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Post by Senax »

eccentrically1 wrote:Yes , that's what a gyro does, rotate and precess. I was referring to that, sorry.
And they pushed it in the direction of travel and it lifted, not itself, but as a result of the push. That's the "anti-gravity" effect.
So it seems as though things stand as follows.

You are confident that the all the energy for the gyro lift is provided by the Prof.

I am confident that most of the energy is provided by the interaction of the
β-atmosphere and the gyro and that it is this interaction that supplies the bulk
of the energy involved in the gain of Newtonian Gravity potential energy.
The Prof simply provides the relatively small amount of energy to activate
the servo.

I think we should leave things there.
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Post by eccentrically1 »

Is "beta atmosphere" another word for electric drill?
Ignoring the facts and making things up again. Yes, best leave it there.
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Post by Senax »

β-atmosphere is that fraction of the aether that holds materials together
at the engineering scale. 😎

I shall be referring to it again later in this thread since it is crucial in
understanding how the servo-mechanism works.
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Post by Senax »

Wubbly wrote:Veritasium also did a video on this one here.

and the analysis here:

You also need to consider the force in the X-Y plane where he pushes the wheel forward. This is a major part of what lifts the wheel.

L is the direction of the angular momentum vector since the wheel is spinning counter-clock wise.
R is the distance vector, between his two hands.
F is the force vector where he pushes forward on the wheel in the X-Y plane.
The Torque vector is R X F where "X" is the vector cross product of the Distance Vector and the Force Vector.
In this example, this creates a Torque Vector pointing in the negative Z direction, down toward the earth.

In a linear example, a force vector will change the momentum vector in the direction of the applied force vector.

In this rotational example, a torque vector will change the angular momentum vector in the direction of the applied torque vector.

In order for the angular momentum vector to change in the direction of the applied torque vector, the wheel must rise, reorienting the angular momentum vector L downward in the direction of the applied torque vector.

And he applies some upward force with his right hand, but the major part of the "lift" is performed by the horizontal force vector he applies with his left hand (imo) and everyone is entitled to their own opinion :)
The trouble with the right hand rule is it's math's not physics. I forget who
"In so far as maths is true it doesn't apply to the real world.
In so far as it applies to the real world it isn't true."

In my younger days on this forum I wrote the following:
Grimer wrote:The big temptation with understanding the mechanics of the Newto-Ersatz interactions of the off set gyro is to start off with its big brother model, the Electro-Magnetic right hand rule.

C Johnson is a case in point.

The right hand rule is a boundary case, a mathematician's wet dream.

It isn't physical. If variables are truly orthogonal then no interaction can take place and they are totally disconnected from each other.

The three dimensions, x, y and z ar only independent if they are continuous. If they are discontinuous then movement along one implies movement along both of the others.

For example, if we have cube consisting of 10 by 10 by 10 unit cubes movement of five along the x axis implies movement of 0.5 along the y axis and movement of 0.05 along the z axis.

(..... and incidentally, if the right hand rule is a boundary case for the Newto-Ersatz interactions then it must be for Electro-Magnetic interactions as well).

The real value of the offset gyro is the theoretical understanding it gives of the nature of hierarchical interactions between different orders of energy. It is acting as a mechanical spectrometer by splitting the motion of individual mass elements up into three hierarchically separate orders of motion, velocity, acceleration and jerk,
In other words into,
the 1st order derivative of the position vector with respect to time, dx/dt
the 2nd order derivative of the position vector with respect to time, d²x/dt²
the 3rd order derivative of the position vector with respect to time, d³x/dt³

Now in view of the aspect ratio of Bessler's wheels it is clear that significant transverse movement of weights can't possibly be involved. But third order derivative motion doesn't have to take place in the third dimension as the brachistochrone (cycloid) curve of fastest descent. On either side of the brachistochrone are the hypocycloid and epicycloid. Both involve the third derivative, jerk energy.

Hierarchical separation can most easily be achieved with circular motions of different radii, a small circle, an intermediate circle and a large circle.

The weights within Bessler's Wheel have to be describing a closed path. The simplest closed path to generate is circular.

FWG2 has demonstrated interaction between two of these and various YouTube videos of chaotic motion demonstrate interactions between all three. The trouble with chaotic motion is that it's uncontrolled. One has to learn how to control it. More specifically how to bring the third order energy up from the rotation or partial rotation (swing) of the small circle to the rotation of the large circle, the outer casing in Bessler's Wheel example.

Sorting out this problem is what my rather crude experimental apparatus is engaged on at present.
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Post by WaltzCee »

[color=blue]Sir Frank[/color] wrote:In so far as maths is true it doesn't apply to the real world.
In so far as it applies to the real world it isn't true.
me quoting Albert wrote:Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is
simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
again, me quoting Albert wrote:As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they
are not certain, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
ersatz reasoning most likely overlooks the nuances between true and certain.
I have knighted you. :-)
Last edited by WaltzCee on Mon Oct 21, 2019 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Senax »

I prefer my version. 😎
WaltzCee wrote:...
I have knighted you. :-)
That's better than being doctored.😨
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Post by Senax »

The following two images show how a cricket ball interacts with the
alpha-atmosphere to give lift with back spin and depression with forward spin.



An analogous situation occurs with the offset gyro.
A slight push in the forward direction causing the gyro to increase its
orbital speed leads to to the gyro rearing up

Conversely a slight impedance in the reverse direction causing the gyro to
decrease its forward speed leads to the gyro cowering down (that is the best
antonym I can manage for "rearing up").

I could see that this behaviour must result from the gyro interacting with
the beta-atmosphere since, clearly it can't be the result of reaction with the

I thought about this for a long time and eventually I saw the answer.
Just as I had come to an understanding of the behaviour of materials by
turning things inside out I had to turn this conundrum inside out also.

In the cricket case the the ball is far more rigid than the α-atmosphere
but in the case of the offset gyro the material of the gyro is far less rigid than
that of the β-atmosphere.
This is shown by the much greater speed of the predominant communication
in the β-atmosphere (light) as compared
with the speed of predominant of communication in the cricket ball (sound).

So the gyro is getting its lift from the equivalent magnus effect of the
gyro/β-atmosphere interaction.

Now I'm perfectly well aware that all sounds crazy but as Neils Bohr might have put it:

"We are all agreed that your theory is crazy.
The question that divides us is whether it is crazy
enough to have a chance of being correct."
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Post by Senax »

I should have seen the following earlier.
It's here on the public forum for the record.

The β-atmosphere has two partial pressure, the electric and the
magnetic, the latter being very much greater than the former.

There is an analogy in the alpha atmosphere where nitrogen partial pressure
is greater than oxygen albeit that the disparity is far less.

The second derivative energy is a manifestation of βe-atmosphere pressure.

The third derivative energy is a manifestation of βm-atmosphere pressure -
which it is why it is so weirdly strong and acts at approximately right angles.

The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.
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Post by FunWithGravity2 »

eccentrically1 wrote:Is "beta atmosphere" another word for electric drill?
Ignoring the facts and making things up again. Yes, best leave it there.

I see Frank Grimer has not progressed much further than his snap crackle and pop days of making up things, "i now see" used to be my favorite LOL
Si mobile in circumferentia circuli feratur ea celeritate, quam acquirit cadendo ex
altitudine, quae sit quartae parti diameter aequalis ; habebit vim centrifugam suae
gravitati aequalem.
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Post by Senax »

Senax wrote:I should have seen the following earlier.
It's here on the public forum for the record.

The β-atmosphere has two partial pressures, the electric and the
magnetic, the latter being very much greater than the former.

There is an analogy in the alpha atmosphere where nitrogen partial pressure
is greater than oxygen albeit that the disparity is far less.

The second derivative energy is a manifestation of βe-atmosphere pressure.

The third derivative energy is a manifestation of βm-atmosphere pressure -
which it is why it is so weirdly strong and acts at approximately right angles.

The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.
I believe that the speed of light must be the characteristic speed of the
electric field, the βe-atmosphere which means that the characteristic
speed of the magnetic field, the βm-atmosphere must be very much greater -
though not as great as that of gravity.

This could have been deduced from Faraday's earliest experiments since
interaction of fields at right angles is physically impossible.
FunWithGravity2 wrote:...
I see Frank Grimer has not progressed much further than his snap crackle
and pop days of making up things, "i now see" used to be my favourite LOL
He who laughs last, laughs longest. 🤣
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Post by raj »

Et oui, qui rira le dernier, rira bien!

Keep learning till the end.
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Post by WaltzCee »

. . . And the second rat gets the cheese.
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Post by raj »

OR is it the second MOU-TH that get the cheese?

Keep learning till the end.
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Post by WaltzCee »

No, it's the second rat. The first rat gets trapped. The second rat gets rat du fromage.
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Post by spinner361 »

It looks to me like more of an energy consumer than an energy provider. It's pretty cool, though.
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