MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by ME »

Fletcher wrote:I believe the weight-wheels in 26 are the game changing hint of 26 i.e. use of rolling cylindrical weights as part of the 'apparatus' for continuous 'wheel' imbalance, in the presence of a separate Prime Mover 'arrangement'. Imo the hint is very obscure and well removed from the true purpose (not even remotely as shown imo) of rolling weights inside his wheels. So far removed that it is unlikely that anybody would ever stumble upon how they were actually used from this drawing alone, unless you had made other critical connections in MT, to join the dots so to speak.
The weight-wheels are replaced in 27 by heart shaped weights, not for functionality, but to reinforce how good a choice they would be, imo.
I think the "problema" of MT026 shows that all these motions for "weight C" need to move efficiently on a direct downwards slope by "slider E:", and/or need to be helped by an indirect downwards slope "angle A-C-E", and/or needs to be helped by a helper "weight B". All this while it needs to be two-way restricted by something like "rope D".
Because rolling downwards on a slope is difficult to make efficient (friction, noise, expensive metal, inertia of a rolling weight, and the need for a smaller low-friction axle to connect "rod B-C") we can actually just eliminate that slope in its entirety by making "path A-C" a floating transition: and so MT027 is born.. I think.

Fletcher wrote:In regards to the shape, size, and mass of the weights, we know they were cylindrical (no argument).
I see those cylindrical weights could have been grabbed from the nearest pendulum clock. But we don't know, so we can calculate.
It seems to me that the dimensions are hard to obscure by a handkerchief cover once you can already determine that it is a cylindrical shape.
The least known fact are the sides.
1715 - Christiaan Wolff wrote: He did not disguise the fact that the mechanism is moved by weights. Several such weights, wrapped in his handkerchief, he let us weigh in our hands to estimate their weight. They were judged to be about four pounds each, and their shape was definitely cylindrical.
When a weight is placed in the cups of two hands then it should be larger then two farmer hands for not being able to reach the sides, yet likely (not necessarily of course) smaller than the width of the wheel (11 inch, minus the width of the side boards)

So here my guess (metrics system) for a "4 pound cylinder". Talking about deciphering the translations: 4 pfund = 2 kg, or 4 pound =

Say it is 25 cm long.
With 11.3 gram per cm³ I calculate a solid lead 2 kg cylinder to have a diameter of just 3 cm

When it's a hollow cylinder having an outer diameter of about 7.09 cm, then it would be 1/3rd cm thick.
And we can go on and on when we consider that a hollow lead cylinder would be structurally better when filled this with sand or wooden struts/discs and also adds to that weight.
As such I think this is yet another incomplete clue.
Sam Peppiatt wrote:To anyone,

If the German text is so much better than the English; hows come, Germans can't figure it out either?? (or the Dutch)
For those who want to try to "read" this German text, see attachment.
I made the background white for saving printer ink, in case you want to output it that way.
I made the background white for saving printer ink, in case you want to output it that way.
Last edited by ME on Mon May 13, 2019 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marchello E.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by ovyyus »

Sam Peppiatt wrote:If the German text is so much better than the English; hows come, Germans can't figure it out either??
IMO, everything that Bessler said and wrote about his wheel was directed towards the primary objective of selling his secret. Nothing that Bessler said or wrote was intended to reveal his secret and risk the primary objective. A translation, no matter how good or accurate, can't change that.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Let me make sure I've got this straight; Are you saying the text don't mean shit! Have I got that right? Not sure if I agree with you---------------

This is what it seams like to me; you guys aren't smart enough to figure out how Bessler's wheel worked, so, lets blame John Collins. He got the translation wrong, so it's his fault that you can't resolve it.

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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by ME »

Sam Peppiatt wrote:Let me make sure I've got this straight; Are you saying the text don't mean shit! Have I got that right? Not sure if I agree with you---------------

This is what it seams like to me; you guys aren't smart enough to figure out how Bessler's wheel worked, so, lets blame John Collins. He got the translation wrong, so it's his fault that you can't resolve it.
hmm. I think it is strange.
I read it as Ovyyus has the opinion that Bessler applied some marketing strategy, while you don't agree and perhaps expect an instruction manual.

I'm not convinced that either opinion marks some threshold of smartness. It just shows an opinion on a discussion board. I think both opinions are interesting.
I also think neither opinion decides in advance who might resolve Bessler's wheel... unless you can really read it as an instruction manual, and succeed at it.
Did you have a look at the previous "text" I attached?

But all this surely doesn't include John Collins in that projected way who was (and hopefully still is) perfectly fine until he was blame for things he only published.

Oh well, sometimes things do get lost in translation.

Wubbly wrote:MT-24
While we are on the subject of MT24, here's a simulation of it. Bessler says it ought not to be scorned, but I have no idea why. It seems to do nothing.
I thought the subject was MT026 :-)

Perhaps we need to observe the whip-effect of a scissoring mechanism in MT024?
What could be the function of those "screw threads" he mentions?
One brainstormy thought tells me (I don't know how or why that should actually happen there, but anyway) that when you screw those weights in and out, that it simply dampens those folding speeds immensely.
Marchello E.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Hi ME!

You are such a sweet hart!

I'm sure you are right; I stand corrected; ( superior intellect is always perceived to be right).

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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by ME »

Dear underdog,

How is it anyone's mistake that you can't explain what you mean?
You could at least make an effort in that direction instead of blaming others.
Only then, with all our collective "oh-so-superior-intellect" -whatever that entails-, we could attempt an interpretation so we can have an adult discussion..

All the best and good luck,
"Sweet hart"
Marchello E.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Wubbly »

MT-26, right. Does anyone find it odd that he attaches the "chords D" to a point on the rim? You can calculate the torque of a spring on a radially outward track and have the spring attachment point at different angles on the wheel. The torque of the spring on the track cancels out the torque of the other end of the spring at the attachment point on the wheel.

MT-24 screw threads. Is that what those middle circlie thingies are. Why not just say lever. Maybe the mechanism is a bellows to pump air to another part of the wheel.

I would have to agree more with Ovyyus on the marketing thing. Plus I think Bessler liked to talk in riddles.
Torque applied by a spring on a radially outward track.
Torque applied by a spring on a radially outward track.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by ME »

Chord D is to limit the action of C.
It needs to be limited because the ABC should keep an angle so things don't lock-up (as you likely experience with your MT024 sim)
Specifically when it makes a sharp corner ABC where C gets closer to the axle than B.
A piece of rope is more flexible and more quiet than a rigid stop, because it also has some inherent elasticity.
That point at the rim is chosen so it locks the endpoint of C and makes D as stretches as possible, so it doesn't get tangled-up.
When D is at the farthest point possible, it's also almost make a straight line along E
Pair those ropes up vertically, and you don't need that channel anymore. And while you'r at-it, place point A not half-way, but further away so angle ABC does not get sharp anymore and avoid a lock-up: --> MT027

As the translation goes. The threaded poles are between those weights.. I think those smaller levers on the outside.

As far as I grasp the idea: There may be a change in MoI, but without gravity or another reference outside the wheel there's no torque to be generated.
Marchello E.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Johndoe2 »

The marketing ploy does not hold water with MT because in order to market something you have to publish or broadcast the information neither of which bessler did ( with MT).

In my opinion MT was going to be used to teach his prospective buyers about pmm After his wheel was purchased. Including the now missing pages. After his trial he realized his little book could be subpoenaed for evidence ( thus revealing his secret ) and rather than risk that he destroyed said pages.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Johndoe2 »

Hey Sam relax bro
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Johndoe2 »

26 is a picture of a secondary mover nothing big imo.
27 is more interesting to me.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Fletcher »

I tend to agree with Johndoe2 that MT doesn't fit the mold of Bessler's other publications. For those others I agree with Bill's assessment that Bessler was spruiking his wheels to sell and they contain at best only vague mechanical information. I also believe that he did include various code forms to hide information. Not so much about his wheel mechanics, but because the wheel mechanics were ultimately so simple as to be virtually completely uninteresting when known. Therefore he spiced up his publications with his esoteric knowledge hidden in codes, such as sacred geometry, and masonry etc. That doesn't mean there isn't some overlap in purpose. All in all to offer up something of interest (at various levels) to the largest readership possible. Also to self promote himself and his various abilities and 'virtues'.

Altho I would like as much as the next man MT to be a technical manual, containing a blueprint, it just isn't so. Bessler was a paranoid man, and even before the arrest he set MT mostly the way we see it today. Like any book he didn't want us flipping to the final chapter to read the punch line. He wanted to work up to that thru a series of lesson plans. He even imo takes backward steps at times, just to make sure you aren't thumbing forward getting ahead of yourself. It is a good strategy to ensure lessons are learned before advancing to the next lesson, and then remembering them. Of course it helps to have the final chapter and a working wheel to study in hindsight. We don't have that so we have to infer much and try and learn the lessons, and discern the truth from the distractions and traps he sets for us.

Regarding MT24 .. FWIW Wubbly I don't see any opposing mechs thru axle rope pulls in your sim ? Not that it would make any difference to its workability. But for accuracy I guess.
Bessler wrote:No. 24 This invention ought not to be scorned. It consists of separate levers with weights. Between the weights are small iron poles with hinges. The poles fall inward when the levers close. There is something one must learn first before one can grasp and correctly understand the good quality of the invention.
Apparently there is something to be learned first, before it should not be scorned !

Regarding MT's 26 & 27 ..

I have built various sims of these over the years. I quickly ditched the ropes (and springs) etc as distractions. I replaced later iterations with a sliding weight in a channel system (sliding slot) and then connected the two C weights with a fixed length massless rod. That kept separation constant and stopped sim lock-up problems that can happen from time to time (that ME is talking about). Now the sim operated beautifully. But I was no nearer to learning the lesson it was supposed to teach me I thought, certainly not about asymmetric torque from mass imbalance. It keeled with the best of them, just as you'd expect.

So I asked myself why the rope distractions ? Why weight-wheels ? Why didn't he just draw sliding weights in channels (or weight-wheels in channels) and join them with rods as I built ? The conclusion for me was that I was to take special note of the roller weight-wheels. Even if I didn't know their true function and purpose in a Bessler wheel. That would have to come in a later 'lesson' I figured. Well that logic proved easier said than done. Now you know why I said earlier imo the weight-wheels were the hint of note in MT26 !
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by ovyyus »

Bessler's MT wrote:...however, taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement...
IMO, a 'discerning mind' means one that already knows Bessler's secret. From that point of view one might see the relevant parts or motions of his secret among the various MT illustrations.

Bessler left MT as a collection of loose pages, not a bound book. IMO, the MT pages were an early draft of an unfinished or abandoned work.
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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Hi Johndoe2,

Sorry I just hate critics--------------Thanks for not throwing rocks at me. I was trying to stick up for John Collins. FWEIW; I think Bessler, is right about MT-24.

But, don't tell anybody,

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re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code

Post by Wubbly »

Now you know why I said earlier imo the weight-wheels were the hint of note in MT26 !
MT1 uses "spheres" to roll down a ramp.
If you sim MT1 you find it doesn't work at all. But if you attach springs to capture the energy from the outward movement, it takes much longer for the motion to die down. But you can't attach springs or ropes to rolling spheres.

Enter MT26 with the "weight-wheels". A weight-wheel has an axle that you can connect control structures to. You can connect springs, ropes, chords, etc… to the axle. In that way weight-wheels are an improvement over spheres.
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