The "missing" body...?!

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re: The "missing" body...?!

Post by rasselasss »

Ease up Dradford,to a lot of these Members English is not their main language ,i am a dyslexic typist ,putting words before or after in the wrong place,its no big deal as long as the theme of the message is understood.
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re: The "missing" body...?!

Post by Richard »

It is not prudent to accept such theory as " gravitational" attraction as (sole / probable) cause of tidal surges.

... indeed, such surges are seen in low pressure, atmospheric conditions.
a created "held" vacuum is not the same as a vacuum constantly propagated and the fluxion of such force (propagated vacuum) can be subject to leading and trailing edges of low pressure gradient of celestial bodies..?


Edit. forgive me jacob alex; I clearly lost sight of both the date(s) and original premise of the post...I will attempt a reasonable response to the query later this week.
where man meets science and god meets man never the twain shall meet...till god and man and science sit at gods great judgement seat..a tribute to Bessler....kipling I think
iacob alex
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re: The "missing" body...?!

Post by iacob alex » simply the "lesson"" of an electric accumulator:if you want to use it as an power supply,you must to charge it,firstly.

The same consideration can be made about gravity fall ,if we intend to use it as a mechanical power supply.

So,read "time factor"...

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: The "missing" body...?!

Post by iacob alex » the problem of the "missing beach" for the incoming waves on a sea shore.

We must remind that gravity and inertia are always working simultaneously against each other,and in proportion to an object's mass.

Accelerations always produce inertia,so the inertia is in the same time , the input,the storage and the exit ...

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: The "missing" body...?!

Post by iacob alex » a free gravity fall "supply" , at : " free fall " of the gravity power.
It's like the " vis mortua " ( gravity balance/statics ) vs. " vis viva " ( gravity unbalance/dynamics ).
The minimized image of the " missing body " : a continuous / repetitive /" free " / gravity unbalanced lever(age).
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
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