Re: gravity wheels

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Posted by Davis Landstrom ( on January 14, 2002 at 10:13:15:

In Reply to: gravity wheels posted by Matthias Trevarthan on January 14, 2002 at 09:13:30:

: So has anybody got pictures of a running wheel? Or is this all speculation still? I saw sketches of a wheel here: It seems to rely on atmospheric conditions. I tried to understand the concept, but I couldn't really figure it out. Funny thing, too, since I'm a computer programmer. Things like that make me very skeptical about this stuff. Especially after reading about that psycho, Dennis Lee. It's like an MLM scam from hell or something. So what's up? Has anyone actually made something that works after 1000 years, or what?

The wheel of Wally Minto, is not an overunity (free energy) device, it is a form of giant solar to mechanical energy converter, it works like this. The wheel consists of 4 or more tanks which contain a liquid whose boiling point under pressure is about 3/10 degrees above room temperature (25 degrees centagrade), as the tanks rotate at the bottom of their rotation they are submerged in a solar heated water bath, this causes the liquid to boil and become lighter on one side, by the time the tanks reach the top of their rotation they have been exposed to cooler temperatures so the gas condenses and causes the tanks on the descending side to weigh more. As I said this is a solar powered device, the masses which are in this case the liquid/gas in the tanks are recieving potential energy from the sun through the solar heated water bath. Minto's wheel is as you would expect slow, I am not sure quite how slow but it's speed is probably variable depending on the temperature gradient that exists between the solar water bath and the environment. The main point of interest about this wheel is that it produces a lot of tourque, which could be usefull for something.
Denis Lee is a con man who claims to have some kind of thermal piston that violates the second law of thermodynamics, he is a crook and his 'buisness' (Which usually involves lightening ignorent individuals of the burden of their money) are outlawed in many states, he has recently been arrested I believe, but am not 100% sure though.
There are many con men and crooks in the field of free energy and perpetual motion, but the genuine researchers are quite easy to spot, take Jean Louis Naduin who runs the excellent research web site - JLN Labs, he is honest and willing to test and share information, plans, calculations e.t.c pertaining to various overunity and reactionless propulsion claims, Naduin has met with succes that has been replicated on a world wide scale amoungst scientists and ametures alike, one example of a succesful free energy device is the Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy based on a patent by one Stefan Haratman it employs a magnetic force gradient to propel a ball bearing up a ramp and allow it to drop of the top, you can link 2,3,5 of these ramps and it is possable to make the ball bearing go round a track, but it is very tricky. Naduins biggest succes of recent times however is in the field of anti gravity, he has recently tested a device called a lifter which is based on information taken from a patent by one Townsend Brown, this marvelous little thing is a balsa wood triangle with aluminium and copper terminals stuck to it, when it is charged with a voltage of 45,000 volts it takes off, this device has been replicated world wide and the information was shared. Fotage of SMOT ramps and lifters working are on Naduins web site along with plans. Naduin is just one of many genuine researchers into free energy, there are many more. Genuine entities in the field of free energy do NOT want to sell you anything, and most genuine free energy researchers do NOT want to hide anything.

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