mercury contamination - to ken

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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ken_behrendt »


Thanks for the information on the "Zapper", but I tend to avoid electrical gadgets which claim to cure various health problems. Practically all of these devices in the past have proven to be fraudulent when actually tested in a clinical setting.

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine purchased a "Q-Ray" bracelet from a tv "infomercial" for the product. It was supposed to "balance" the electromagnetic fields in one's body using a "revolutionary" patented design and thereby relieve all sorts of aches and pains. The person that purchased the bracelet wore it for two weeks and reported to me that she did not feel any better at all. In fact, she started to get marks on her wrists from wearing the stiff metal bracelet at night to bed. She then assumed that, somehow, her body's "polarity" was not working with the bracelet and offered to let me try it.

Since one of its claims was that it would increase the wearer's energy and stamina and enhance recovery from physical exertion, I decided to try it. Needless to say, I noticed absolutely no affect from the bracelet and reached the conclusion that those that were getting benefit from it were getting it due to the so-called "placebo effect"; that is, they got relief of symptoms only because they believed that they would. The mind can exert a powerful affect over the body. There have been cases of people experiencing complete remissions from terminal cancer after being injected with sterile water and being told by some doctor that it was the latest miracle cure to combat their form of cancer!

I've committed myself to using diet alone to detox my system from the remaining mercury in it. It takes time and is a slow process, but I know that it is definitely working. I intend to stick with it.

But, thanks for caring enough about my health problems to post the info...

Last edited by ken_behrendt on Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by Wheeler »


I had one question.
Is the resistor on the copper pipe 1K or 100 ohms?
also is NE555P J428A Radio Shack?

Anyway thanks a million
I will let you know when I get it done and tested.
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by turulato »

I understand Ken, good luck with your treatment.
I do agree with you on the use of gadgets, I don't believe in them either, I don't believe in crystals, astrology, tarot cards, voodoo dolls, incantations, curses, the power of the mind or ufos as you can never get something from something that there is no physical bases or proof or logical explenation for it. I would have drop the Bessler wheel a few months ago if I had not proven to myself that it is mathematically feasible. Also I would not be using the electronic devise I mention if I had not seen with my own eyes under a microscope how micro-organisms are affected and killed by a very small pulsating voltage or a pulsating sonic wave at high frequencies.
Stay healthy my friend, I know you will eventually detox your body, and you are very welcomed in acknowledging that at least I was trying to help.


Yes you can get the 555 timer at radio shack they come two in a pack, that is where I got mine and all the parts associated with it. The resistor is 1K ohm.
I would suggest that you buy some pH paper and measure the pH in the saliva of you dear one, swallow saliva three times in the morning before meals then measure the saliva pH, a healthy person has a range of 6.4 to 6.8 anything below this means trouble. In 1932 Otto Warburg won a Nobel price for discovering that a well balanced pH in the body helps in the oxigen distribution of the cells something the cancer cells don't like. He discovered that if you keep the right pH the cancers cells die.
Also an alkaline body makes the flow of electricity more efficient, hence the usefullnes of the device :-)
No thanks are needed my friend, just help your dear one recover.


P.S. By the way, you can raise the pH with calcium, calcium lactate is the best but it is also very expensive. Coral calcium is fine too.
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ken_behrendt »

I just had another thought about the "Zapper". Mainly, I wonder, aside from anecdotal reports form a handful of satisfied users, has that device ever been clinically tested to demonstrate that it is safe to use?

I mean, if one is sending oscillating electrical currents through the body that can kill various microbes, then how does one know that those same currents are not harming the normal cells of the body? For example, what if those currents are somehow disrupting cell membranes or causing genetic mutations? I'd hate to be regularly using some electrical gadget only to find out a decade from now that there is research showing that it can trigger leukemia in the body or some other problem.

Remember, because of the limitations of short term testing, Vioxx was hailed as a major breakthrough in the relief of pain that would not damage the gastro intestinal lining like aspirin and other NSAID's do. Now, there are thousands of personal injury lawsuits filed against the maker of Vioxx (Merck Pharmaceuticals) and the estimated cost to the shareholders of that company is somewhere around 50 billion USD!

Whenever dealing with a claimed new medical technology, it is always best to err on the side of caution. Before I would use any type of electrical device to improve my health, I would do as much research into it as possible and would be using sources of information other than those provided by the promoters of the device.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by Wheeler »

I been thinking about it as I get closer to actually building the device.
I think I may do a search first on the topic.
Maybe a test on the dog for a month or so would do it. (You know duct tape)
just kidding.
But I think I will invest some study first.

Wow I just hit my goal. (no misspelled words)
I would write eureka, but I'm not sure how to spell it, and it would through off my victory.
JB Wheeler
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ovyyus »

Wheeler wrote:...and it would through off my victory.
Bummer - lol
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by Wheeler »

Yea I'm bummed out now
Gotta start all over now.
JB Wheeler
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re: mercury contamination - to ken

Post by ovyyus »

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