Bessler wheel lesson 1

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re: Bessler wheel lesson 1

Post by agor95 »

Well good luck as you search the edge of chaos.

Be there and still looking - see you on the other side.


I imagine a robot being made up of five pendulums.

Two double pendula for the legs, two double pendula for the arms and one for the body.

Just imagine the active movements too drive that forward on a flat surface.
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re: Bessler wheel lesson 1

Post by ME »

In my latest attempt I tried to add an offset weight (green) in the hope it would be tempted to move/fall sideways.
But, of course, that thing just bounces the combine Center of Mass on top of some point on the ground.
Thus it doesn't go far from its initial position. It is still fun to watch though and almost has an anthropomorphic "correct" way of hopping (a little) forward and hopping in place. (not much different than what I previously showed)
With an offset weight that bouncing spring maybe be at an angle, but that doesn't change the spring performance.
So it basically still tries to hop in the same place, or it stumbles over itself.
The only thing that differs is that hook-point of the arm-spring that's connected to the red arm. When the hopper is at an angle, then this hook-point should be at an angle.
So my logic tells me that I can remove that offset weight (green) again, and try to put this hook-point at an angle (other than bottom dead center) and a such create an asymmetric arm-swing. Hopefully leading to propulsion.
One moment...

I imagine a robot being made up of five pendulums.
Maybe easier to take a Klann mechanism (or Strandbeest) and drive it with a wind-up motor.
Marchello E.
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re: Bessler wheel lesson 1

Post by Georg Künstler »

The Robot Walking algorithm

https://robocup.informatik.uni-hamburg. ... robert.pdf

to make it clear, all Bessler wheels, one directional and bi-directional use the Walking algorithm. They are Walkers !!.

Thanks to ME, that I had promissed to look again in my barn on already build pieces.
The solution is fairly simple. I had overlooked this possibility during my model Buildings.

The one directional has 2 legs and 1 arm. This version is always out of balance. Based on the Apologia Wheel.

The bi directional has 8 legs. Always only 1, maximal 2 legs are on the ground. This Version requires springs. All springs are compressed and released by gravity at the steady Rotation.
Every spring act as its own in the connectedned principle under the influence of gravity.
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re: Bessler wheel lesson 1

Post by agor95 »

Thank you for your quality post.

I trust this will assist ME. As it gives a positive view to what is possible to others.

I imagined such a robot would operate better in a run than a walk.

The input of energy can be captured and re-applied thus after the initial energy
input the running should be efficient and need a low maintenance energy.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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