Atmospheric Chemistry

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Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by UbWe »

I happen to like science and math. You guys will know who I am when I'm pursuing my experiment. After all, have tarsier79, waltzcee, ab hammer, etc.
learned anything? If anything goes, as with fire, watch out for back draft. It will be interesting when I say people wanted me to fail and they didn't want Bessler's work realized. And why is this my experiment? One scientist said I could give them my experiment and all of my research and I said no.
It's like waltzcee saying he's going to kill me. He justified so I have to take that as a serious threat on my life. And will anyone stand up to the IPCC? It's
like pursuing Bessler's Wheel in here, people who don't build or contribute any work control this forum. It's the same with the IPCC and if you guys kan forstå Engelsk then when you read the research I'm pursuing, you'll understand it.
I have a lot of work involved with the research I'm pursuing as well as Bessler's Wheel. If you guys are wondering, the IPCC is relying on CO2 and methane to rise above their historic levels to return the ozone layer to its pre-1980 level. That means lowering CO2 can't be allowed to happen. You guys do know that ozone occurs when it absorbs UV - A, B and C radiation, right? That allows crops to grow and for phytoplankton to be at the bottom of the food chain.
And I thought since I'm not allowed to discuss Bessler's work in here then I'll discuss my work. And without Bessler's Wheel and my own inventions then I wouldn't be able to pursue my experiment. What this does is when basic systems and relationships that exist within my experiment, that allows me to understand the complicated relationships in Bessler's Wheel.
And what I thought will be a little odd is if they call my "law" for why gasses are attracted to each other when a cold low pressure is the environment they
might call it Jimi's law. And of course if my "failed" research leads to my realizing it, then it will be associated with Bessler's Wheel. And if I say that I thought that Bessler was a highly intelligent individual then I think they'll agree. And with "Jimi's law", if I can demonstrate that using Coulomb's law as a reference as to why gasses and molecules are attracted to each other then that will be a new law in physics and chemistry.

p.s., Man does not live by Bessler alone.

CO2 + H2O = CH2O + O2 (for the Chapman cycle)

What I am proposing as a new process that Coulomb's Law might allow for. With Coulomb’s law it is about a positive or negative charge. In the tropopause the temperature can drop to -56º C. Is it possible that when CO2 moves into the upper troposphere that it retains more heat than water vapor?
With the Joules – Thomson coefficient, CO2 does. If you consider that water turns into a gas more readily in a vacuum (less pressure) and we know that anvil clouds stop (for the most part) when it reaches the tropopause because of a sudden temperature drop.

Above the boundary layer HCHO mixing ratios
decreased with increasing altitude to a minimum level of
250 pptv at about 7 km. At higher altitudes (above 7 km)
HCHO levels showed a strong dependency on the airmass
origin. In air masses from the North Atlantic/North Ameri-
can area HCHO levels were of the order of 300 pptv, a factor
of 6 higher than values predicted by the model. Even higher
HCHO levels, increasing to values of the order of 600 pptv
at 11 km altitude, were observed in easterlies transporting air
affected by the Indian monsoon outflow towards the Mediter-
ranean basin. Only a small part (∼30 pptv) of the large dis-
crepancy between the model results and the measurements of
HCHO in the free troposphere could be explained by a strong
underestimation of the upper tropospheric acetone concen-
tration by up to a factor of ten by the 3D-model. There-
fore, the measurement-model difference in the upper tropo-
sphere remains unresolved, while the observed dependency
of HCHO on airmass origin might indicate that unknown,
relatively long-lived NMVOCs – or their reaction intermedi-
Correspondence to: H. Fischer (
ates – associated with biomass burning are at least partially
responsible for the observed discrepancies.
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 851–861, 2003
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Formaldehyde over the eastern Mediterranean during MINOS:
Comparison of airborne in-situ measurements with 3D-model

My interest started with NOAA’s report;

Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2014
Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) are each important to climate forcing and to the levels of stratospheric ozone (see Chapter 2). In terms of the globally averaged ozone column, additional N2O leads to lower ozone levels, whereas additional CO2 and CH4 lead to higher ozone levels. Ozone depletion to date would have been greater if not for the historical increases in CO2 and CH4. The net impact on ozone recovery and future levels of stratospheric ozone thus depends on the future abundances of these gases. ... y/ch5.html

With a flow chart, something like this can be considered using Occam’s Razor;

The emission spectrum of CO2 is 325 – 425 nm (research cited at bottom of page) while
Data for the spectral light absorption of pure water from 250 to 550 nm have been obtained using an integrating cavity made from a newly developed diffuse reflector with a very high UV reflectivity. The data provide the first scattering-independent measurements of absorption coefficients in the spectral gap between well-established literature values for the absorption coefficients in the visible (>400 nm) and UV (<200 nm). A minimum in the absorption coefficient has been observed in the UV at 344 nm; the value is 0.000811±0.000227 m−1.
John D. Mason, Michael T. Cone, and Edward S. Fry, "Ultraviolet (250–550  nm) absorption spectrum of pure water," Appl. Opt. 55, 7163-7172 (2016) ... 55-25-7163

The experiment in a sense could show where more research is necessary.

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 1733–1756, 2015
© Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
Retrievals of formaldehyde from ground-based FTIR and MAX-DOAS observations at the Jungfraujoch station and comparisons with GEOS-Chem and IMAGES model simulations

The concentration of the
simulated HCHO profiles shows a strong gradient in the troposphere, with maximum values of approximately 0.3 ppbv
at the ISSJ altitude (3580 m), rapidly decreasing to a min-
imum of 10 pptv in the upper troposphere and the lower
stratosphere. These values are in good agreement with in situ
observations (e.g., Harder et al., 1997) and airborne measure-
ments (e.g., Fried et al., 2003, 2008; Stickler et al., 2006)
carried out in the background continental boundary layer at
mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere.

With what I am proposing, CH2O and H2O are allowing for the record levels of CO2 and CH4 in the stratosphere. And that CH2O is a transitional gas that chemically interacts with another CH2O molecule. This then can allow for such observations as the IPCC has made known in its 2013 report on climate change. Also with what the authors in the first paper that I cited, I believe this would support a controlled experiment to find out if an unknown process or processes as well as to quote the aforementioned authors; unknown, relatively long-lived NMVOCs – or their reaction intermedi-
Correspondence to: H. Fischer (
ates – associated with biomass burning are at least partially responsible.

There is also
CH2O is a highly unstable molecule and yet if 2 molecules were 180º out of phase with each other then they could be attracted to each other. In citing Paul Jozef Crutzen with the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in his paper Are CH2O measurements in the marine boundary layer suitable for testing the current understanding of CH4 photooxidation?: A model study

Calculations with the Model of Chemistry Considering Aerosols indicate that, based on the current understanding, halogen chemistry and aerosol chemistry have no significant impact on the CH2O concentration under conditions encountered in the SIO. However, a detailed investigation including meteorological effects such as precipitation scavenging and convection reveals an uncertainty in state-of- the-art model predictions for CH2O in the MBL that is too large for a meaningful test of the current understanding of CH4 photooxidation.

And then there is ;

JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 108, NO. D20, 8798, doi:10.1029/2003JD003451, 2003
The chemistry and distribution of the reactive inter-
mediate formaldehyde (CH 2 O) has been of interest to
atmospheric scientists for more than two decades. This
gas, which is one of the most abundant gas phase carbonyl
compounds found in the atmosphere, is formed by the
oxidation of most anthropogenic and biogenic hydrocarbons
initiated by reactions with the hydroxyl (OH) radical and ozone (O 3). Over continental areas, oxidation of nonme-
thane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) dominates the production of
CH 2O [Fried et al., 1997b]. This gas is emitted directly by
incomplete fossil fuel combustion as well as from secondary
processes [de Serves, 1994; Sigsby et al., 1987]. Formalde-
hyde is also emitted into the atmosphere from biomass
burning [Lee et al., 1997], industrial fugitive gas emissions,
and emissions from vegetation [Carlier et al., 1986, and
references therein]. In the remote atmosphere, by contrast,
methane (CH 4) oxidation becomes the dominant source of
this gas.

This paper states that methane oxidation is the dominant source of CH2O when what if methane is from CH2O? With the experiment that I am proposing,if it is observed that CO2 + H2O > CH2O + O2 then it might be observed if CH4 occurs while the levels of CH2O decrease. With Occam’s Razor, a process of elimination should be allowed for. One reason for this is the relationship that CO2 and H2O has. And then if 2 – CH2O molecules do interact then further research and study would be needed.

JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH,VOL.107,NO.D8, 4060,10.1029/2001JD000896,2002
to save you a lot of reading; ACH 3 – 10, paragraph 36 and after that more papers are cited.

[36] Since none of the above possibilities seems to explain themodel-measurement discrepancy, it appears that the model’s CH2Oproduction rate is too small. Uncertainties in parameters controlling the known source channels do not appear large enough to explain more than a 25% discrepancy in [CH2O]. We therefore postulate that at least one source of CH2O is missing from the standard model. The median missing CH2O source is about 0.4 ppbv d/span>1and is relatively constant with altitude between 0 and 8 km in the NARE 97 domain.[37] ... 01JD000896

What will need to be remembered is that my interest is primarily what uptake can allow for what the IPCC has observed. In the MBL (marine boundary layer) the same forcing might happen. And as other gasses reach the higher altitudes then some of those gasses might be gasses that have cycled through multiple phases in which they become different gasses.

With the experiment that I am proposing, to test my hypothesis it can be under controlled conditions with the gasses being observed unable to mix with other gasses in the atmosphere. A weather balloon can allow for a controlled environment that can go up into the stratosphere.
After all, they do fill them with helium so that observations can be made without using satellites, etc. And with a weather balloon filled with specific gasses then if changes in gas levels are observed this would limit how forcings/cycling of gasses is happening. It would also eliminate photolytics and the halogen process as well.
And there are 2 things that can be tested. One is if the Van Allen radiation belts influence gasses occurring outside of both the known/understood halogen and photolytic processes. And the other is shielding the balloon from electrostatic forces. But first a controlled experiment would need to be done to see if something akin to Cold Fusion happens. This would be something between Coulomb's law and the Zeroth law of thermodynamics.

Data for the spectral light absorption of pure water from 250 to 550 nm have been obtained using an integrating cavity made from a newly developed diffuse reflector with a very high UV reflectivity. The data provide the first scattering-independent measurements of absorption coefficients in the spectral gap between well-established literature values for the absorption coefficients in the visible (>400 nm) and UV (<200 nm). A minimum in the absorption coefficient has been observed in the UV at 344 nm; the value is 0.000811±0.000227 m−1.

Applied Optics
• Vol. 55,
• Issue 25,
• pp. 7163-7172
• (2016)
• •
• Ultraviolet (250–550 nm) absorption spectrum of pure water
John D. Mason, Michael T. Cone, and Edward S. Fry
Last edited by UbWe on Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by UbWe »

To give you guys a basic understanding, there are ice ages and inter-glacial periods. Why? It's like Bessler's Wheel or my own invention, overbalance
allows for net force at an expense. This is because it changes the moment of inertia. And with the Earth, it seems the faster it spins the less effect the Sun's orbital velocity because of gravity affects the Earth. Yep, I can go from rolling with Bessler to rolling with ice ages.
With the Earth, it's mass is 5.97219 × 10^24 kilograms and yet when multiplied by the universal constant G (G = 6.67408 × 10-11 N m^2 kg^-2). With orbital
velocity, it's in the attached image. That's fairly basic. What's not accounted for is the slingshot effect the Sun provides ... assist_you

And a change in the Earth's spin on its axis allows for a corresponding change in how the Sun's orbital velocity moves the Earth in its orbit. I find Bessler's Wheel more challenging. And it relies on having a moment of inertia and how linear momentum can be conserved as angular momentum. That last part should be the #1 rule in perpetual motion. How are you going to conserve the momentum/energy generated by the Earth's gravitational field?
And with me, I promised a Montana farmer I would do what I can to see how climate change might influence her farm. It's a family farm and having an
idea of what climate change might bring would help her family to be aware of what adapting to new conditions will require.

It's just that with stuff like this, there are no do overs. It has to be right the first time.
Orbital Velocity.png
Last edited by UbWe on Sun Aug 20, 2023 6:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by JUBAT »

>It's like waltzcee saying he's going to kill me.
No he didn't. He was quoting a post from you that you posted here years ago. You typed the original threat, WC found it, and quoted it. This is a false, libelous claim. Don't blame WC for that post when all he did is quoted what you typed years ago under the Jala username.

>I have a lot of work involved with the research I'm pursuing as well as Bessler's Wheel.
And still no runner but keep trying.

>And I thought since I'm not allowed to discuss Bessler's work in here then I'll discuss my work.
Nobody has said that. In fact, you have said you would quit posting. I'm waiting... When you say you're going to do something, and never do it, people soon learn what sort of person you are. The word "liar" comes to mind.

> understand the complicated relationships in Bessler's Wheel.
But not to the point you have a runner...

The rest of you post has nothing to do with the Bessler Wheel so I'm not quoting it.

Don't like and fail to provide proof of your claims Dr. Jala When.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by JUBAT »

>It's just that with stuff like this, there are no do overs. It has to be right the first time.

Does this apply to attempts and making a working Bessler Wheel?
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 6:45 pm >It's just that with stuff like this, there are no do overs. It has to be right the first time.

Does this apply to attempts and making a working Bessler Wheel?
It simply means I am coming for you.

p.s., I did mention because of you and your friends I'm not allowed to discuss Bessler's work in here. Bessler would be more about my Father
from Norway and my brother Harold. I was a part of a family. While this song states that the desert lives and breathes at 45º C. I actually prefer
science but I know boilers, turbines, centrifugal pumps, etc. and have worked in environments when 110º F. was considered as "cool". That's literal.
Between boilers, 140º F. My watch station was above the main condensate pump. In the Navy, some of us moved the ship as well as powered it
with 1,500 kWh steam driven turbines.

p.s.s., And Alan, I think I will have friends who will reveal all of the secrets in this forum. Everybody knows who I am, just not a secret. And with Jubat
or waltzcee, you'll become known. The work or opinion a person makes known simply doesn't matter. It is as you said, these people are your friends
and they'll support you.
Last edited by UbWe on Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by JUBAT »

These people support truth. Nobody has supported me and in fact during your last peaceful absence, I was saying the wheel wasn't going to be solved in my lifetime. They don't like me for reasons completely unrelated to why they dislike you.

Don't threaten me Lindgaard. The authorities will be notified in Richmond if you do. I have way deeper pockets than you do and be careful who you poke with a stick. You can throw all you want at AB Hammer - in fact I double dare you to go after him - he's innocent here. I'm truly just some nobody out in the backwoods that isn't going to put up with your bullshit.

Just speak truth, but don't threaten others. That's crossing a major line and I and a few others will not tolerate it. A few phone calls and I guarantee you this will all be over with.

Mind yourself.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:24 pm These people support truth. Nobody has supported me and in fact during your last peaceful absence, I was saying the wheel wasn't going to be solved in my lifetime. They don't like me for reasons completely unrelated to why they dislike you.

Don't threaten me Lindgaard. The authorities will be notified in Richmond if you do. I have way deeper pockets than you do and be careful who you poke with a stick. You can throw all you want at AB Hammer - in fact I double dare you to go after him - he's innocent here. I'm truly just some nobody out in the backwoods that isn't going to put up with your bullshit.

Just speak truth, but don't threaten others. That's crossing a major line and I and a few others will not tolerate it. A few phone calls and I guarantee you this will all be over with.

Mind yourself.

These people say Bessler was a fraud. Why they support you.
Last edited by UbWe on Sun Aug 20, 2023 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by JUBAT »

James - I don't have a secret cartel of people supporting me. Go back and research my posts. People aren't happy with me, but they aren't disgusted with me like they are with you.

If you can make just one post where you focus 100% on your wheel, your atmospheric research, or whatever without referencing stuff like "my work is not supported here" and digs at AB Hammer, etc. then people will respond positively. Also, it doesn't help to threaten people.

You're free to post whatever you want, but when I read unsupported accusations, I'm going to correct you. I don't correct you when it comes to your math and your cool sketch-up designs - it's really cool to see. I just suggest if you can make posts without digging up old crap about AB Hammer and saying negative stuff about the members of this board, you'll have a lot less flak.

I also must remind you that you have said you're going to quit posting here. When will this occur?
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 1:51 am James - I don't have a secret cartel of people supporting me. Go back and research my posts. People aren't happy with me, but they aren't disgusted with me like they are with you.

If you can make just one post where you focus 100% on your wheel, your atmospheric research, or whatever without referencing stuff like "my work is not supported here" and digs at AB Hammer, etc. then people will respond positively. Also, it doesn't help to threaten people.

You're free to post whatever you want, but when I read unsupported accusations, I'm going to correct you. I don't correct you when it comes to your math and your cool sketch-up designs - it's really cool to see. I just suggest if you can make posts without digging up old crap about AB Hammer and saying negative stuff about the members of this board, you'll have a lot less flak.

I also must remind you that you have said you're going to quit posting here. When will this occur?

Alan, correct me all you want. I am still coming for you and your friends.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by JUBAT »

No you're not. You're just bluffing. All talk and no action. I'll believe it when I see it.

When are you going to quit posting? I'm giddy with excitement!
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by UbWe »

When I pursue my research, it will not be in an English speaking country. This forum will let people know what native
English speaking people support. After all I was banned because I did not want Alan Bauldree's green dot of approval.
And as Jubat told me, I will never have a life in the U.S. because he will not allow it because he's a "real" American.
And Alan, you and rlorite are Nazis and are well liked for it. Then again Nazis were also well liked in Germany. After all,
the U.S. has been at war for about every year this century shaping the world through its military. And this has been to
promote Israeli national security.
And with this forum I'll say saboteurs are supported when they come after me because I'm simply not a "pure" Englisher.
And I saw where waltzcee went after bruno but never a "pure" Englisher. Has he ever gone after Fletcher? Nope. Why?
Fascist people will blame their victim. And when waltzcee said he is going to kill me, that is like when Alan Bauldree told
me that if I want to live I have to do exactly what he says. And if waltzcee is only ab hammer and jubat's friend then that
represents a criminal syndicate. And that this forum supports such a criminal enterprise just as Stefan Hartmann of Germany
allowed in his forums.

And this is why the U.S. has been at war since 2001. The war in Ukraine is a proxy war, the U.S. is using Ukraine to fight its
war with Russia because both the U.S. and Russia are nuclear powers. And that is why I am allowed to be attacked in this
forum when I'm pursuing Bessler's Wheel.

United Nations Partition Plan 1947 (UN Resolution 181)
Following the British announcement that it would end its authority over Palestine, the question of sovereignty was considered by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP). The UNSCOP report recommended the division of the British Mandate-controlled area of Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, with Jerusalem to be an “international” city. According to the plan, the two states, roughly equal in size and natural resources, would cooperate on major economic issues, sharing their currency, roads, and government services over the territory.
Last edited by UbWe on Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:26 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by JUBAT »

>When I pursue my research, it will not be in an English speaking country. This forum will let people know what native
You said the same thing on back in 2015

>English speaking people support. After all I was banned because I did not want Alan Bauldree's green dot of approval.
You were banned for your behaviour which is atrocious.

>And as Jubat told me, I will never have a life in the U.S. because he will not allow it because he's a "real" American.
I never said this. This is a false accusation which you cannot prove.

>And with this forum I'll say saboteurs are supported when they come after me because I'm simply not a "pure" Englisher.
False. You've said the same stuff over and over without proof with your persecution complex. We all agree that we don't care what your heritage is. We care more about not falsely accusing people of things.

>And when waltzcee said he is going to kill me,
He did not. He quoted an old post of yours. It was originally your own composition he was quoting.

>And if waltzcee is only ab hammer and jubat's friend...
You're wrong again on all counts.

Once again you're accusing us of saying things we did not say. Stop it Lindgaard. It's just more of your petulant and incorrect bullshit.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 6:00 pm >When I pursue my research, it will not be in an English speaking country. This forum will let people know what native
You said the same thing on back in 2015

>English speaking people support. After all I was banned because I did not want Alan Bauldree's green dot of approval.
You were banned for your behaviour which is atrocious.

>And as Jubat told me, I will never have a life in the U.S. because he will not allow it because he's a "real" American.
I never said this. This is a false accusation which you cannot prove.

>And with this forum I'll say saboteurs are supported when they come after me because I'm simply not a "pure" Englisher.
False. You've said the same stuff over and over without proof with your persecution complex. We all agree that we don't care what your heritage is. We care more about not falsely accusing people of things.

>And when waltzcee said he is going to kill me,
He did not. He quoted an old post of yours. It was originally your own composition he was quoting.

>And if waltzcee is only ab hammer and jubat's friend...
You're wrong again on all counts.

Once again you're accusing us of saying things we did not say. Stop it Lindgaard. It's just more of your petulant and incorrect bullshit.
I'll show your post where you said I had no authority to know anything and that you would teach me how to talk. And where oyvvus said you were
grooming me. I think people will understand why I can't live in the U.S. And as you just said, I can't get out of your country quick enough. And what people will like is when I called you God and said you should be worshiped and exalted. These forums are your church Alan and your disciples believe in you.
Last edited by UbWe on Mon Aug 21, 2023 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by JUBAT »

You keep quoting ab hammer but since I'm not him you dunce, you can't accuse me of saying what he said. We are 2 different people that live over 700 miles apart.

You know Jim you have completely ruined your credibility here, on, and people keep saying the same stuff about you and you've raved on and blamed others for your bans when it was you spewing your hate that did you in.

Now people can research your posts from 2015 on overunity and other places and nobody wants to listen to you. You've done it all yourself. Instead of being someone others would look up to, your constant drivel has made you a footnote regarding the bessler wheel and other discoveries you've made.

You also keep accusing Walt of saying things when all he did is found something you wrote and quoted it. Others have made note of your threats on other forums. You have a track record and it is not good.

You've ruined yourself Jim and now the only attention you get is from posting lies and misinformation and me correcting you. Sad really. You were capable of so much more.
Last edited by JUBAT on Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Atmospheric Chemistry

Post by agor95 »

You are going to put UbWe in your ignore list and walk away?
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