Re: avalanchedrive

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Posted by murilo ( on April 24, 2003 at 08:00:33:

In Reply to: Re: avalanchedrive posted by David-Moses on April 23, 2003 at 17:10:20:

David, hello. l deal to FE, in mind and practice for some 39 years. l chose for the free mind thinking and l have the right of to be wrong. l'm free and l'm sure that ''all the stuffs are still unfinished'', and l don't care to the risk of receive labels from appreciators and smarts outsiders all around. Please don't invite me to give up, just in storic bases.Please keep your money. lf my FRCM works... lf l have had money you would just find me on tv channel. Pls forget me and let me to deal all the troubles l allready have. l don't need believers, l need allieds. Regs. Murilo apr/24

: Hi Murilo,

: Firstly I really don't like being patronized. Young David? If you feel a little insulted by some useful constructive critism then you aren't what you pretend, and are probably like every other attention seeker or con "free energy" artist out there. The 6 years is also closer to 7 and actually that's a very long time for anything, especially given the intense amount of time I went at it. The fact that you've may or may not have been at it longer (with you who knows) and STILL can't see what's wrong with your machine shows something wrong with you. In fact Murilo I am willing to GIVE-not bet but GIVE you $2000.00 if you get your machine running. But you won't, and never will. To others, if I've come off as harsh, forgive me, but I've run up against this type too much.
: To Vector, despite how you feel you may have been influenced by Murilo, I would not show him or anyone a thing. Keep a good memory of all of your experiments because something can always be used for some other invention. Trust me, there are a lot of crafty lurkers out there willing to claim anything as their own at some point in time.
: David

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