Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

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Re: re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by MrVibrating »

eccentrically1 wrote:Mrv:

If the motor WERE mounted to the background / world, then both the torque * angle and power * time integrals would show that the target speed of 1 rad/s has a PE cost of ½ J... not 0.3 J..!
This ^^^ is what you don’t seem to understand. Do motors, or pendulums or rotors, levitate in the real world? Sorry, not sorry.
Right, step back a sec - you've assumed that if neither the brake nor motor attach the system to the background, then it must be floating.. am i right?

The wheel is attached to earth via a bearing. The pendulum is attached to the wheel via a motor, or a brake, or else, if neither are active, just another bearing, so we're looking at an interaction between two angular inertias - a force (torque) is applied between them, and then they're braked back together.

It's a physics sim, not CAD. I'm not trying to design a build. I'm attempting to measure gravity-assisted asymmetric inertial interactions.

And i honestly don't give a monkey's what anyone thinks about it. It is what it is. If i reach certainty alone, i'll go it alone..

Until then, assumption of error is the only way to proceed. Nothing to get het up about..
There are no reactionless momentum gains.
Tell that to a kiiker.
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Post by justsomeone »

The kiiker is adding energy to the system.
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Re: re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by MrVibrating »

John Collins wrote:This is a forum where people debate, post ideas and argue about other people’s comments. Blocking is a form of censorship. I’ve never blocked anyone. If I don’t like what I read I either move on or post a comment ... or debate it. If what it written offends you personally get a thicker skin, defend yourself or move on.

I agree, but resort to using it on this forum only, to limit the distraction - i have limited time for this and want to spend it getting results. Certain others are more preoccupied with ego-stroking and point scoring, but while i can hold my own, i just can't be arsed; not like we ain't got bigger fish to fry.

If someone's clearly not going to assist, and is actively hindering, then soz, but laterz.. B. suffered no fools either - this ain't just a discussion board - it's an R&D repository.

If Bessler's wheels were real then mech. OU's just lying there awaiting rediscovery, the lowest of low-hanging fruits, and we need to stop fucking around and buck our ideas up.. getting embroiled in ego wars is counter-productive and time-consuming..
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Post by MrVibrating »

silent wrote:Argh! The attack of the armchair experts is upon me! LOL!

Mr.Vibrating - over the past year I've enjoyed reading your posts because of all the simulations you have run. No matter the people you block and the harsh critique you have to endure, I really appreciate your contributions to the board because with out it, I would have never thought about the mechanisms in the way you did. I've saved some of your animations to my drive as well.

Sorry for this momentary interruption in your thread because some people must always have the last say and certainly only some members are allowed to critque whereas others are not. It should simmer down now that I've utilized the ignore feature once again.

LOL no worries mate - it's the same psychology as pseudosckeptics / pathosckeptics; arguably, perhaps, patho-science too - prob. goes with the territory.

All this thread's really achieved so far has culminated in the very first sim it began with, only now with more torque. Duh. This should be page 2.. But hey, 'scenic route', right? We'll get there..
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Post by MrVibrating »

eccentrically1 wrote:If you ignore enough members, pretty soon you'll just be commenting with yourself and those that agree with you. What does that sound like?
A research project? Deducing the facts, and working towards the objective?

Not here for small talk..
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Re: re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by MrVibrating »

WaltzCee wrote:He's curious also, Frank. He knows he's deliberately causing this crap. Whether he has
people on ignore or not, he definitely reads what other people are writing.
silent wrote:. . . I really appreciate your contributions to the board because with
out it, I would have never thought about the mechanisms in the way you did. I've saved
some of your animations to my drive as well. . . .
Rather than causing all this baloney, why doesn't he share some drawings of how he
imagines MV's wheel to be built. Put some substance into the really appreciate by
reciprocating, contributing. That really is not what he's about, he's a control freak.

I've been meaning to say the idea that Marcello is a troll is beyond absurd. It would be more
believable to say he's an extraterrestrial.
There is no "wheel to be built" - it's a measurement of an interaction - a force is applied between two equal masses, one of which is also gravitating, then they're braked back together. That's it. I'm just measuring its efficiency - its input and output energies.

As for Marcello - it's OK to be slow, but he's thoroughly unpleasant with it.. NOT motivated by the 'right stuff'.. insists on making you repeat yourself umpteen times, for zero progress.. feck 'im. He'll not be a footnote..
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re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by WaltzCee »

Well, I certainly respectfully disagree. Even if the concept required onboard energy sources,
with regenerative braking, pneumaticlly controlled hydraulic actuators, hydraulic logic,
etcetera, it should be possible ( given the idea is viable) to construct the analog computer
that you are simulating digitally. However, it is your baby.

Several times I've interrupted the flow of the thread to cause you to state concisely what
your idea is. thank you for humoring me. I'm not doing that now. I am suggesting that you
put this idea in the format of a research paper. Then start a new thread, and drop the whole
damn thing into it. If you would be willing to do that, I will personally contact Dr. Ralph Semmel,
director of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and ask him
to review it.

Or you could even do it yourself: http: //

These people are always looking for ideas. He may just laugh in my face. :-)

Also a little wisdom from an old bastard that's not overly jaded, don't be so quick to
Discount people.
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re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by ovyyus »

It's true, Walt isn't overly jaded.
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Re: re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by MrVibrating »

WaltzCee wrote:Well, I certainly respectfully disagree. Even if the concept required onboard energy sources,
with regenerative braking, pneumaticlly controlled hydraulic actuators, hydraulic logic,
etcetera, it should be possible ( given the idea is viable) to construct the analog computer
that you are simulating digitally. However, it is your baby.

Several times I've interrupted the flow of the thread to cause you to state concisely what
your idea is. thank you for humoring me. I'm not doing that now. I am suggesting that you
put this idea in the format of a research paper. Then start a new thread, and drop the whole
damn thing into it. If you would be willing to do that, I will personally contact Dr. Ralph Semmel,
director of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and ask him
to review it.

Or you could even do it yourself: http: //

These people are always looking for ideas. He may just laugh in my face. :-)

Also a little wisdom from an old bastard that's not overly jaded, don't be so quick to
Discount people.
The experiment is probably ready to repeat in R/L - maybe using a small stepper motor - but first it'd just be sensible to nail it down conclusively, which means correlating the gain to its causative factors.

I've already outlined the solution, here and on ECW - the momentum asymmetry (skewed by gravity) results in the rotor gaining more KE from its acceleration than the pendulum loses from decelerating. This energy lies in our (external) reference frame, against which these angular velocities are relative.

A 1 rad/s acceleration of a 1 kg-m² rotor costs 0.5 J, and has 0.5 J of KE.

But apply a 1 rad/s relative acceleration between two 1 kg-m² inertias, and each is accelerated to 0.5 rad/s in opposite directions. Each thus has 0.125 J, for 0.25 J total.

Repeat that whilst both rotors are already in uniform rotation, and one slows down while the other speeds up. N3 would keep the KE balance symmetrical, but gravity stymies that, causing an effective momentum asymmetry, and resulting KE asymmetry - the rotor gains more absolute speed than the pendulum loses, and thus likewise for KE.

The brake only dissipates 0.25 J per cycle because it's subject to N3, equally redistributing the momentum asymmetry, and simply braking away a 1 rad/s relative speed difference. Each part thus changes speed by 0.5 rad/s..

..but the portion of input energy spent over and above 0.25 J (roughly, 0.33 - 0.25 = 0.08 J) is performing OU work / has OU efficiency (since after subtracting it, we still have 0.4744 J, not 0.08).. all that needs doing, from the basic theoretical standpoint, is correlating the KE gain to the velocity / momentum asymmetry - showing how the KE gained by the rotor is more than that lost by the pendulum, due to being multiplied up the V² multiplier.

So while i'm more certain with each passing day, we need to perform the bare minimum of due diligence before making 'impossible' claims..

Crazy part is, i still have to go spend all day despatching, in the pissing-down rain, getting home late every night, and then delivering pizza all weekend just to fund my existence, let alone any research - no days off to get anything else done.. i have no plans for what to do when actually successful - fully tied up keeping the wolves from the door already..

So, looks real to me, but then i'm a complete spanner - maybe there's still chance of error..

If anyone reading this ISN'T tied to a f#%king motorbike all day and thinks they might be able to replicate or verify in any way, now's the time mate..

It's just a spin & brake cycle between two equal inertias, one of which is also transiently gravitating, thus skewing the input momentum distributions. The motor controller simply applies an equal relative acceleration each cycle, and the brake is just a brake..
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Re: re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by eccentrically1 »

MrVibrating wrote:
eccentrically1 wrote:Mrv:

If the motor WERE mounted to the background / world, then both the torque * angle and power * time integrals would show that the target speed of 1 rad/s has a PE cost of ½ J... not 0.3 J..!
This ^^^ is what you don’t seem to understand. Do motors, or pendulums or rotors, levitate in the real world? Sorry, not sorry.
Right, step back a sec - you've assumed that if neither the brake nor motor attach the system to the background, then it must be floating.. am i right?

The wheel is attached to earth via a bearing. The pendulum is attached to the wheel via a motor, or a brake, or else, if neither are active, just another bearing, so we're looking at an interaction between two angular inertias - a force (torque) is applied between them, and then they're braked back together.

It's a physics sim, not CAD. I'm not trying to design a build. I'm attempting to measure gravity-assisted asymmetric inertial interactions.

And i honestly don't give a monkey's what anyone thinks about it. It is what it is. If i reach certainty alone, i'll go it alone..

Until then, assumption of error is the only way to proceed. Nothing to get het up about..
There are no reactionless momentum gains.
Tell that to a kiiker.
If the sim has the wheel on a bearing attached to earth, then the earth is providing the reaction. I'm assuming.

I get you're trying to prove a concept, but a simulation won't give you a positive proof. They will only give you false positives from incorrect (or incomplete) input. Which looks like what you've gotten so far.

A pendulum on a wheel is ATEOTD, just a pendulum on a wheel.

A kiiker is just a pendulum on a giant wheel.
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Post by MrVibrating »

..make your mind up? First you're saying it must be wrong because there's no such thing as reactionless momentum rise, to which i say:


Whassat then, Scotch mist?

But now you're saying that the earth provides a reaction. You're assuming..

..and i too have long said that if we have KE gain, then we also have stray counter-momenta being sunk to earth via gravity. I suspect it's what caused the 1717 mega-quake in New Zealand's Alpine fault line, along with the freaking tidal waves that engulfed NW Europe that Christmas - the earthed counter-momentum from Bessler's Weissenstein castle demo..

But the point is, that counter-momentum is not manifested inside our accelerating system. That's why it's 'OU'. Fundamentally, we are applying a force between two equal inertias, that does not cause equal opposite accelerations.

It's a deceptively simple interaction, but study the sim above - the suspended masses want to drop, but are being held aloft by counter-force from the inertial interaction, thus the input momentum is being applied to only one mass of each pair. This is, effectively, an asymmetric inertial interaction with respect to the 'closed system of masses interacting about a common axis' - ie. we're not seeing equal opposing momenta being generated, all of it is single-signed, and so its net is non-zero; a subsequent inelastic collision / braking between each pair would conserve that momentum rise, accelerating the static mass, and equally decelerating the moving one, leaving the net system at half the velocity of either moving mass, and quartering their net KE.

The KE gain is based on this principle. Counter-momentum is being sunk to earth, via gravity.

For example, consider the above vertical linear example; the entire planet is being drawn upwards, by gravity, towards the static upper mass. The planet is gaining momentum relative to it. But the suspended mass is not gaining momentum - it's not going anywhere. So, just as we have an effectively asymmetric inertial interaction about the system axis, we have another, acting between the planet and the inertially-suspended weight.

Consider a water-filled balloon, in space, with a big steel ball at its center; any acceleration of the balloon will displace the steel ball towards the walls, compressing the fluid on that side. This is what i think may have precipitated the 1717 mega-quake in NZ. The whole planet was being accelerated upwards, ever so slightly, by Bessler's largest, most powerful 5-week wheel demo. Likewise, all the fluids (atmosphere and oceans) sloshed downwards, then rebounded back up to later converge on the epicenter of the acceleration vector - NW Europe. This first tsunami was associated with the initiation and sustaining of the demo; a second, weaker one with its cessation. This acceleration was being applied throughout the five weeks.

The only reason i found out about those events, is because i realised only an N3 break could cause mech. OU, but which meant counter-momenta were being earthed.. so i went and looked for extreme weather events that might've occurred at the same time as that demo.. and immediately found that yes, indeed, there was a fucking biblical storm surge, unprecedented before or since, at the same time as the demo.. the very fucking definition of a 'coincidence'.. Then i twigged that the same logic applied to geological activity, so flipped Google Earth upside down to see what was directly opposite Germany, and there was NZ.. so i Googled for extreme geological events in 1717 and sure enough, there was one - a fucking mega-quake.

If we want safe free energy, then these aren't encouraging coincidences. Ideally, we'd want no extreme weather or geological events in 1717 - instead, we had both..

Re-running the last sim again, with independent KE meters on both parts; this should enable direct correlation of motor work with KE changes, to see exactly where this 0.33 J of motor work is going.. if the anomaly's real, this could be the evidence that wraps it..
A pendulum on a wheel is ATEOTD, just a pendulum on a wheel.
A 'pendulum' usually connotes oscillation - which is absolutely not the gig here. For our purposes, it's an angular inertia, that's also a GPE.
A kiiker is just a pendulum on a giant wheel.
..that gains momentum from the internal expenditure of work, without applying counter-torque at the axis.

..and again - FYI - there is virtually no momentum gain accumulating here. Precious little, anyway - enough to prove that you're wrong, regardless, but no way near enough to account for the 200% energy gains.

This can only mean one thing - the momentum gain that must be associated with the KE gain (since they're both made of the same components) must be transient - it only exists for the first half of the cycle, presumably whilst the acceleration is being applied.

You insist there's no reactionless momentum rise, yet there's no mech. OU / 'KE gains' without one, so if you believe B. was genuine then only an effective N3 break can consistently vindicate that belief.
I get you're trying to prove a concept
Rubbish. I'm reverse-engineering mech. OU from first principles. Measuring the efficiencies of mechanical interactions. There is no 'concept' besides the dependence of PE-to-KE symmetry upon N3 and CoM - the de-facto causative principles of mech. OU. I'm posting late-night text bombs to 3-line melvins i should be ignoring, casting pearls before swine, then mud-wrestling them, all that good stuff, but "trying to prove a concept" i deny outright. That would be unscientitious, and breaking the vows i took when i put on this head-bra.
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re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by agor95 »

MrVibrating wrote: I'm posting late-night text bombs to 3-line melvins.
Thank you for your demo.

I do appreciate it and your analysis

[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by eccentrically1 »

MrVibrating wrote:..make your mind up?

Yes, I have. Your sim is Scotch mist.

First you're saying it must be wrong because there's no such thing as reactionless momentum rise,


to which i say:


Whassat then, Scotch mist?

But now you're saying that the earth provides a reaction. You're assuming..

Yes, that is saying the same thing as no reaction less momentum gains, so your sim is scotch mist.

..and i too have long said that if we have KE gain, then we also have stray counter-momenta being sunk to earth via gravity. I suspect it's what caused the 1717 mega-quake in New Zealand's Alpine fault line, along with the freaking tidal waves that engulfed NW Europe that Christmas - the earthed counter-momentum from Bessler's Weissenstein castle demo..

That's just crazy talk. If you could follow up with more data to support it, like your local ferris wheel causing a tsunami in Japan I might devote a few more lines to it.

But the point is, that counter-momentum is not manifested inside our accelerating system. That's why it's 'OU'. Fundamentally, we are applying a force between two equal inertias, that does not cause equal opposite accelerations.

The reaction does manifest inside the system, if you include the ground as part of the system. That's why it's not OU.

It's a deceptively simple interaction, but study the sim above - the suspended masses want to drop, but are being held aloft by counter-force from the inertial interaction, thus the input momentum is being applied to only one mass of each pair. This is, effectively, an asymmetric inertial interaction with respect to the 'closed system of masses interacting about a common axis' - ie. we're not seeing equal opposing momenta being generated, all of it is single-signed, and so its net is non-zero; a subsequent inelastic collision / braking between each pair would conserve that momentum rise, accelerating the static mass, and equally decelerating the moving one, leaving the net system at half the velocity of either moving mass, and quartering their net KE.

The KE gain is based on this principle. Counter-momentum is being sunk to earth, via gravity.

The only way the above sim works as shown (equal masses in actuator example) is if the top mass is prevented from being accelerated by being mounted to the wheel (as you said earlier about the pendulum example being attached via the motor and brake and bearing). If it's mounted to the wheel, let's say the right hand side, the wheel would rotate CW just from the weight of the actuator/mass mech. After it's released, you say the top mass doesn't move because it's mounted to the wheel, but I say it has to move because it's mounted to a wheel. It would move some distance depending on the mass of the wheel, the mass of the weights, and the amount of the actuator force. Unless there was an identical mech on the left hand side, firing at the same time. Then the wheel would be balanced, and the wheel should remain still. The question everyone has is: does this mechanism have mechanical OU from first principles on a wheel? I wish.

For example, consider the above vertical linear example; the entire planet is being drawn upwards, by gravity, towards the static upper mass. The planet is gaining momentum relative to it. But the suspended mass is not gaining momentum - it's not going anywhere. So, just as we have an effectively asymmetric inertial interaction about the system axis, we have another, acting between the planet and the inertially-suspended weight.

Just as the planet is drawn towards the upper mass, the upper mass is drawn towards the planet via gravity, in accordance with UGL.

Consider a water-filled balloon, in space, with a big steel ball at its center; any acceleration of the balloon will displace the steel ball towards the walls, compressing the fluid on that side. This is what i think may have precipitated the 1717 mega-quake in NZ. The whole planet was being accelerated upwards, ever so slightly, by Bessler's largest, most powerful 5-week wheel demo. Likewise, all the fluids (atmosphere and oceans) sloshed downwards, then rebounded back up to later converge on the epicenter of the acceleration vector - NW Europe. This first tsunami was associated with the initiation and sustaining of the demo; a second, weaker one with its cessation. This acceleration was being applied throughout the five weeks.

The only reason i found out about those events, is because i realised only an N3 break could cause mech. OU, but which meant counter-momenta were being earthed.. so i went and looked for extreme weather events that might've occurred at the same time as that demo.. and immediately found that yes, indeed, there was a fucking biblical storm surge, unprecedented before or since, at the same time as the demo.. the very fucking definition of a 'coincidence'.. Then i twigged that the same logic applied to geological activity, so flipped Google Earth upside down to see what was directly opposite Germany, and there was NZ.. so i Googled for extreme geological events in 1717 and sure enough, there was one - a fucking mega-quake.

If we want safe free energy, then these aren't encouraging coincidences. Ideally, we'd want no extreme weather or geological events in 1717 - instead, we had both..

Re-running the last sim again, with independent KE meters on both parts; this should enable direct correlation of motor work with KE changes, to see exactly where this 0.33 J of motor work is going.. if the anomaly's real, this could be the evidence that wraps it..
A pendulum on a wheel is ATEOTD, just a pendulum on a wheel.
A 'pendulum' usually connotes oscillation - which is absolutely not the gig here. For our purposes, it's an angular inertia, that's also a GPE.

But the mechanism is a pendulum on a wheel, is it not?
A kiiker is just a pendulum on a giant wheel.
..that gains momentum from the internal expenditure of work, without applying counter-torque at the axis.

..and again - FYI - there is virtually no momentum gain accumulating here. Precious little, anyway - enough to prove that you're wrong, regardless, but no way near enough to account for the 200% energy gains.

This can only mean one thing - the momentum gain that must be associated with the KE gain (since they're both made of the same components) must be transient - it only exists for the first half of the cycle, presumably whilst the acceleration is being applied.

Transient is a seductive way to put it.

You insist there's no reactionless momentum rise, yet there's no mech. OU / 'KE gains' without one, so if you believe B. was genuine then only an effective N3 break can consistently vindicate that belief.

I disagree. Only an environmental engine makes Bessler genuine.
I get you're trying to prove a concept
Rubbish. I'm reverse-engineering mech. OU from first principles. Measuring the efficiencies of mechanical interactions. There is no 'concept' besides the dependence of PE-to-KE symmetry upon N3 and CoM - the de-facto causative principles of mech. OU.
I'm posting late-night text bombs to 3-line melvins i should be ignoring, casting pearls before swine, then mud-wrestling them, all that good stuff, but "trying to prove a concept" i deny outright. That would be unscientitious, and breaking the vows i took when i put on this head-bra.
Good luck in your head bra.
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re: Decoupling Per-Cycle Momemtum Yields From RPM

Post by ME »

mrVibrating wrote:@Mar-troll-o
Your constant replying is not how that ignore function should function....!!

I actually was happy avoiding your tread, when I was asked for an opinion on this discussion forum by someone I respect.
You have me on ignore, thus it was your choice in advance not to react and not even wanting to see anything I post. Thus I (wrongly) assumed I could safely answer without getting close to some flammability limit.
Yet *boom* here we are.
When I once again point to the never ending trail of mistakes you start calling me a troll via name-calling? When you suspect I'm a bit slow, you could also have attempted to explain it a little bit better.

I suspect the ignore function is broken.

Anyway, truly many thanks to those who motivated their positive opinions about me.
Yet, Troll or no troll; Right or wrong; Headline or footnote, Terran or extraterrestrial... siriusly, we are talking about a potential Scientific discovery here!
It should be relatively easy to verify this stuff without grasping at opinions... to know things with science, for science, by science.
Things are either Overunity or it isn't.... opinions are plenty.
mrVibrating i need to look closer at the distributions of momentum and KE being applied by the motor, in relation to its T*a - the most obvious answer seems to be that the rotor is being accelerated more than the pendulum is decelerated - ie. maybe in achieving the 1 rad/s relative speed, the rotor was accelerated by 0.75 rad/s while the pendulum was only decelerated by 0.25 rad/s, or whatever the distribution, but, since KE squares with velocity, the rotor has gained more KE than the pendulum's lost, and so more work has been done by the motor.. maybe?
Yes, that's what I wrote. You're welcome, and good luck!
WaltzCee wrote:Even if the concept required onboard energy sources,....
Because the source of energy is in the motor and the Motor part happens in quadrant III, we can try to replace that motor with a spring. -- Temporarily, for verification purposes as it is somewhat more limited than a motor --
We can fine-tune this spring so it pulls the flywheel and the green-bob as such that it results in that targeted speed difference of 10 rad/s. (in the example I have chosen to follow).
We can calculate the spring potential before, and calculate the spring potential after.
This should match the amount of work that a motor should provide.
(Does that make sense?)

At least I think that makes sense, so I troll with an example:
- The flywheel (radius 1m) goes 10 rad/s anticlockwise;
- The green-bob has a downwards velocity of 10 m/s (radially also 10 rad/s)
- The blue spring has a spring-constant of 40 N/m;
- The blue spring has a rest-length of 0.23311 m;
- Over distance of 1.4142 m, the spring is expanded by 1.1811 m. With this we can calculate the initial spring potential;
- The total kinetic energy is 100 Joules, The spring potential is 27.9006 Joules.

When the green-bob (after pi/2 rad) reaches 6-o'clock then difference in radial velocity will be 10 rad/s.
- The Green-bob goes 5,5914 m/s to the right (Ek=15.6319 J);
- The flywheel goes 15.5914 rad/s counter-clock (Ek=121.5459 J)
- The Increase in kinetic energy is 37.1778 Joules;
- Because the flywheel rotated 2.7432 rad = 1.1724 rad+pi/2, the spring is stretched by 0.1627 m
- Thus the current spring potential is 0.5294 Joule, so it lost 27.3706 Joule;
- The Green bob lost 9.80665 Joules in Gravitational Potential Energy,
- The sum amount of lost potential energy, equals the sum amount of kinetic energy;

Can this be verified by someone else. What about that magic motor?

That's 27 joules for a spring (with all energies accounted for), while it was about 31 joules for a motor;
The difference makes sense because that motor causes a higher average end-velocity (averaging is what happens after collision, because of a momentum clash)
- I could try to match the velocities more accurately when it's really necessary (lot of work), but I think this already proofs my point.
Agor95 wrote:One thing comes out of the other view. Remember the pendulum rod and bob have Moments of Inertia.
Normally true, and certainly easy to overlook!

Yet in mrVibratings simulations:
- The pendulum rod is a green line: A massless rod in WM2D;
- The Green bob is not rotating, see the horizontal line that keeps pointing to to the right: It's MoI has no influence;

-- added a picture to show how I visualized that spring replacement.
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
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Post by MrVibrating »

Why not just use a rotary spring?

Why not just use a radial GPE, per the MT 40 arrangement - just using radial lever weights instead of diametric ones.. unlike the latter, radial LW's require no reset stroke (possibly why MT 134 is a development over 133). It's just torque, one way or the other..

For a practical test rig; a stepper motor, or rotary solenoid.
- The pendulum rod is a green line: A massless rod in WM2D;
- The Green bob is not rotating, see the horizontal line that keeps pointing to to the right: It's MoI has no influence;
Its axial MoI is intentionally left out of the equation; its orbital MoI is fucking paramount, since it's the ratio of interacting inertias that determines the absolute velocity and thus KE divergence of the inertial frame, as i've demonstrated in umpteen examples since forever, which you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge because it's "hypothetical" and you think evaluating hypotheses is unscientitious; Only demonstrable facts should ever be calculated - if we started analysing hypothetical systems, well that's just a wild-west of hokum, no?

Besides, it's all BS and in error, you were quite certain just a few posts back.. a litany of crass mistakes, GIGO..
Yes, that's what I wrote. You're welcome, and good luck! you're trying to take credit for it? I'll thank Greta-fucking-Thurnberg before i so much as nod at you sonshine.. It was her quasi-divine leadership that inspired me at every step of the way, save the ocelots and all that shit. Her, and them crusty marchers who meant i had to push me pizza bike halfway up bleedin' Oxford St. last Saturday night. But i never felt more alone and struggling against the flow than when trying to explain any of this shit to Marchello. Just for the record.
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