Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by agor95 »

There are so many examples were new images do not match the old line drawings.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi IamAllergicToEntropy,

the principle is totaly different. I use a 2 stage tilt swing.
Or called transverse jerk. I have published the german text here un the board under Gravityconverter.
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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by unstable »

In Wolff text we read: "I was able to observe these through a slit".

I wonder how this was possible. Perhaps the room was very bright and perhaps the slit was quite large otherwise I do not think it would have been possible to see anything. Maybe Bessler had voluntarily left that slot with the intent of diverting attention to something unimportant. Being aware of the paranoia that Bessler had, I doubt the cover could have a slit through which to view the interior.
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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by John Collins »

Good point Claudio, I too have wondered about these ‘slits’ or gaps in the wheel covering that people have occasionally peered into.

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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by sleepy »

It would be difficult to find a single piece of cloth large enough to cover the entire wheel.So maybe if 2 pieces of cloth overlapped slightly,when the wheel was turning the air flapped the cloth around a bit creating a small temporary slit.
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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Fletcher »

Weren't his later wheels covered in canvass, but had an maintenance port (I presume with a flap) big enough for his hand and arm to fit thru ? I seem to remember Wagner commenting on this i.e. about how could Bessler reach all parts of his internal wheel if something broke or needed attention thru that single port.

I presume that if something wasn't broken across the wheel needing replacement but had become stuck or out of sinc or some such, then a long stick could give it a shove to free it again.

Then again if we have the view that the internal weights were in-series connected then pulling or pushing just one weighted arm from a single port would apply force to the majority of others in the chain, also probably releasing it from its restriction.

IINM some of Besslers' wheels were also covered with 'planks' of wood. Unless they were very dry and they were tongue and groove or overlapped in some way then 'cracks' in the butting up of ordinary lengths of wood would occur and allow Wolff to see into the interior. He would need some light source to make out any detail unless there were many entry points for external light but he doesn't mention that. He just says he could see things.

I think the various Bessler illustrations in DT show the likely covering for those wheels.
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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Georg Künstler »

Fletcher wrote:
Then again if we have the view that the internal weights were in-series connected then pulling or pushing just one weighted arm from a single port would apply force to the majority of others in the chain, also probably releasing it from its restriction.

You are right, one single mechanism like a pendulum can not do a complete revolution of the wheel.

So they must be in-series connected.
Here I disagree: they must be connected but not in a series, they work parallel.
Because:weights act in pairs !
Every mechanism work at its own, with the same aim to produce torque.
The top heavy weights are producing more torque as the lower weights in their revolution/turn.

Some observers reported 8 knockings on the downgoing side.
So the best match for me was 8 weights which are working together.
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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


I still don't have a working wheel; but have learned quite a bit. The best way to over balance the wheel is with sliders. The weights work in pairs. One slides in and the other slides out. Resetting them horizontally won't work, it always leads to bottom heaviness. The shift has to occur when the slider is vertically. Which means both weights have to slide up. I.E., the wheel has to be continually top heavy and or bottom light for it to work. It's the only way, to prevent bottom heaviness.

I know I was told to keep my mouth shut, but in the interest of enlightenment I
wanted to pass along what I've found out so far, (again fweiw).

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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Follow up;

The spring is the joker in the deck. If you can figure the spring out, you will probably have the rest of it.

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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


I was wrong; the weights reset from side to side, NOT vertically, as I stated above. But, think I'm right about the spring. I.E., the weights are reset by springs. Again, FWEIW.

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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


I'm fairly certain that the spokes of Bessler's wheel were like a swastika. The outer arms being longer than the inner arms. This means the weights can shift / reset from side to side / horizontally. In other words you can make the wheel top heavy without lifting the weights up. The weights would reset well before side dead center. I. E., well before the 3:00 position.

I think this is a major breakthrough; Just have to figure out a good way to slide them over---------------Sam Peppiatt
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Re: re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Oystein »

Fletcher wrote:Weren't his later wheels covered in canvass, but had an maintenance port (I presume with a flap) big enough for his hand and arm to fit thru ? I seem to remember Wagner commenting on this i.e. about how could Bessler reach all parts of his internal wheel if something broke or needed attention thru that single port.

I presume that if something wasn't broken across the wheel needing replacement but had become stuck or out of sinc or some such, then a long stick could give it a shove to free it again.

Then again if we have the view that the internal weights were in-series connected then pulling or pushing just one weighted arm from a single port would apply force to the majority of others in the chain, also probably releasing it from its restriction.

IINM some of Besslers' wheels were also covered with 'planks' of wood. Unless they were very dry and they were tongue and groove or overlapped in some way then 'cracks' in the butting up of ordinary lengths of wood would occur and allow Wolff to see into the interior. He would need some light source to make out any detail unless there were many entry points for external light but he doesn't mention that. He just says he could see things.

I think the various Bessler illustrations in DT show the likely covering for those wheels.
Fletcher, there are one other option though.

Bessler mention that his later wheels (the two way ones) had another feature. They could be serviced while in motion! Seems impossible right?

The only way this is possible is if the axle, rim and canvas was one piece, and there was two inner wheels or casings attached by two opposing ratchets. One inner wheel standing still while the other/opposing rotated along with the axle. When running the other way, the other wheel/side was rotating along. Always one wheel standing still inside. This wheel (left side or right side, depending on rot.direction) could be serviced while running, just as Bessler wrote (without the canvas of secrecy). At the same time a service hole could reach all degrees of the wheel by rotating a little in the proper direction. If so, the dual direction wheels, had to be twice as wide. It would also mean that the same principle as in the one way wheels could be applied, but a mechanical genuinity had to be applied regarding the dual ratchet mech.

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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Fletcher »

That's interesting Oystein. So he may have had a "shell wheel" (with service port) with two other wheels inside it on the same axle.

I have a memory that the 'being serviced while in motion' was an incorrect translation ?

Can you provide a source for that please ?

IIRC it meant that parts could be shelf-stored for minimal stoppage down time while a change-out occurred ?

I could be wrong. Appreciate your help clearing this up.
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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by ovaron »

You're right. There is a translation/interpretation error. Bessler writes that the wheel could be repaired within an hour should a part break. Nowhere does he write that the wheel continues to run during repair. That's unfortunately a wrong translation of the two lines

"Die Kunst kann immer operiren,
Wenn man sie gleich wird reparieren;"

The art can always operate,
IF you fix it immediately

APO 1, p. (93)
Zum Zehnten sol ich remonstriren;
Im Fall die Kunst zu repariren;
Ob auch dazu gehört viel Zeit,
Verlust, Müh’, Geld und Kostbarkeit? x
Antwort: Wenn’s Werk gemacht fein tüchtig,
Bleibt das Hauptding viel’ Jahre richtig;
Jedoch, wenn ja was wandelbar,
Kostt’s wenig Geld, Zeit, Müh’, Gefahr;
Und wird man meistenteils die Sachen
In einer Stunde spielend machen;
Noch über dies im Vorraht schon
Hab’ ich die schöne Invention;
Die Kunst kann immer operiren,
Wenn man sie gleich wird repariren;
Zwar jede Kunst wird eigentlich
Einen Kunstwärter wünschen sich.
(Wrong) Translation

Tenthly:- “Could I indicate - should the machine ever need
repairing - how much time, trouble and money would be
Answer - the main mechanisms, if built properly, should remain
serviceable for many years. But, if something does go amiss, it
won't cost much in the way of money, time, trouble or difficulty.
Mostly, in fact, it could be put right within the hour. Moreover, I've
beautifully arranged things now so that the machine can continue
to operate while being repaired! Soon everyone who
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re: Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel

Post by Oystein »

Thanx, the translation variation doesn't have anything to do pro/con my mechanical suggestion though.

I suggested a possible reason why the dual direction wheel had twice the width, and why a single "poke hole" could be enough to reset any part around the wheel. If Bessler by saying that the wheel could always run, didn't really mean always, but "as good as always". That is ok with me :)

I have no own inclination towards such an arrangement, but I found it to solve several observed "problems". (as the "poking hole" etc). I only keep that in the back of my mind.

The truth is stranger than fiction
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