here is yuor Perpetual motion

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here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by perPedes »

you want a PM. here it is go to hwcv org and choose video/english until Scott sets the links.

and of course with description and calculation
waiting for congratulationes ;-)

Ps_Scott please show us the links inhere
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by Tarsier79 »

You could just put your own link. It auto links addresses.

I will congratulate you once we have replication and scalability.

Thank you for your video.
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by perPedes »

forum says i cant put my links
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by johannesbender »

just copy and paste the link like text , viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9040 <-simple text pasted in the comment box
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Its all relative.
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by perPedes »

i tried but i cant
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by Tarsier79 »

I find it difficult to believe Bessler would have used this principle in his large wheels, however, if the principle does work, it will piss off some scientists, especially if it can do a tiny amount of work.
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by perPedes »

I gave you a spinning wheel without an energy source and the calculation in addition. are you all sleeping ???
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by perPedes »

is it able to speak to Scott. is he still alive ? remember the one million dollar challenge !!!!
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by ovyyus »

Thanks for posting perPedes. Could you please describe a few more specifics of the working machine.

What is the overall size of the working machine in the video?

Is the chain in the working machine made of small magnets, if so what is their size and type?

What type of ferrofluid did you use?

Have you constructed a working machine made of water and sticks?

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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by WaltzCee »

exploiting gradients between stratifying masses or several masses as they stratify in a gravitational field is not novel.

Lacking any specifics, my guess is it behaves like a water wheel in reverse. That is, it is driven by buoyance instead of the weight of the water.

Clever, yet no Lewinski.


will you kiss my butt, Soon?
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by Tarsier79 »

If it continues perpetually, it is novel. First there needs to be replication. We dont know if the video is faked. Math can be made to say anything you want it to.
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by Art »

Welcome perPedes.

Hans, - Congratulations! - Very impressive.

No doubt in my mind that this is genuine, you have cracked a method of tapping into surface tension energy very successfully - No Doubt!

A word of explanation about this site though! : )
We have a history over the years of many incursions of people with overextended claims so don't interpret a lack of enthusiasm as being due to sleepiness.


What it appears is that you have successfully achieved a method of breaking the symmetry of the molecular attraction between liquids and solids -
A monumental achievement in my opinion.

The energy of motion of that "belt" is being syphoned (pun intended) from molecular bonds.

This energy flow must be connecting the apparatus to everything outside of it ( - if anything we know about Science that is true is still true - which IMO it definitely is! : ))

It is now of prime interest in what form this energy flow is i.e., Thermal, Electrical/Magnetic or Kinetic.

If it is Thermal or Electrical/Magnetic flow, then it will be a seriously effective source when scaled up.

If Kinetic though (the energy contained in the "vibrations" of the molecules), scaling up may be a problem.

So, two things for your next video! : ) ----

1. Put a thermometer in that apparatus and see what's happening to the temperature as it runs,


2. Make an electrical connection from the apparatus (totally insulated from surroundings by nonconductive Styrofoam or rubber or something) to ground through a sensitive current/voltage meter and see if there is any current showing.

Tie this aspect of it down now and you're guaranteed of waking the Alternate Energy community up real quick ! : )

All the Very Best with It ! (I am so Jealous! : ))
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by thx4 »

Art wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 5:25 am All the Very Best with It ! (I am so Jealous! : ))
Don't get carried away with this wonder, it's closer to a fake than a certainty. lol
if you have time, read again the capillarity, nothing new in the east, already at the time of Bessler in 1717 (decidedly some things happened in this period)

Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by Art »

Yes, Thanks thx4, I understand your concerns.

While I don't believe this method or "principle" is likely to have been used by Bessler based on a number of considerations around power and timing,
my attraction to this presentation is due mainly to the results of a few experiments I conducted personally.

The results of my experiments demonstrated to me clearly that the mathematical treatment of meniscus levels in capillary tubing is probably quite correct, but it is based on very specific parameters of single capillary tubes and not on real life conditions of multiple adjacent capillary tubes of materials other than glass.

A simple experiment that was an eye opener for me was when I took about 300 Mls of water in a glass container with a distance of more than one inch between the surface of the water and the rim of the glass, and then hung a thin strip of micro cellulose material which was totally dry across the top of the glass, dipping into the water in the glass on one side and hanging down the outside to below the level of the water in the glass on the other side .

What happens is the water immediately "soaks" up the dry material by capillary attraction (presumably),soaks along the length of the material down to the level of the water in the glass on the outside of it and then merrily continues emptying the water in the glass by syphon action until the water drops to the level of the end of the strip of material inside the glass (all the way to the bottom if the end goes there ! ).

That process is a self-starting process, which demonstrates pretty clearly that the conditions in a one capillary tube do not match multiple capillary spaces in a micro cellulose material.

I tried different ideas to "detach" the water from the micro cellulose material at heights above about the one-inch distance above the surface of the liquid in this type of system and failed to achieve it. Because I found that the force of attraction of the water to the "capillary " material acted like a symmetrical force of a i.e., the amount of attraction which allowed the weight of the water to rise was apparently also the same amount that you have to put in to release it at that height.Just like gravity and magnetism.

If perPedes has succeeded in making this attraction asymmetric with ferro fluid and magnets (and possible electrical input) then he has succeeded in doing what most Alternate Energy buffs have been trying for ages to do.

The rest of my enthusiasm rests on my judgement that Hans is not conning me! and I know you wouldn't do that, would you Hans? : )
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Re: here is yuor Perpetual motion

Post by perPedes »

of course not. it would make no sense to fake it and give a description in addition. to fake this means for me lots of work for nothing. as you can read in the calculation, the chain has to run by keeping physical rules. a friend of mine said, standing in front of the machine, this is a wonder, and I said, no the only wonder would be if it doesnt run. the best is, a perpetual motion with a correct calculation out of these books where the CoE is on the other hand the credo in exactly the same books
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