Gravity Wheel

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Re: re: Gravity Wheel

Post by eccentrically1 »

Calloway wrote:Guys, When the wheel is at rest all pendulums hang straight down. When the wheel begins to turn cw the pendulum weights attached by a cord to the outer diameter of the wheel lag behind on the left side and swing inwards while turning. On the right side centrifugal force pushes them out. The pendulums are not really "swinging ". They "swing" with the wheel inwards on the left side and swing out on the right side. There are 2 different actions taking place to the attached pendulums as the wheel turns. This is where momentum is added to the pendulum weights as the wheel turns. This added momentum is what allows them to easily push the slider pairs. It's like swinging a weight tied to a string over your head with your hand. How David slew Goliath. Centrifugal force adds to the weight of the pendulum weight. (if that makes sense). Cheers

dradford, Yes, the angles are all the same on the pendulums cords as they swing.
If the pendulums are behaving this way, then you wouldn’t need the sliding weight pairs. The pendulums would be in perpetual motion by themselves.
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Re: re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

Calloway wrote:Agor95, Got it! My bad. I just didn't know.. Looking good. Thanks
The quote was taken using the quote button on the top right of your post.

I created several image samples for reports a person could run.
The actual reports were on another folder; were you enter selection inputs date etc.

I received a phone call from a nice young lady. "The reports are not working".

I should have said "you are in the report samples".

However it came out as "you're in samples".

The phone went dead.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

Eccentrically1, Whatever ever you think sir. Cheers
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Re: re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

eccentrically1 wrote: If the pendulums are behaving this way, then you wouldn’t need the sliding weight pairs. The pendulums would be in perpetual motion by themselves.
There is this question another is four geared bars to move the sliders.

Let's work on Calloway version first.

We can test these alternatives on the base version.
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Post by eccentrically1 »

You’re saying the pendulums are driving the sliding weights, or words to that effect. Once you have a driving mechanism, then you don’t need anything else. The pendulums would unbalance the wheel with the motion that you’ve described.
Unless the pendulums don’t have that motion. It would be strange if Bessler’s wheels worked with only pendulums, but it’s your wheel, so try those sliding weights too.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by dradford »

Hi Calloway, can you explain to me how the 9 o'clock weight can move the 3 o'clock weight when they are attached by a wire? (I presume you mean a flexible wire and not a rod). I don't understand how this is possible.
With regards to having too many rods - could you not have two pairs of weights on one side of the wheel, and two pairs of weights on the other side, and four pendulums on each side? (By 'side' I mean 'flat face' of the wheel.)
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by dradford »

Here is a new version of the animation I made, with all pendulums pointing in the same direction, as Calloway stated. Is this more like real life, Calloway?

Edit: I've edited the first frame so that the slider pair that have just been moved by the pendulum at 9 o'clock move into their furthest right position.
Calloway animated 3.gif
Last edited by dradford on Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi dradford,

if a penulums i hanging, or Swinging as you have it made now in your Animation, is depending on the turning Speed of the Wheel.

Very slow, then hanging straight down, during the turn.

turning with high Speed all pendulum weights are outside and no shift of the Levers will occure.

So It will be a fiddeling work for adjustment the correct low Speed.
I had already made a Video where you can see the movment of the pendulums when the disk is turned slow.
Last edited by Georg Künstler on Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

Dradford, Your latest animation is very close to reality. Good job. Once someone builds one they will see that the pendulums act just like what is shown. I stated that a "stiff wire" is used between the weighted pairs so that they act together as a unit. If you believe this design will work, my suggestion to all is to build this before you start adding your own ideas to improve this design. Then you will see exactly what I have been trying to explain. It's hard for me to put down in writing so that most can understand it I suppose. That's my fault. This is not a hard project to build if you have some talent and attention to detail. Cheers
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

Dradford has done a good job with the software he has at his disposal.

There is a difficulty factor when working on any task and I do recognize that in Dradford's
presentation. It is good to have an immediate animation in the forum.

Note the 'Albums' button a the top of the page is a useful way to find it in the future.

I like the design and I hope there will be practical builders out, in the world, who will youtube their examples of the 'Calloway GW'
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Calloway,
it will not be easy to replicate your design, because the Swinging of the pendulums are dependend on the Speed of the disk.

From dradford's Animation we can see how the pendulum swings per turn.
So everything has to fit to get exactly this Swinging replicated.

I think agor95 can calculate this Swinging.
We have the parameters
Diameter of the disk, length of the pendulum and turning,rotating speed of the disk. He can use the path of the oscillation of the Pendulum and see if it Matches.

So the first step is to put this Swinging in a formula, then we can scale it up.

I see a Problem in your construction when the Wheel beginns to accelerate,
then you will leave the 'window' in which borders your construction will work.
With the speeding up you Change the form, the characteristic of the Swinging.

Besslers Wheel worked with and without the outside hanging pendulum, so why has he used the outside pendulum ?
He used it for the Speed Control, a function what you, I assume, also will Need.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by dradford »

Here is a 'real time' version of the animation - running at the sort of speed I think it would need to in real life, in order to swing the pendulums to the desired angle.
Calloway animated 4 fast.gif
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Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by dradford »

By the way, the reason I think this wheel works (unlike all other designs) is because when the pendulum hits the weight, the reaction against the pendulum is not transmitted up the string and to the string mounting point on the edge of the wheel - it can't be. The string is unable to transfer force like that - perpendicular to itself. Therefore the reaction (from hitting the weight at 8:30 o'clock) against the pendulum cannot be transmitted to the wheel itself.
The whole thing depends on pendulums, because they way they react (or rather, the way that the object they are mounted to reacts) when they hit another body while in motion, is completely different to the way any non-pendulum object reacts.
Just thinking aloud here...
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Re: re: Gravity Wheel

Post by dradford »

Georg Künstler wrote:Hi dradford,
as promised the pendulums on a disk, one weight is being lost during the years.

But still you see the movement of the Pendulums.
I think you need a slightly better build than that to actually show anything useful...
I think you're going to be surprised because Calloway actually has the solution, no need for anything added to what I've already drawn in my animations.

I think the reason Bessler was so insistent on having the money placed right in front of him, if he was going to sell anybody the solution, was because the solution is so incredibly simple, that they might feel 'cheated', even though his wheel was real and actually worked. And if anybody got the slightest glimpse of the inside of his wheel, they could understand how it worked.
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