A claim buttressed by a theory of operation would be more credible.
- Theory of Operation: Generally speaking Newton's third law (N3)
is practical and predictive.
- For every action there's an opposite and equal reaction.
- That understanding landed man on the moon. However there are
two special cases barring N3 from being a serious objection to
perpetual motion (PM).
Here is the first case. Imagine catching or trapping this alleged reaction
and storing it rather than allowing that energy to cascade and disapate
throughout the wheel, reverting to some mean causing the entire process
to keel. Instead spend this energy when it's more productive. Also rather
than stopping then restarting the alleged reaction you redirect it. If this
can be mechanically accomplished it would be like drawing an arrow, then
letting it fly right into the heart of N3. The reaction wouldn't be opposite
if it were redirected and it wouldn't be equal if you send it down a zig zag! (I have
patented the zig zag and expect to get a Nobel for that discovery.)
The second case has an elegance and beauty almost beyond words.
et cetera.