Re: general comments

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Posted by grim ( on April 26, 2003 at 04:33:51:

In Reply to: general comments posted by murilo on April 25, 2003 at 13:06:32:

: John Collins, how are you doing? Case you have heard about my project, I would like to ask you for a quotation for a quick study of it. I'm almost sure I asked this to you in the past, in someother group! Is that right? Can you tell me how much you'll charge me for this? Have you time enough to this? Pls be tender. I have a collection of more than 15 technicianspositive appreciations about my conceptions for FRCM, or avalanchedrive, but none of them still not deeply scientific, I mean, deep in the theory. Also, and specially, for the hundreds of negative appreciations, nobody told me a clear scientific stuff. My first target is to reach to the point where you'll say: ''just a model will solve this stuff.'' Thanks for the attention. Regs. Murilo SP apr/25

On first glance it puts one in mind of William Congreve's "Sponge-chain" mech or the chain and wedge concept on "Unworkable devices". If you feel you have a different concept than those, get out the old saw and drill press and go for it!
Even a model built out of scrap that works can be prettied up later.

Best of luck


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