Absolutely - it's actually one of the suggestions i noted earlier, like i say i'm getting a bit ahead of myself... the linear spring constant thing was a wasted diversion, momentum isn't conserved in
either case whatever type of spring is used. A direct copy of the test in a linear system would be a good cross-reference - load a regular coil spring with energy from a collision between a mass and earth, then unload the spring between a pair of the same masses, to compare the balance of input to net output momentums...
In the meantime, here's the sim i mentioned earlier - same basic interaction, but now the two discs are side-by-side, and directly connected by a chain and sprocket set.
So initially the blue disc begins with a 120°/sec (20 RPM) starting velocity, then after coasting for 500 ms, the transmission is engaged and its momentum shared with its identical twin red disc:
..as we can see, momentum and velocity are equally divided, but each disc only has a quarter the inital system energy, so half of it has disappeared.
And i do mean "disappeared" - it's been divided into double the initial MoI, so velocity and momentum have halved... and KE quartered (reduced by half the square of the change in velocity).
So momentum conserved, relative velocity conserved, but energy semi-annihilated.
Clearly, if we ran this same sequence of actions in reverse - give equal energy to two identical rotors, then transfer the momentum from one to the other.... our net energy will have doubled!
How effing sweet is that? What's the catch, i hear you ask..? Well, i've absolutely no idea how to do it, for starters... hoping you wonderful people might assist here..
Cards on the table, here's a clear-cut path to a genuine energy gain... it looks within reach, and it definitely works in reverse... How might we invert it?