Vertical vortex

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Vertical vortex

Post by rounder »

Bessler referred to his wheel or mech as a "Vertical vortex" or a "Fire pulley" does anyone know exactly where those quotes are in a sentence in his writings.
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Re: Vertical vortex

Post by Fletcher »

Hey rounder - long time ..

All I can remember off hand that seems related is when B. was telling in AP the story of his growing interest in PM machines, and replying to Wagner's critiques - that while in Prague the thought of a roasting-spit would not leave his mind ..

n.b. roasting-spit driven by a "smoke-jack" i.e. vertically rising hot smoke turns a turbine connected to the roasting-spit, to turn the meat ..

If that is the same as "Vertical vortex" or a "Fire pulley" you describe then I can find the passages, unless you are talking about something completely different from another source ? ..
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Re: Vertical vortex

Post by rounder »

Hey Fletcher..

I'm just looking through a few old notes I've had looking for wordings to either translations or transliteration, but they have no source back to quote, as something might be called back to old German or low German.
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Re: Vertical vortex

Post by Fletcher »

Yeah .. it's tough without any recorded context to refer back to - you could try the forum search function for vortex and fire etc ..
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Re: Vertical vortex

Post by rounder »

Here I've found some quotes from my notes

"For those who are thus satisfied, this engine of fire, my wheel, grinds a Tympanum, clothed with waxed cloth, whose Cylindrical Beacon contains twelve Rhenish feet in diameter, and its height and breadth comprise a 15 to 18-inch menfura. The axis of the fire pulley, the 6six feet long, does not exceed eight inches in diameter, and the motion of the fire is supported by two steel anvils, in utraq; with the pointed extremity, one thumb rests on the crasfis, which are supported by two erisms, which are supported by two erisms."

Looks like the fire pulley just refers to the axel lifting weights outside the window.

" The same after receiving a one-time rotation, or after once impressing the force of the swing/ must drive incessantly/ and its control must be continued/ as long as the entire structure retains its effect/ without some further help and assistance from external movement forces / which would have needed a refinancing: the same can be found in other automatic machines"

Talking about the small impressed force that causes the swing.

"within themselves)) and have to exercise infinitely (as long as they remain on the centro gravium) after them in such a housing or LATIN by means of dust and rotation, >>>?they push the wheel with the end of the shaft<<<, and make a perpetual motion, as far as it is evident that the structure does not lose its shape and order; and that end with all further assistance, and without the addition of any other principle of motion, which he desires to be renewed. This machine of mine, to which there is no external source of motion, is not to be trusted to any other mechanism)), such that those movements which, by the force of weight, ((continue to move as long as the ropes or chains impel it to move; the essential and intrinsically constructive part of the same"

Talking about pushing the wheel with the end of the shaft ? And make PM?

"which has and exerts the power and progress of the motion)) of the universe received at the end of the term (where as it remains, of course, outside the center of gravity) in the body, If it is included in such a machine and is mutually ordered in such a way that the balance of the body is never punctuated He reaches rest, fed fat
through ////
or scaffoldings have been laid in/ and coordinated with each other/ so that they not only never achieve equilibrium or pun&tum quietis in front of them/ but that they search ceaselessly/ and also in their admirably quick flight/ according to the proportion of both their own size and the size of their housing / other loads applied from outside to the shaft or axis of the vorticis verticalis."

There's the quote on vertical vortex I have all these old translated notes, I haven't looked through them in a while. Sounds like he's talking about outside pendulums on the shaft, which is confusing.
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Re: Vertical vortex

Post by Fletcher »

Hi rounder .. if you have John Collins DT these passages can be found translated to English by Mike Senior on page 190 thereabouts ..

In B's. original book they are produced in Old German on the left hand side - and beside them to the right in Latin, page 26 ..

The German or Latin can be run thru various translator programs, or if you have signed up for an AI chat program it will directly translate for you etc if you copy the text in ..

fwiw I often compare across all available resources to get a feel for the best fit meaning of passages, and words he used in that context - usually they compare quite well ..

I think your source may be an outlier, imo ..
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Re: Vertical vortex

Post by rounder »

Yes translations seem to vary quite a bit
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