Bessler's secret (probably)

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Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by broli »

So you wanted to know Bessler's secret? Something so disappointedly simple a clock maker would become paranoid about anyone understanding it and stealing it at one glance?

Read this: ... #msg112514

Bessler discovered the "rotational lever" guys. When will you finally get it. You need both rolling and sliding friction to interact.

The buzzsaw wheel suddenly doesn't seem that mysterious either does it.

Good luck.
Last edited by broli on Wed May 29, 2024 2:51 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by Tarsier79 »

Hi Broli

I have looked at that before. I didn't find anything I could use.

Good luck

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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by Fletcher »

Hi Broli - long time ..

fwiw - thought I'd run a WM sim comparison but taking "Mr Hand" out of it .. the elasticity is the same for all objects, therefore the frictions at each contact point .. by doing the experiment with 2 carts and the beam pushing down on top we get a push that is exactly horizontal ..

In the Outputs the Work Done is calculated as constant applied force x distance beam COM is moved to give NM ( J ) - also the System Kinetic Energy is calculated - then the difference is calculated for Energy losses to frictions / slippage etc .. see what the sim predicts in terms of directions wheels are turned verses the YouTube video etc ..





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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by Tarsier79 »

Something doesn't seem correct about that sim. The board could be slipping on the top wheel. The top wheel is definitely slipping on the bottom wheels. There is no reason the cart shouldn't go "faster than the wind", or faster than the board.
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by SHADOW »

Si je ne m'abuse, les roues du bas tournent en sens contraire à la progression du charriot dans la simulation!?
Il doit y avoir un inverseur de sens de rotation entre la roue du haut et les roues du bas.
Un train epicycloidale comme moyeu de roues basses par exemple.

If I’m not mistaken, the bottom wheels turn in the opposite direction to the progress of the wagon in the simulation!?
There must be a rotation reverser between the top wheel and the bottom wheels.
An epicycloidal train as a hub for low wheels for example.
Last edited by SHADOW on Thu May 30, 2024 7:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by mickegg »

Hi Fletcher

Hmm...the question is can wm2d actually show what is happening in the video?

Better to start with a replication first, before changing the parameters... just in case it can't !

This may be an example that is showing us wm2d limitations.

Interesting that the wheels' rotations are following the "intuitive" directions as we would normally expect,
but the video shows us this is not what happens.


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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by broli »

As usual no debates or arguiging you go directly to the validation of ideas, I love that about you Fletcher. You were always someone I respected a lot here a very good mediator and neutral investigator.
Tarsier79 wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 5:45 am Something doesn't seem correct about that sim. The board could be slipping on the top wheel. The top wheel is definitely slipping on the bottom wheels. There is no reason the cart shouldn't go "faster than the wind", or faster than the board.
Tarsier is right here Fletcher. Slippage is CRUCIAL. And the board and the ground should be fixed to leverage the "rotational lever" effect and thus you will realize that the top wheel MUST slip on the top board but roll on the floor in order to go forward. This slip force depends on the velocity difference of the lower velocity of the top board relative to the fast velocity of the wheel that is slipping on it. Oh yeah also use gears to link the wheels together rather than the friction you are using now, this will make things run more smoothly in your sim.

Can WM2D even do sliding/slip friction I havent used it in ages. If it can then there you go, congratulations you will be the first person who used simulation software to confirm what many have seen as the ultimate "secret". Something so simple a clockmaker got greedy over and rather took it to his grave than share it with each other to transform our world. Something so simple scientists have overlooked because they wanted the universe to be cold and boring equations.

I am done worshipping idols and unraveling their codes because they got too greedy to share openly. If only they could have shared, they would have seen the many wonders and pleasures their ideas could bring to the next generations who would have used their ideas to make it reach even greater heights. Rather they chose to stay alone, in the cold, until they died and no one else remembered them. The true death of the universe.

But nothing really dies if it were not for the love of the next generation that kept their ideas, notes and stories alive across their generation and many other after them. For the librarians who made it their mission to guard information, knowledge and stories so it doesn't get lost and we forget what happens when we dont look out for each other by sharing what we have. What if we used that same love and shared ideas and information openly with the world so that anyone can use them, improve them, get joy out of them but most importantly so the next generation can thrive. So it can keep the stories and ideas alive of how love, sharing and caring for each other so they remember how love for each other can give them the POWER of the universe in the palm of their hands.

Soon I will share a 3d printable design any child can make at home.
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by Robinhood46 »

I don't think there is any slipping going on between the board and the plank.
I think it an illusion due the fact that the cart is moving faster than the plank.
I think the problem with the simulation is that the wheel being turned by the plank is sitting on the rim of the two wheels running on the floor, which isn't the case in the demonstration in the video.
The pushing of the cart is causing the cart to move faster than the plank.
In the simulation the cart wants to move exactly the same distance as the plank, because there isn't a ratio to change any of the distances travelled.
Sam Peppiatt
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

I think Robin is right, Nothing is slipping, the little wheels drive the big wheel--Sam
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by johannesbender »

The wood has to be quite heavy so that it weigh's down on the wheel , think of it like geared wheels and a rack and pinion.

Its all relative.
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by broli »

johannesbender wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 2:01 pm The wood has to be quite heavy so that it weigh's down on the wheel , think of it like geared wheels and a rack and pinion.

Right you are closing in on the truth, good job. Both the ground and outer beam aka ring gear are fixed unlike in a regular planet gear set where this would freeze the planet gear from moving. Using a small extra "wheel" gear suddenly everything changes, and the upper wheel has a different rim velocity than the lower wheel gears riding the "ground" or sun gear. This slip is what keeps propelling you forward gentlemen. All we had to do was add an extra gear to our planetary gears.... something so simple a child would understand.
Sam Peppiatt
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Where is anything slipping? I must be a real dumb ass, because i don't see anything slipping----------------Sam
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by broli »

Sam Peppiatt wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 2:58 pm Where is anything slipping? I must be a real dumb ass, because i don't see anything slipping----------------Sam
If the upper beam and floor are fixed and attached to each other. The ground wheels will roll with a different relative velocity than the upper wheel which is engaging with the beam on top. You can see this in the previously posted videos, one must move faster than the other. But since ground and air beam are fixed together. The upper wheel must therefore slip, which produces a friction reaction force in such a direction as to keep propelling the cart forward due to the inherit mechanical advantage put in place by the structure of the cart. The back torque due to friction wanting to stop the wheel must concede to the SAME force acting to push the cart forward. And thus the latter wins and the cart accelerates into infinity and beyond.

In a regular planet gear when both the inner sun and outer gear are fixed together, nothing runs. However adding a "wheel" to the planet changes everything and now the planet gear CAN move around while both remain fixed, albeit perpetually accelerating as a side effect of just adding "wheels". Nature is amazing isn't it. 😊
Last edited by broli on Thu May 30, 2024 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sam Peppiatt
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Forget it-------------------Sam
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Re: Bessler's secret (probably)

Post by broli »

Looks like I need to give the patient another shock to bring him back to life.

I have always been bad with words but I love making illustrations to translate my thoughts to others. Hopefully this one translates better.

Last edited by broli on Thu May 30, 2024 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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