mercury contamination - to ken

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mercury contamination - to ken

Post by murilo »

Ken, hello.
The problem you deal and some experience I have, pressed me to get an idea for searching a threatment.
Today I sent a msg to a searcher guy that probably will be interested in develop some thing in this question.
You may translate it, if you want. My idea is to insert a small bush of gold in some vein, inside body, in order to TRY to get a 'controled amalgamation', of sure, in the surface of the bush, that will be taken out, after a lond time.
This is a possible stuff, even for combined Hg, since Hg compounds see to be not very stable.
Some outside electrostatic mean may be also a helper to that bush.
Maybe that guy will not appreciate my gest, but some others, as you, are interested in any solutions and possibilities.
I just don't know if some has being done in this line of thinking.
Case you have any question, I'll be glad to respond to you.
Be my guest! regs. M. SP 04/dec
In follow, my text in portuguese...

----- Original Message -----
From: "murilo filo" <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 6:29 PM
Subject: p/Goldani - Tchê Química - mercúrio metálico.

> Eduardo Goldani,
> tudo bem?
> Conforme combinamos, vou lhe descrever rapidamente uma tese minha visando
> uma pesquisa no tratamento do envenamento por mercúrio MET�LICO.
> Até onde possa saber, trata-se de algo inédito. Veio-me à cabeça em função
> da minha experiência em mineração, informações recebidas e leituras
> esparsas.
> Para encurtar bastante, não farei muita argumentação e muitas
> justificativas. Se necessário, poderemos bater mais papos.
> Proponho retirar o Hg dos organismos vivos com uma amalgamação interna e
> controlada.
> Sem qualquer auto-sensura, não me preocuparei com as besteiras que puder
> escrever. Gentileza, portanto, tentar chegar ao centro da conceituação, onde
> está o principal.
> Em inglês, o mercúrio é conhecido também, como 'quick-silver' - prata rápida
> -, justamente por causa da sua capacidade de formar amálgama com metais do
> grupo do cobre, prata e ouro. Parece que êsse apelido veio dos grandes
> garimpos na Califórnia e Alaska no século XIX, quando o Hg facilitava a
> concentração do Au e Ag.
> A amalgamação é um fenômeno estranho e não tenho base científica para
> discuti-lo. Porém já ví bem do que se trata, em garimpos, em minerações e em
> dentistas.
> Nos garimpos brasileiros o minério passa por torrentes controladas, quando o
> Au tem oportunidade de ser capturado pelo Hg, inclusive atravez da famosa
> 'placa de cobre'.
> A placa de cobre é ativada com fogo e ácidos antes de receber uma,
> pacientemente colocada, camada de Hg, que adere à sua superfície. O ouro de
> passagem 'entra' no amálgama, fica preso à placa, que é raspada com uma
> espátula em períodos variados e de acordo com a riqueza do minério. Após
> cada raspagem, mais Hg é 'aderido' à placa.
> O amálgama é processado de diversas maneiras, todas elas responsáveis pelos
> inúmeros casos de envenamento, fora os outros conhecidos nas indústrias. A
> afinidade entre o Au e Hg é tal, que os grãos de Au perdem sua forma
> original após a eveporação do Hg, ou seu ataque por um ácido.
> O Hg é totalmente estranho ao organismo, onde tende a permanecer inalterado
> e com baixa capacidade de formar compostos secundários.
> A absorção pela forma de vapor e de produtos mercuriais são mais danosas e
> de mais difícil tratamento, mas num segundo passo, TAMBÉM poderão receber
> atenção com o sistema proposto, porque muitos compostos de Hg são instáveis
> e talvez facilmente quebrados sob um agente maior, mais 'amigável' e mais
> ativo.
> Proponho que o reverso do acima exposto seja tentado na corrente sanguínea,
> a começar por experiência bem simples. Parece-me evidente que o Hg - *com
> alto grau de particularização, contrapondo-se a uma alta capacidade de
> coesão* - viaja por todo o organismo e que o sangue é sua via de transporte.
> Que tal darmos ao mercúrio circulante uma oportunidade de se aderir a um
> inofensivo corpo, ou obstáculo, de OURO, que lhe é muito compatível?
> Proponho que seja colocada em alguma veia, ou artéria, um pequeno obstáculo
> de ouro de alta pureza, para que durante seu repetido 'contato' com o
> mercúrio do sangue, êste fique retido em sua superfície, cumulativamente.
> Isso pode ser feito com um fio fino tramado, ou embolado, para oferecer um
> obstáculo relativo à circulação.
> Após bastante tempo, a 'bucha' de ouro poderá ser retirada e uma simples
> comparação da cor do metal, por um testemunho do original, já será um bom
> indício de sucesso ou não.
> Há mesmo a hipótese de que compostos mercuriais instáveis sejam quebrados
> para que o Hg se junte ao Au. ( Alguns poucos miligramas capturados já seria
> algo quase inacreditável.)
> Se isto der certo, equipamentos como os de hemodiálize poderão ser adaptados
> para a finalidade.
> É muito possível que as características do sangue, como a gordura e o PH,
> além da velocidade, não permitam o acesso do Hg à superfície do Au, de uma
> forma adequada.
> Por experiência, sei que uma vez fazendo parte do amálgama, só muita
> perturbação mecânica removerá o Hg da superfície, A NÃO SER QUE ESTEJA EM
> Se a amalgamação sugerida não funcionar a contento, talvez uma tentativa
> mais radical possa ser tentada. Esta seria a pré-amalgamação da bucha,
> porque a adesão ( coesão ) do Hg consigo mesmo será muito mais satisfatória
> do que com um metal qualquer.
> Estas são coisas que poderão ser ensaiadas primeiramente em laboratório.
> Não deverá ser descartada a hipótese de se usar algum recurso eletrostático
> externo, para ativar a função da bucha de ouro.
> Se precisar, escreva.
> Quero compartilhar os créditos de autoria, se houver e não me oponho se vc
> repassar a idéia.
> Boa sorte p/vc e p/quem precisa sair de um envenenamento cruel!
> Obrigado e um abraço.
> Murilo Luciano Filho
> SP 04/dez/2005
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by AgingYoung »


If I understand what you're saying you are suggesting something like a dialysis implant that the blood would filter thru and the mercury in the blood would chemically bond to the gold. You might have a fantastic idea. Maybe a regular treatment where the blood is routed outside the body to this mechanism then back in would be a better method; less invasive.

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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ken_behrendt »


Thanks for trying to help me with my mercury poisoning problem.

The problem is that I was poisoned with a compound called methyl mercury. It is absorbed very quickly into the body and then gets into the cells and prefers to stay there. However, the body does eliminate small amounts of it over time which come out in the urine and the bile.

I have been trying to eat various foods to speed up the process and it is slowly, but surely, working. Mainly, I make sure I eat eggs everyday because they are high in sulfur which mercury tends to bind to. That sulfur then carries the mercury out through the bile. To keep it from be reabsorbed in the lower bowel, I eat a lot of fiber that soaks up the mercury/sulfur complexes like a sponge. And, earlier this year I was consuming the herb called Cilantro (also known as Chinese Parsley) with every meal for about 7 weeks. It has been proven to extract mercury from the brain and nervous system. The problem is that I am highly allergic to most varieties of Cilantro and only found one that I could bearly tolerate.

I think what I have done has definitely minimized the damage that the overload of methyl mercury did to me and I can feel my strength and stamina returning by the month. However, from the information I've found on the web, it appears that, even with all of the natural detoxifiers working for one, it still takes about 1 to 1.5 YEARS to get all of the mercury out of one's cells. Since I started detoxing back in February, that means that I might not be fully recovered until July of next year!

Well, I'll just have to be patient and pace myself so that I do not overdo my limited activities. Eventually, I'll be back to normal. And then my legal representatives will be in touch with the supermarket whose negligence caused this problem for me!

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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by terry5732 »

Please keep the mercury whining in community buzz. I have been avoiding that forum since it got so heavy there. Mercury is a naturally occurring element that can be found in all soil worldwide. There are many places where people eat mercury daily on purpose as medicine with no ill effects. Some of these people are among the most long lived people on this planet. The vast majority of "evidence" of mercury being a health problem is from groups with an interest in it being so. This started about 100 years ago as one pharmacutical company wanted to have an edge for their drug that didn't have mercury and progressed to clean-up companies trying to get billions from the hazardous waste super-slush fund. By the way, their clean-up doesn't consist of removing anything from this planet - they merely rearrange it - spread it around.
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by Wheeler »

Murilo has directed this topic to Ken for his mercury problem.
Post your scientific research here.
If you can find anyone who will consume mercury, please supply the data.
Pay attention and learn.
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by murilo »

Hello, guys.
When one have an idea, at the moment of conception, one may not be sure if that idea is good or not.
Of one thing I'm sure, if one have a too hard self sensure, none good idea will come. Sensure must come later and generally with the heolp of others.
Ken was - not intentionally - the instrument to force the borning of this idea.
My commitment is to release to it, since it seens to be not 100% ridiculous. It's just a seed of a stuff, and it is also over to my experiment capacity.
In my text I talk about the possibility that the gold bush could be previously covered by Hg, since this metal is much highly compatible to itself.
Thanks, AgingYong, for your words.
I'm sorry Ken. Keep trying! If you use a gold ring, be sure it's collor is exactly the original one... look if it's not more 'white' than normal gold...
Hg compounds are easy to break, Ken!
If some one think Hg is a good stuff, I would recomend him a morning dayly imnalation of mercury at vapor state. :|
A thing that makes me mad is a pseudo scientifycoid come and eccentrically force to break stablished paradigms... regs. M. SP dec/05
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ken_behrendt »

terry5732 write:
There are many places where people eat mercury daily on purpose as medicine with no ill effects. Some of these people are among the most long lived people on this planet. The vast majority of "evidence" of mercury being a health problem is from groups with an interest in it being so.
All I can say in response to your statement is that if you had experienced 1/4 of what I did, then you would not have made such a statement!

Methyl mercury contamination in seafood is the principle source of mercury found in people's bodies. Methyl mercury is one of the most powerful neurotoxins known! The poison is cumulative and one can ingest small doses of it daily for quite awhile until the levels build up to the point where they begin to seriously interfere with the body's functioning. The problem is that most people have no idea of how much mercury is in the seafood they are consuming or how much has already accumulated in their bodies. To make matters worse, the state agencies that are supposed to warning people of this hazard are still, in most cases, not doing so.

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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by Wheeler »

I was wondering if bloating of the stomach is any indication of mild contamination?
Did you have any symptoms like that?
Last edited by Wheeler on Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ken_behrendt »


I had about a dozen different severe symptoms associated with my case of chronic mercury poisoning. And, yes, I did experience (and still do occasionally) abdominal bloating about a month or so after I started to detox in early February of this year.

The hypothesis is that, as one suddenly stops taking in a daily dose of the mercury and starts to detox, the body begins passing out increased amounts of it in the bile. Unfortunately, some of this that is not bound to fiber in the diet gets reabsorbed in the lower bowel and begins to poison the vagus nerve system that controls digestion. As a result, one develops Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which is a called a "functional" disorder of the bowel. An X-ray examination or even a biopsy of the intestines will show no visible abnormality. But, the problem exists on a submicroscopic level with the mercury interferring with the functioning of the nerves that control digestion.

As a result, one can experience cramping, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. When one experiences a "flare up" of the symptoms, he can suddenly feel weak, lightheaded, and faint. Blood pressure will drop and breathing will become labored. When this first hit me, I was experiencing some pretty scary fainting spells. However, when this happened I learned that I had to lie down horizontally as quickly as possible to maintain blood flow to my brain. As soon as I did that, the spell would pass, but I would still be weak and shaky for up to an hour afterwards.

I can not tell you if your bloating problem is due to mercury poisoning. Unfortunately, the symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning can mimic up to a dozen different disorders ranging from asthma to heart failure to leukemia as well as several auto-immune diseases!

I would advise you and anybody else who is having any sort of weird chronic symptoms and is a frequent eater of fish or any kind to have an analysis done on your hair. If you do have mercury poisoning, then that test will be definitive for it. Then, if one does have a mercury overload in their body, they must immediately cease eating all fish and begin a diet designed to cleanse this toxin from their bodies.

Before one runs off for testing, I would advise them to visit: This recent site has a nice homepage tool that allows one to input their body weight, total ounces of fish consumed per week, and the type of fish they eat. In seconds, a program will calculate what % of the EPA's maximum "safe" weekly intake of mercury that they are consuming. Obviously, one wants the number that comes back to be as far under 100% as possible. When I used this tool back in February, it said that I was taking in 390% of the maximum safe level! That, of course, assumed that the contaminated albacore tuna fish I was eating was "average" in its mercury content. In reality, since I was eating the cheapest store brand I could find, I might have been ingesting double or more of this amount!

If you visit this site and it shows you are over 100% of the maximum safe weekly ingestion rate of mercury, but you should definitely have your hair analyzed for this toxin. Based on my experiences with this problem, I would not want to see anybody else go through it if it can possibly be prevented.

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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by Wheeler »

I visited the got mercury web site.

First I put in 16oz of Haddock (ok) low
Then I went to the add two or more types of fish per week calculator!
Oh Boy
Eat a little Haddock and Sword Fish and you are dead.

Last week end we ate out.
Thought we would visit one of the long time established restaurants.

Sword Fish yes
Cost for two $80.00 with salad/drinks/tip

Go back (NO)

Food was good, but from studys now and what Ken has reported, it is basically not good for you.

What else did I notice.

Small fireplace.
Propane fuel going up the old fireplace chimney!
Nice idea, but totally wrong for everyone and the atmosphere.

Sword fish that contains mercury, that is caught with the long line approach is killing most of the sea turtles according to the web site posted by Ken.
The propane is not a good thing for anyone or the earth.
The cost to cover 10lbs of Propane going up the chimney is added to the bill.
By the way the propane did not heat the room at all. The non insolated walls of this old New England farmhouse did nothing to keep heat in the room. I moved away from the outside wall, with my back to the fireplace, but could not feel heat.

I could go on, but this is a good start.
Anyone else notice anything about our system of money that seems a little out of control.
The fishermen buy big boats, with diesel engines, People buy the sword fish, and give the money to the fishermen who give money to boat builders who use glue that has toxic chemicals.
I do not have the answer yet, but I am thinking about it.
I wonder if we could build a boat without toxic materials and massive use of propane to form the shell and frame?
Can a ship be powered by gravity?
Can we have fish without Mercury?
Can people receive rewards for work they do for others without taking form nature?
These are questions I would like to be part of solving.
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by murilo »

Personally, I think that if a fish diet is so dangerous the average life in Japan should be much shorter than real. At contrary, they are a kind of world shampions of longevity.
Look at this truly quote:
''Quote of the Day
"A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke, or worried to death by a frown on the right person's brow."
- Charles Brower
( this guy, Charles Brower is a deep experimented guy!)
regs. M.
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ken_behrendt »


I thought you'd like the site. It's a real eye-opener that, if it had been available in 2004, might have saved me a LOT of suffering.

I have recently been doing some calculations based on the March 2004 Joint Consumer Advisory put out by the US's EPA and DEP. According to my calculations, it is safe to consume up to 60 micrograms of mercury as methyl mercury per week on a regular basis. If consumption is at or below that figure, then one's body should be able to eliminate the toxin before it can accumulate. As one begins to exceed the 60 microgram per week figure on a regular basis, then the mercury will accumulate and, eventually, reach a level that will begin to interfere with the normal functioning of cells. Actually, I would not even want to consume a single microgram of this metal per week if I could avoid it!

It's important to add here that I am talking about regular weekly consumption levels. If one ate, say two 6 oz. cans of albacore tuna in a single meal, then one would take in 120 micrograms of mercury in a single dose. Assuming that the person had no mercury in their system to start with, then he would be unaware of any effects from this single dose. However, if one had such a meal once a week, every week, then, in time, he would develop the symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning.

In reviewing what happened to me, my calculations indicated that I was consuming at least 210 micrograms of mercury per week...that's 3.5 times the maximum "safe" consumption rate!!! And, of course, I am assuming that the cheap storebrand albacore I consumed was just "average" in its mercury content (about 0.35 ppm). In actual fact, I might even have been consumed double or triple this amount! I truly believe that it is a miracle that I am sitting here typing this now...

Anyway, I am now in touch with several of my state's highly placed elected officials and intend to have new legislation passed that will make sure no one in NJ has any doubts about just how much of this deadly environmental toxin they are ingesting. The solution will lie in enhanced monitoring by various agencies and a far stricter labeling requirement on ALL seafood being sold here. BIG changes are in the wind here...


Actually, Japan has its own mercury poisoning horror story to tell. Back during the 1950's, about 100,000 people were severely poisoned from eating fish that had been contaminated with methyl mercury being discharged from a paper mill that was located upstream from where they were fishing. Many died or were permanently crippled by this toxin.

Fish, when mercury free, is, indeed, one of the best foods one can consume. It's omega-3 fatty acid rich oils help fight inflammation in the body that is now linked to cardiovascular disease. These oils help thin the blood naturally so as to prevent the formation of clots. And, I think the oil has even been shown to be as effective as prescription drugs against mild to moderate depression!

IF someone can provide me with a palatable type of fish that is mercury free or fish oil capsules that are mercury free, then I might consider consuming the stuff again. Meanwhile, I've substituted walnuts for the fish. Apparently, one ounce of walnuts is equivalent to a serving of fish in terms of its omega-3 content, yet it is virtually mercury free.

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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by Wheeler »

Impressive work Ken
I can not understand how it has gone this long.
Do you have any idea how the labs test for Hg

Is the Hg you talk about magnetic

If so I am going to have some magnet dust mixed with my food every so often.

Is this the same Hg we put our hands in a cup full of when we were in six grade? You remember the stuff we through around the room?
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ken_behrendt »


Thanks. Yes, I do, for personal reasons, take this matter of mercury poisoning very seriously. I suspect that there are a lot of people out there who have been "diagnosed" by their doctors as having various chronic health problems (such as autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.) who, in actuality, are suffering from heavy metal poisoning. For the fish lovering patients out there who have been misdiagnosed, the most likely cause of their problems will be all of the mercury that they are unknowingly ingesting along with their favorite seafood.

The testing for mercury is fairly simple to do. A tissue sample (for example, hair) is dissolved in nitric acid. The resulting solution then has a certain amount of another chemical added to it that reacts with the mercury to produce a color change in the solution when all of the mercury in the sample solution has been reacted. Based on the amount of the second solution that is added, one can determine how much mercury was originally present in the tissue sample.

No, mercury is not magnetic, but it has a definite affinity for atoms of sulfur. That is why I make sure I eat eggs everyday. They are high in sulfur which the mercury will bind to so that it can be carried out of the body. Unfortunately, the bond is not the strongest one chemically, and a certain percentage of the mercury can break away before it is eliminated and remain in the body. But, it's better than using nothing.

Yes, it is the same liquid mercury that you put in a cup in 6th grade. While it was in that cup being passed from student to student, it was continuously evaporating and they were inhaling its vapors. When placed on the skin, a small amount will be directly absorbed into the blood. However, mercury becomes especially dangerous when it is in the form of a compound like methyl mercury (CH3Hg). This is an organic compound of mercury that is highly absorbed into tissues and very difficult for the body to remove.

The mercury I consumed was methyl mercury that had gotten into the albacore tuna that I had eaten. They got it from the fish they consumed during their lifetimes who, at the bottom of the food chain, had gotten it from aquatic plants who had gotten it from the water they were immersed in which had gotten it from the bacteria who had manufactured it to get rid of it which got it from the mercury laden exhaust coming out of coal fired power plants that had rained down on their lakes and settled down into the bacteria populated mud at their bottoms.

Mercury compounds can also be found in other foods we eat. However, the levels are far lower than found in fish and the compounds are not methyl mercury, but ones that are poorly absorbed into living tissues.

If one wants to begin to eliminate mercury poisoning in our diets, then seafood is the place to begin...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, &#969;, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle &#966;, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by Wheeler »

murilo wrote
A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke, or worried to death by a frown on the right person's brow."
- Charles Brower

That was one heck of a quote!
JB Wheeler
it exists I think I found it.
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