God in producing his bearings. I got help from God in understanding the situation.
Gravity-powered Perpetual Motion Device. Until then we can consider the following power producing example. As an example of rotors, which can spin on their own while producing power, the Muammer Yildiz magnetic-motors used special low-friction magnetic-bearings, after manual cranking and starting, to turn a fan to blow air "perpetually" or as long as desired. See “Motor powered with neodymium rare earth magnets” (20 Apr 2010, 7 Aug 2012) for a demonstration of the motor rotating about a horizontal axis or see the URL, “Free Energy Generator, Working Patent! Muammer Yildiz Magnet Motor, Detail design!!!” (4 Jun 2017) for more details. The magnetic bearings in the Yildiz-magnetic-motors use permanent magnets, without the rotor being spun too rapidly and with the Yildiz magnetic motors always using rotations about horizontal axes.
Manifestations of Bessler Principle. There are numerous other manifestations/applications/uses/evidences associated with the Bessler principle related to rotating-matter phenomena including: temperatures on the sun greatly increasing with elevation to 10,000,000 K at the furthest edges of the solar atmosphere as rotational friction greatly decreases (despite greater exposure to the ultra-cold 3 K background temperature of space), the 1968 McKinley low friction demonstration (which modern-day Bessler-like-wheel I am a witness of and which I explained how such an experiment can be replicated), airglow/nightglow, Jupiter and Saturn excess radiation, formation of snowflakes, satellites increasingly tumbling in space if precautions against such are not taken, Ranque-Hilsch-vortex-tubes' temperature differences being greater for horizontal attitudes than for vertical attitudes, Ranque-Hilsch-vortex-tubes' temperature differences for horizontal attitudes increasing with greater tube length, railroad energy efficiency ... fficiency/ “In 2021, CSX moved a ton of freight 533 miles on a single gallon of fuel on average.”, car efficiency given that mpg does not fall off as 1/({speed}^2) as expected according to greater air friction, Earth and Venus each not frozen though their average temperatures over all their surrounding directions are each 3 K which included their small sun-size spots of 5000 K, Neptune and Uranus not frozen, thermals rising in clouds, Saturn's warm south and north poles each at calm eyes of storms (with little vertical plane shearing, not creating rotations about vertical axes), excess meteor energy as for example see or ... ained.html or ... roids.html, initiation of "cold" fusion of compressed-pairs of rotating deuterium nuclei in the presence of horizontal magnetic fields (with charge shielding created by inward-thrown electron-clouds as charged mesons transfer during rotations), cold fusion having extra heat energy produced beyond D + D -> He^4 + 23.85 MeV heat as if some produced He^4 atoms were somehow missing as for example see "Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems Melvin Miles The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium" Aug 2015, Papp engines producing light using high-frequency sparks to rapidly rotate protons with rotational moderation by noble gas nuclei, operation of GEET reactors, Bessler's many perpetually-rotating wheels rotating about horizontal axes explained by an unusual surface-steel-growth method of constructing very-low-friction mechanical-roller-bearings according to his 1717 published unusual unlubricated-bearing specifications showing each tiny steel lobe being in rolling contact for 25 degrees with its tiny steel lobe-hole, Leedskalnin's Sweet Sixteen family of cylinders construction & operation according to his 1936 published instructions using ultra-low-friction magnetically-repulsive sprocket-wheel-connections between rotationally-new-cylinders rotating about horizontal axes, nuclei in horizontal magnetic fields producing counter magnetic fields causing leakage currents in magnetic bottles, internal power sources for ball lightning ("no theory can account simultaneously for the degree of mobility, constancy of light output, and for the fact that the ball does not rise." wrote Martin Uman in his All about Lightning or p. 127 of Out of the Blue 2008 by John S. Friedman), x-rays observed during lightning "It's right before the visible stroke occurs" says Joseph Dwyer (p. 119 of Out of the Blue) likely because rapidly-rotating-nuclei often cause in-most electrons to be energetically ejected (with the great current in the visible stroke ending rotational buildup in nuclei), sonoluminescence, turbulence about horizontal axes, and dark sunspots with strong vertical magnetic fields (prohibiting rotations of nuclei about horizontal axes) always having cooler slightly-deeper matter than the sun's 5000 K photosphere. As implied, the Bessler principle associated with a slight cumulative effect for matter rotating about horizontal axes provides explanations to many physical anomalies/enigmas which would otherwise be difficult to explain.
With so much information in favor of the Bessler principle, this provides very strong evidence that the forces really are discrete, which was my starting point in trying to answer your first question.
See my free pdf book, Gravity-Wheel Unveiled, available at for many more details.
I hope that these things help you understand better what is going on with the Bessler wheel situations.
Alden Park - 20 Feb 2024