Blood From Stone

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Post by MrVibrating »

silent wrote:Very nicely done! You did a good job writing this up and I actually can follow and understand most of it. So now do we have something is worth building?

Mate, as much as you can understand is all the assurance there can be... twice the mass at half the radius equals twice the RPM and KE - so i have to kind of wash my hands of that much; rotKE = ½Iw² says that when MoI = mr² changes from 16 down to 8, energy doubles from 8, up to 16 J. None of that's on me, so it is what it is..

All the sim confirms is the basic laws of physics.

Yet at the same time, i barely go three posts these days without making a fallacious OU claim. It's just the nature of our endeavor here - in our efforts, we've committed to accept an ongoing succession of failures, but only because this is a hard thing to do! The only way to approach this kind of hubris is with that Yankee spirit..

Until validation - be that someone else here following thru the maths and willing to stick their neck out with a conclusion (just a "well if this is a mistake, i can't see it" would be a start), or else an actual build - perhaps just demonstrating that the absolute orbital distance of the masses becomes irrelevant the moment the axial motors switch on; either would be definite cause for itchy fingers..

I can't encourage anyone to push the boat out, but anyone in the pioneering spirit who understands as much as they're intending to experimentally test, and undertake a circumspect falsification effort (as opposed to a dizzily high-hoped 'validation effort')... it's a mechanical OU claim. Very simple principle. If i had a workshop and parts bin, i'd be all over this..

No major updates thus far - i tried simply unpinning the axial rotors instead of using the motors, but since they already begin with 1 rad/s of axial rotation (due to being pinned to the orbital plane as if 'tidally locked'), and momentum's conserved, they simply continue holding that configuration; they don't halt their axial rotation automatically, so it does appear that input torque is required - but whether that's from motors or springs / GPE's or whatever, so long as its magnitude is equal to a 1 rad/s acceleration (F=mA), it's instantly reciprocated by an identical torque (same sign and magnitude), caused by the orbital MoI instantaneously collapsing from the actual orbital radii of the masses, to that of their orbiting axes instead.

Because this ceases the real rotation of the axial rotors, there's no axial CF acting on the masses - only orbital CF.

The motor's applying torque to the central rotor, but the reactive inertial torque this causes is also applying exactly the same torque back to the motor. The inertial torque associated with MoI changes is reactionless - it makes the rotor want to speed up or slow down, yet without applying counter-torque to a stator.. it's caused by conservation of angular momentum doing its thing - sustaining the product of MoI * RPM. If that means creating energy ex nihilo, whatever, it's done its job, CoE's not really its department, so long as all the momentum's accounted for.

So that's the theory, and the sim results. If it's in error (as usual), it's right there and out in the open, nothing up my sleeves..
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Post by MrVibrating »

OK so for a test rig, this is what i'd try:

• devise a means of RPM control - we only need the two orbiting motors - or perhaps just one, driving both rotors - and speed control

As soon as one can be certain that the orbiting rotors will be immediately accelerated to a given speed, the rig is ready for testing; simply manually spin up the system to that same speed (no need for the central motor), fire the motor/s, axial rotation should instantly cease, whilst orbital rotation instantly doubles. Et voila, 200%. "Perhaps sir would care for a cigar?". It's that easy... apparently.

So you don't even need the radial translation - which merely 'consolidates' (ie. harvests) the gain - to actually manifest it.

If it does thus materialise, then all that remains is to accomplish that apparently *free* radial translation against orbital CF. So a minimal planar linkage on each rotor, or pulley & motor, solenoid/s, latch & spring, worm gear, whatever rolls..

So RPM control is the first, and overriding, requirement. That should present the gain. Then slide the masses in and Bob's yer uncle.

If the rig's horizontal rather than vertical (ie. no gravity) then presumably you only need the one orbiting rotor - two's arguably overkill..

ETA: think small, lightweight, desktop scales rather than garage builds, since speed control is the key, so lightweight rotors and lightweight r/c type motor/s - no need for stepper motors / angle control. The lighter the build, the quicker the motor will be able to accelerate. Agility, response times.. diametric balsa rods instead of rotor discs (all that dead mass), Blu-tac masses are fine initially.. grams rather than kg.

Furthermore, these are low speeds - going too fast is going to over-complicate the requirement of matching axial speed to orbital. Around 10 RPM is ideal.

A cheap multimeter to compare the voltage drop between orbiting and non-orbiting states. An ammeter would be a bonus. Ditto a cheap laser tacho. But any means of measuring RPM - a white dot on the rotor and cellphone video, whatever.. even an eyeballed estimate "the orbit definitely sped up, & axial rotation slowed down" could constitute the first tentative confirmation..

NB: i just double-checked, and yes - only one orbiting rotor's actually required. So minimal horizontal system is just two rotors; one central, one orbiting. A single r/c motor, a £5 meter, a decent bearing or two for the central rotor, and speed control. That's the basic BoM..
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Post by MrVibrating »

...and yet, we know there's very likely a way of implementing this purely mechanically.. an altogether more compelling level of proof.. for now, tho, nothing to stop anyone picking up the ball as-is..
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi MrVibrating,
for harvesting i suggest this way.

it is like a pendulum construction, the outer ring with the pendulum is driven from a Motor.

The inner eccenter disturbs the round going.

You will get a Swinging in and out. Living from resistance.
two systems
two systems
Best regards

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Post by MrVibrating »

Could well be the case mate - ultimately the form of the gain's just regular KE; spend it how you wish! I've already begun experimenting with gravity, results to follow shortly.. but if anyone has any ideas, run with 'em, this shit appears to be working..
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by MrVibrating »

OK this is super quick'n'dirty - all i've done is delete half the mechanism, so we're down to just one orbiting rotor..

..this instantly obliterated all the meters that referenced the other rotor, but no worries, i can make more..

..then i've enabled gravity. So now the single mechanism also doubles up as a GPE system.. you can already see where this is going.. what happens when we try to apply the gain in making the mech lift itself?

Well what happens is this:

Central motor deactivated (weren't even doing nuffink anyway).

..and here's the digits:

@32.765 kHz, 10 integration steps per frame:

Output GPE (green mass only): ½ kg * 9.80665 m/s² * 8 m = 39.2266 J

Input GPE; green mass: ½ kg * 9.80665 m/s² * 6 m = 29.41995 J
plus blue mass: ½ kg * 9.80665 m/s² * 2 m = 9.80665 J

Total GPE input: 29.41995 + 9.80665 = 39.2266 J (ie. GPE unity)

Initial KE: 4 J

T*a: 4.552284 J

F*d: 1.7764415 J

Total input energy: 10.3287255 J

Final KE: 47.227 J

Gain: 47.227 - 10.3287255 = 36.8982745 J

Efficiency: 36.8982745 / 10.3287255 = 3.57x OU

So this is interesting - the gain is proportionate to the speed and KE reached at bottom-dead-center, when the motor activates..

..and again, as anticipated, the split instant the motor turns on, RPM's and orbital rotKE double - between consecutive frames we go from 43.227 J of rotKE, up to 86.450 J.. we gained 43.227 J, and spent 10.3287255 J, so that's 32.8982745 J of the gain accounted for.. yet the gain's more than this; total gain's 36.8982745 J, but only 32.8982745 J of that came from the rotKE doubling, so: 36.8982745 - 32.8982745 = 4, precisely.

We end up with a 4 J gain on top of our other gain of 100% of peak KE. Remember, the 4 J KE the system began with is already deducted in the 10.32 J input energy figure...

So in summary, we appear to have gained 100% of peak KE, plus another 100% of our initial KE outlay.

That solves the gain down to the 7 digits Excel's using internally.. ie. to within 1/10th of a microjoule precision. Absolutely zero remainder. Accuracy-wise we're knocking 'em outa the park here..

3.57x OU (make my day, punk), comprised of 100% back on top of the initial 4 J outlay (so basically 200% there), plus 100% of peak KE at BDC. Nice.

We could also try things slightly differently - use the green weight to output OB torque as before, but only down to 90° instead of 180°, then activate the motor whilst the masses are horizontal with respect to gravity; when arriving back at TDC, we'll have input more GPE than was output, so converted the KE gain into harvested GPE..

Might have to try that too..
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Fletcher »

Try running the sim in reverse i.e. the mass displacements (MOI's) are reversed !
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Post by MrVibrating »

So - i've been struggling with my percentages a little here - it's basically 200% all round, innit?

Whatever goes in one end, double comes out the other. It's a freakin' Xerox machine for KE..!
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Re: re: Blood From Stone

Post by MrVibrating »

Fletcher wrote:Try running the sim in reverse i.e. the mass displacements (MOI's) are reversed !
Yes, it destroys energy in the other direction!

So the instant the motor's deactivated, the orbital MoI collapses to whatever the actual point mass distributions are - if they're extended, you land on a higher MoI, and so instantly have that much less KE..
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Fletcher »

So I'll just simplify the picture here, for my own benefit (haven't downloaded the sim or looked behind the scenes on how it operates).

At first glance it looks like a motor controlled system that replicates the physical effects of switching 2 pivot points to different centers of rotation. Tho I think it is a single rim pivot.

Effectively we have a green pendulum that swings from tdc CCW to bdc (180 degs), i.e. 2 x diameter ( 4 x r ) of the carrier disk. It has gained velocity and Angular Momentum.

At bdc a motor engages and the green pendulum continues to swing upwards but gains only 3 x r height. The blue mass moves from its center position and gains 1 x r vertical height. Total height lost and gained by both masses is 4 x r. GPE is conserved.

But you have excess KE from the transitions. This is because the system MOI during transitions was changed and not reinstated.

The premise being that when the device is stationary again, with GPE restored, it would take only enough energy to move back to start conditions to overcome frictions.

I would say to look at the blue and green masses transitioning after 6 o'ck. The blue moves outwards and the green inwards. But the one with greater radius and velocity has greater Cf's. They are not balanced forces. Therefore some work is needed to be done on them to make them transition.

This might eat up your paper and electronic profits ?
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Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by MrVibrating »

Here's that alternative cycle i mentioned:


@16kHz: 2.02 secs

GPE out (green mass, 90° of OB): ½ kg * 9.80665 m/s² * 4 m = 19.6133 J
Followed by another 90° of OB, this time with both green and blue descending: 2 * ½ * 9.80665 m/s² * 2 m = 19.6133 J.
Total GPE out: 2 * 19.6133 = 39.2266 J

GPE in: Both masses rise whilst horizontal from 2 m BDC to 2 m TDC, so: 2 * ½ kg * 9.80665 m/s² * 4 m = 39.2266 J.

So, GPE unity again. I'd thought we might come out with a GPE increase, but hey i'm still getting used to this too..

T*a: -3.971623 J (negative!)

F*d: -0.052071 J (basically zero, but still negative!)

Initial energy: 4 J

Final energy: 27.613 J

So to tot it all up, we need to add those negative integrals to the output energy:

3.971623 + 0.052071 + 27.613 = 31.636694 J total output energy

..and our input energy was 4 J, so:

31.636694 / 4 = 7.909x OU

So that is jolly nice.

Nigh-on eightfold, in one turn.

Might be -2 outside but we are on fire tonight..
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Post by TheVisitorV »

Can you start the cycle at 9oclock?

lets see how much and where we can harvest the energy.
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Re: re: Blood From Stone

Post by MrVibrating »

Fletcher wrote:So I'll just simplify the picture here, for my own benefit (haven't downloaded the sim or looked behind the scenes on how it operates).

At first glance it looks like a motor controlled system that replicates the physical effects of switching 2 pivot points to different centers of rotation. Tho I think it is a single rim pivot.

Effectively we have a green pendulum that swings from tdc CCW to bdc (180 degs), i.e. 2 x diameter ( 4 x r ) of the carrier disk. It has gained velocity and Angular Momentum.

At bdc a motor engages and the green pendulum continues to swing upwards but gains only 3 x r height. The blue mass moves from its center position and gains 1 x r vertical height. Total height lost and gained by both masses is 4 x r. GPE is conserved.

But you have excess KE from the transitions. This is because the system MOI during transitions was changed and not reinstated.

The premise being that when the device is stationary again, with GPE restored, it would take only enough energy to move back to start conditions to overcome frictions.

I would say to look at the blue and green masses transitioning after 6 o'ck. The blue moves outwards and the green inwards. But the one with greater radius and velocity has greater Cf's. They are not balanced forces. Therefore some work is needed to be done on them to make them transition.

This might eat up your paper and electronic profits ?
Sorry mate you'll have to read from the previous page (31) to get caught up.

I don't want to get too distracted with premature / false impressions, having taken care to detail everything as far as poss.. all the fundamentals are condensed into a few posts, one page back..

In short tho, the gain is already harvested. So you have 8 J of rotKE, which turns into 16 J of rotKE, for free. You now have 16 J of rotKE. You've won. It's yours, there, in the physical form of rotKE. Spend it on whatever you like.

Ie. turn it to heat with a prony brake, or raise some GPE, or load a spring, charge a cap, whatever... there's no need to go and undo the gain again - why would you want to do that? The whole ethos here is don't do the things that don't make energy. Doubling your MoI again when you've just halved it for free would absolutely, instantly, destroy the KE gain... so don't do it! Quit while you're ahead and cash in them chips..

I know you're on about closed-cycling the mechanical action but it's only two days in, we'll get there. First familiarise yourself with the gain principle, then today's updates, at which point you'll know as much as i..

If we had to stop-start to pull the rotKE out before resetting the MoI each cycle, so what? Oscillating OU's fine... but we already know rotation's possible, so give it a chance.. i only started applying gravity this evening..!
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Post by MrVibrating »

TheVisitorV wrote:Can you start the cycle at 9oclock?

lets see how much and where we can harvest the energy.
Sorry mate if i ninja'd you there..

Was that what you had in mind tho?
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