Overbalanced wheel with corner-shaped weights

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Overbalanced wheel with corner-shaped weights

Post by veproject1 »

Another "workable" overbalanced wheel model on video:
Impressive but not frictionless. Will stop in 2 sec.
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re: Overbalanced wheel with corner_ shaped weights

Post by Robinhood46 »

I'm sure with a bit of effort you can get it to turn for more than 2 secs Veproject11.
There are a few ways you could do this, the most effective is usually spinning it faster.
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re: Overbalanced wheel with corner_ shaped weights

Post by agor95 »

Ho I don't know an electric motor could be "workable" ;)
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re: Overbalanced wheel with corner_ shaped weights

Post by Fletcher »

I love how you can whip up these table top models VP1. Always beautifully done.

I particularly like this one because it has all the elements and similarities to MT13 imo.

Except the internal artificial horizon is replaced by a simple external lower ramp on the ascending side (like MT12 shows) and an upper flip mech (a ramp analogue) on the ascending side.

A long time ago I experimented with ramp lifting ideas. IIRC even placing the bottom lift ramp caused the wheel to rotate backwards i.e. take the path of least resistance. Unfortunately the same with the top lifter.

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re: Overbalanced wheel with corner_ shaped weights

Post by Robinhood46 »

I stand corrected.
That would be way more effective, but it would be cheating.
Another way to get them to turn longer is to fix all the weights so that none of them move.
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re: Overbalanced wheel with corner-shaped weights

Post by agor95 »

I think VP1 is making a difference and if he would like to help others get their concepts presented then all the better.

Also we do have a chance to see "workable" implementations of some designs.

As explained the objective is to get a presentation
in the form the inventor expects the concept too operate.

Using hidden solenoids, motors or spinning the axle with fingers are fine in
achieving this purpose.

If we upped the criteria to have only independent verified perpetual motion devices
then we would have a very short Youtube channel.

Keep on smiling.
Last edited by agor95 on Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Overbalanced wheel with corner-shaped weights

Post by Fletcher »

I agree - seeing designs as they might work in the inventors mind is a nice change from the run-o'the-mill YouTube fakes claiming success. VP1's workmanship is worth watching alone, imo.
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