Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVER!!

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Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVER!!

Post by TheVisitorV »

Hello guys, been a while since i posted, after my attempts and all the long conversations i had with some of you experienced enthusiasts went back to my corner and let my mind to settle in order to approach a new way of doing this.

So i have arrived at my last and final attempt at this, and i think this is the closest thing that anyone had arrived at in a while.

Fletcher and others pointed out to me that there are in fact 2 systems and yes he is right.

One system is some levers dropping the other one is a balancing system that can give some energy, pulsating, from the kinetic inertial forces without stopping and hindering the main system.

I do not know if i made myself clear so i will try to explain with some pictures.

I cannot simulate this because i don not have strings, but i guess whoever can do WMD simulations or has the willingness to build it will have a big surprise.



So the linkages need to form a cross...lets say they are up -down-left-right....

while the left right part opens the up down closes and the reverse. Normal linkage cross behavior , nothing special...

Think in terms of, the thing in the middle:


This MT is not the secret, but it holds clues...

ok... next step, on one of the axis, we got 2 eccentric counterweights linked with strings not only to themselves but also to the other tips of the vertical axis in order for the belt to always keep its ratio, that s the only reason.

The 2 eccentric weights need to be linked in such a fashion that one spins clockwise and the other CCW, but they both push on the inside and outside at the same time.
Most of us know that this is at the end of the day a flywheel, and that is exactly what we want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This movement is started by the falling levers, the movement itself depends on the ratio that you are using to transfer some of the energy generated by the falling lever. It will start to rotate the eccentric weights making the mechanism pulsate in and out at the same time on both axes horizontal.vertical!

The pulsating linkages feed back into the levers but here is one very important aspect, while the linkage pulsates due to the eccentric weights going in and out due to the inertia the weights themselves won't loose that much energy because they are not coupled directly like in a gear setup, and the faster they spin the more powerful they become.

I will try to make some drawings today and upload them

Please take this post very seriously, i really want your feedback, i've deceived myself a few times in the past and the reason why i'm posting here is because i know you guys will call me out on my bullshit when i'm not able to see it myself.


PS:for all the bad English,
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by TheVisitorV »

so here is a rough sketch of the prime mover.....

Ok so 1 purple weight goes CW and the other CCW, they are linked by a cord, belt, the belt goes on all 4 arms of the cross so it will always be stretched and active on the weights.

1 going CW and the other CCW will make them behave mostly as a flyweight BUT because of the way they are arranged they will pulsate the cross at every 180 degrees.


The faster the weights spin the more powerful the pulsing becomes.

you can see something similar here but this is not correct! just to get an idea about how it moves and the possibility.....

The pulsing is what powers the second mechanism, the second mechanism acts like a battery, it stores energy and also releases it!!!!!!!

I will work a bit more to do a rough simulation on the prime mover to show you!!! hopefully later today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cloud camper
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by cloud camper »

For $30 US you can get a 6 month student license for WM2D.

Good luck!
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by TheVisitorV »

Thx cloud, the issue is not the license/money but ratter the use of it, anyway...

here is a short video where i show a bit more the movement, i might be wrong about the direction of movement now that i see it a bit better, or at least there is something that i'm missing...

anyway, here it is, more to come soon:
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by TheVisitorV »

Here you can see how 1 goes toward the center and another one towards the rim, for a while i thought that going toward the rim it meant that it goes like to 12 oclock but that is not the case, sometimes we might actually look for a deeper meaning where there is none.

THIS IS THE PRIME MOVER, IT ACTS LIKE A FLYWHEEL BUT IT GIVES ENERGY THROUGH INERTIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE CENTRIFUGAL FORCE, the spinning is what gives it power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also notice that there is a resonance effect, or lack of, the device start to work against itself after a while then it gets back on track
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by ME »

[1].Please take this post very seriously, [2]i really want your feedback, [3]i've deceived myself a few times in the past and the reason why i'm posting here is because [4]i know you guys will call me out on my bullshit when i'm not able to see it myself.
1. ok;
2. You weird. Usually people present their thing to feel good about themselves (or something) and get annoyed by [3] and [4];
3. That happens to the best of us;
4. True, but that's usually from a theoretical perspective (which is also nice to have). When you are convinced enough you could counter most arguments. or otherwise definitely attempt a build: Such should either confirm or hopefully counter your [3]

But why can't you make cords? I thought that program had scripting capabilities.... plugins perhaps?
Anyway, maybe you can try to rethink what a cord actually is:
- In practice it is also like a (lightweight) chain, and you may simulate it like this: Connect some rectangles with pivots, and there you have it.
- Or for theoretical purposes, it is a limiter for distance and you may simulate it like this: A weightless rails/slot with pivoting end-points.

On the mechanism:
While the scissor mechanism just extends the purple side, I think the purple pivots (if they are pivots*) will likely add some chaotic moment of inertia which I think is not beneficial.
Better to lock those purple pivots (if they can pivot*) and add a spring to contract them towards the center, and then please observe the difference (with/without spring) when the wheel slows down due to friction!!

Perhaps I misunderstood the principle?

Anyway, good luck.

* yes they are/can
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
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Post by TheVisitorV »

Hey ME,

the scissor just react to the purple flywheights, the purple weights spin and contract/expand the linkages, but the linkages do not...DO NOT spin the weights. The weights are moved by the second mechanism, the falling levers. MT 135 or mt 133 or even better mt 18

Once the levers fall and excite the purple weights, the primemover is excited, the linkages start to move and they reset the first device, the levers.

the best example i can show right now, just to get a visual idea, while it is incorrect you can watch:

the lever falls, the weights are excited...again this is not the correct way of doing it.


i'm not doing this to feel good about myself, sure i will feel amazing if i can pull it off, who wouldn't.
i'm trying to do this cause i'm extremely curious on this subject and 2nd i'm really trying to fix some of this world issues in case i come back....
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by ME »

'm trying to do this cause i'm extremely curious on this subject and 2nd i'm really trying to fix some of this world issues in case i come back....
A shared goal.

I have no idea how that extra lever should enter the scene and do its thing, or where that mentioned cord should be attached to.
I just quickly tinkered the attached sim to show what I currently understand. (animation repeats per 180°, so it behaves a bit erratic)

Because the squared scissors are balanced in the opposite directions there is relatively more weight at the purple side (no matter if they can rotate)
Gravity does not affect this system because it thugs equally on both sides.
Centrifugal force pushes them to the outside, even at relative low speed.

When you have 4 purple weights, then the scissors are still balanced and gravity has basically no effect other than playing with the purple weights only effecting in chaotic MoI.
I don't think all this is beneficial: While regularly a lot of force gets pushed towards the center, much of the energy will be drained to ground.
Marchello E.
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by ME »

(First post) TheVisitorV wrote:I cannot simulate this because i don not have strings,
Earlier, ME wrote:Anyway, maybe you can try to rethink what a cord actually is:
- In practice it is also like a (lightweight) chain, and you may simulate it like this: Connect some rectangles with pivots, and there you have it.
- Or for theoretical purposes, it is a limiter for distance and you may simulate it like this: A weightless rails/slot with pivoting end-points.
The theoretical principle I mentioned should work, but who knows how accurate. So I tried the "rope simulator" to find out.

It's 2D, so it's much easier than your 3D-environment. But if you only need a restriction in two dimensions then this work-around may be better then no rope-replacement at all.

What I did:
I took a free-rotating circle of very low weight. A (red-)weight on a slider. Some end-stops to mark the end of the line.
In this sim I noticed the required constraint that the elasticity of the rope needed to match the elasticity of those end-stops, which also affects the required elasticity of the (red-)weight.
Perhaps rope-elasticity could be matched in another way.
But besides that, it shows it's possible to match rope-behavior with a sliding weight.
It's only a bit more elaborate than a specialized rope.
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by TheVisitorV »

Wow, ty ME for the interest!

this weekend i have more time on my hands, so i will go further to develop the model. ok, so...your missing the point of the device a bit but your on the right track.

watch this video again, can you watch YT videos?:

uploaded a gif as well...


as you can see in the video there are 4 weights, 1 at each end, and they are perfectly synced, while 2 of them, on the same axis, push the outside, 2 of them pull the inside and then as they rotate they switch.

The purpose of this device is to use the energy from falling into storing it into a flywheel, the flywheel then returns indirectly the energy, similar in some fashion to the 2 stage milkovich oscillator, similar but not exactly.

Due to this design (to tell you the truth, i'm really proud i came up with this cause it's really something, you will see as i will go on and develop the model) the flywheel when it gives energy back it won't suffocate the flywheel and there is one more very important fact !!!!


and this: can't find the website, it's somewhere posted on the forum as well a few times, other people working on similar things, they did the math and the device show overunity but they didin't figure it out how to extract it, as when they do they have issues....i will look for it later.

(link to be added later)

My flywheel does something that no other flywheel does, since it's split in 4, and perfectly balanced, it spins from any position and angle with ease without getting countered by gravity, and at the same time it's able to generate tangential forces, something that no simple flywheel can!!!

This tangential forces, inertial power, that is generated by this type of flywheel is harvested through the linkages and used to drive the secondary mechanism, whatever this is. This is a perfect inertial drive, that in tandem with another mechanism can be used for propulsion with efficiencies that go through the roof.

EDIT: 1 , can't upload the gif, 2 big... i'll post the link
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Post by TheVisitorV »

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Post by TheVisitorV »

In this video i show the importance of resonance in the system
Georg Künstler
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re: Please help me with a simulation! THIS IS THE PRIME MOVE

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi TheVisitorV,
The most interesting I have found when they will turn all synchronized.
Then you will add up the waves.
The correct turing speed is essential for OU.
You see here also the swinging in the room.
It is a combination of up and down and in the same time from left to right,
and the reversal from the masses.

When you will have a closer look, you will detect that your function fulfills the movement fast up, slow down. The way to harvest energy from gravity.

Here you see a description and the build of a construction from me some years ago, no one believed it.
Best regards

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Post by TheVisitorV »

Hi Georg,

yes, everything needs to be synchronized. I still try to figure this one out, how to sync this system with the secondary one.

I'm pretty sure this is how he did it, once you accelerate the flywheels, and they are heavy enough, they are still pretty easy to move, it doesn't require much effort to spin something that's even a few tons heavy if it's properly balanced but the effect of that mass rotating, if it's split like this is tremendous

I've seen a multi tone gate rock in Ed leedskalin castle that you can rotate with your little finger, that's how good he managed to balance that huge rock.

The concept itself is pretty simple but to put it in practice it will be a bit difficult as to properly sync everything up it will require a number of parts.

Yet i can say that if we use an electric motor to excite the system things will go a lot faster and easier but since he did it all mechanical we will strive to do the same. Even so what i revealed here has lots of applications.

Please hit me up with an email, lets try to do something.

We'll keep in touch!
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Post by TheVisitorV »

the difference between sticks and strings!
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