Gravity Wheel

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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by fredos »

Hi ,

First of all, I want to congrats Calloway for his very interesting design of his wheel.

Agor, I agree with you.The jungle of math for the Calloway Wheel is very took me nearly 2 weeks to write the document below and the Matlab script. For those who don't know what is matlab, google it.

I have put in equations the wheel and all the interactions between the pendulums and sliding weights.

Of course, I am not an expert in mathematics and ,for sure, there are mistakes in the document file.
So, this document must be taken as a draft and must be verified by a third party.

I have used matlab for performing simulation of the behavior of the wheel but i can not say if the wheel turns or not ( because i am not sure of my equations and it requires a lot of time to verify again and again and again ....).
The script permits to draw the graphics of the gravity centers of the sliding weights and pendulum weights versus the wheel angle (called theta in the document).

I post also my Matlab script but also, this script has to be verified by a third party to confirm or not the behavior of the Calloway wheel.

Also, as English is not my mother language, the speeling can be strange

Calloway Matlab script for simulation
(1.98 KiB) Downloaded 160 times
Calloway description file
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

fredos wrote:I have put in equations the wheel and all the interactions between the pendulums and sliding weights.
Of course, I am not an expert in mathematics and ,for sure
this document must be taken as a draft and must be verified by a third party
Also, as English is not my mother language, the speeling can be strange.
You have my respect for it is not easy what you are doing.

Let me read and learn from your documents.

Good on you fresdos
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

I finally got back started on my wheel. The rest of the parts will be here Monday. Amazon shorted me some of the shaft support bearings. This is very tedious installing these correctly. I will have to rebalance the wheel when these are installed. Then install the gloves, pendulums, adjust and hope for a test try next week at some point. This poor wheel has took about all the drilling it can stand from previous design builds. Cheers
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by fredos »

Hi Calloway,

I wish you to have sucess with your wheel concept.
I congrats you for your wheel building.

In my side, i try to solve mathematically and physically your wheel and i hope that other members will bring their skills to help ( i have already posted a document that try to modelize your wheel).

When I studied you wheel concept, I though that there is another possibility that's need to be investigated.
Here is my thought:
The pendulum rope can be replaced by a rod and the collision with the sliding weight gloves can be against the pendulum rod instead of directly hitting the sliding weight glove.

By doing like this, you have a kind of lever ( the lever ratio depends where the collision with the glove occurs on the pendulum rod).
But you have to respect the condition at 12 o clock that the pendulum weight can pass.
To be honest, i don't know if it will give additional force gain compared to your design

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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

Hello fredos, I do thank you and others for your help. I have considered rods and do have them. But I want to try this method first and see what happens. I have other ideas about going to the other side of the wheel and pulling the sliders instead of pushing them. However it will cost me in total slider movement. There are several different ideas that can be tried over time with this design. The weather is cooling and I can hardly wait to get finished so I can get to experimenting. Guess I will try to open a utube account so I can post videos for all to see, unless there is a better idea. Cheers
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Re: re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

fredos wrote:Hi ,


Agor, I agree with you.The jungle of math for the Calloway Wheel is very took me nearly 2 weeks to write the document below and the Matlab script. For those who don't know what is matlab, google it.

I have put in equations the wheel and all the interactions between the pendulums and sliding weights.


I have read and printed your document and know how long that process takes.

It is why I respect the builders in what ever form. The act of doing is allot harder than a person can imagine.

I am looking at the 'Least Action' of the system and using rods instead of rope to help with the mathematics.

My strategy is to address the modelling in stages.
So the overall Calloway GW as a system is the first stage.

Then the contact second stage.

I can understand looking at the modelling in the other order.

However I have more code/maths too build a contact free version.
That will give me the details to feed into a contact event.

I am looking at simplifying the contact stage by keeping the slider weight horizontal.

All the forces are adjusted to work on the slider by taking into account their angle of incident.

Just imagine a camera looking down and rotating with the wheel.

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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Wubbly »

I ran my variant of Marchello's simulation of the Calloway wheel at various angular velocities (with low wind resistance) in WM2D.

Bumped up the number of pendulums to 16, changed the color of one of the pendulum bobs to red, turned on tracking for that one pendulum, and then created a collage of the results of the different runs at various angular velocities.
Calloway Wheel - Pendulum tracking at various angular velocities.
Calloway Wheel - Pendulum tracking at various angular velocities.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by WaltzCee »

Excellent work, Wubbly.
the act of doing is allot harder than a person can imagine.
depends on:

the variables of the
  • person

    and the work.
I've been known to charge customers a little more if they want to watch. And even more if
they want to help.
It is why I respect the builders in what ever form.
Maybe it's time for the pyramid Builders to build a new economic system and Society.

If you enlarge that pyramid and then go to the seventh row of blocks you'll notice a star in
the middle. Also if you look at the bottom right of the pyramid, you'll noticed one of the little
devil pyramid Builders Crouched down.

I don't know what the star means. Also, could just be my imagination.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by silent »

So Wubbly, did the simulation show that it was a working model or did you have to turn on a motor to make it go?

I like the profile of the 35, 55, and 65 degree wheels because the pendulum seems to be coming in right where it needs to be.

There was always a risk that a surreptitious shove could make it come grinding to a halt.

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Re: re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

Wubbly wrote:Bumped up the number of pendulums to 16
Good work

I would like to recommend a simulation that has 4 pendulums and they extend so they just miss the bolt below.

The contact will then be the bar[rod] of the pendulum.

This is the test I am working towards; However I think you will get there quicker.

P.S. We are looking for the effect of the pendulum lagging.

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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Wubbly »

Motor on for the pendulum tracking collage.
Didn't even bother turning it off.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by agor95 »

Hi Wubbly

I was deep in maths. Now after giving myself some time I can see the lagging effect in the 45 to 55 degrees per second.

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Post by eccentrically1 »

That looks more realistic than dradford’s animation, wubbly, thanks for your effort.
And probably closer to the results Calloway got.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Wubbly »

Couldn't have done it without Fletcher's post HERE, and Marchello's simulation HERE. Thanks guys.
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re: Gravity Wheel

Post by Calloway »

I would like to give a update on my wheel. The pendulum weight hitting the slider weights appears to be stealing the wheel rotation energy from the vertical string up to the pendulum mount and finally to the outside of the wheel itself causing a drag. I am going to try moving my efforts to the right side of the wheel. The right side offers me a different angle of approach at 2 o'clock by following the pendulum string up to the mount and back to the axle. Good thing is it wants to turn but it cant overcome this back drag. Reminds me of bemf in a electrical circuit. Will regroup and keep trying. Cheers
I finally started thinking outside of the box, only to find myself in a larger box.
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