Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your design worked!

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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by rlortie »

what's the boy scout motto "be prepared"
probably better imo to start a small company or just an informal group, invite a few people on board to R & D it & scope things, to establish its likely potential [assuming you haven't done this already] & let things evolve from there - if you want the patent protection then probably this nucleus or founding group should contribute both financially & intellectually, if the inventor doesn't have the means at his disposal which is more than likely.

This would be the route I would take. A small brain storming group with each picked for a specific skill, training and expertize. Mechanical improvements, working blue prints (CAD), simulation and animation software, patent drawings, patent wording, promotion, marketing, licensing, etc.

Being prepared is making sure your butt is covered, before presenting your patent, in the likelihood someone could change one small item and patent as a whole new machine.

Once your preparedness has paid off, then you can share with who ever and how ever you like!

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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by docfeelsgood »

Jim Mich. states ,"The newer wheels were driven by IMPACT" !!

It's comforting to know that there is at least ONE person here paying attn. !!


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Post by DrWhat »

Ralph, I certainly agree that initially a working group could be set up to try and determine as many obviously patentable combinations of the wheel/s are possible. And to determine a strategy for the whole thing.

With working wheels there shouldn't be any problem signing confidentiality agreements as the "deed has been done by someone else" so to speak.

There are surely members here including myself willing to finance to some extent at least the patents for a working mechanism, as long as the working wheel's are seen and believed, and as long as some recompense is agreed apon. As always never detracting from control or profits for the inventor.

A working wheel has to be a major development and careful decisions need to be made including not publicly disclosing that wheels have been developed before protections are in place.
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AB Hammer
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by AB Hammer »

Jim Mich. states ,"The newer wheels were driven by IMPACT" !!

It's comforting to know that there is at least ONE person here paying attn. !!


IMO I have to disagree impacts are the result of the shifts that seem to be unavoidable in most designs. As a wheel is turning all shifts have to be quick and precise. Here is a weight test wheel that I have on youtube. It is spinning in the avi at 66 RPM.


Now you have to look at that and imagine how fast the shift has to be. Not to mention for an impact to help it would also have to transfer energy without negative vibration or you could shake the machine apart. Not to mention that the shift has to be faster than the turning wheel to truly add any help.

In some slower designs an impact is more plausible due to slower speeds. But then again even an anvil can only take so many direct strikes before starting to fracture. Most strikes on an anvil are indirect strikes on the item you would work on.
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by FunWithGravity »

Just my humble opinion,

But what if what ralph says is actually already happening, and its not who is though to be. What if 2 or 3 or more groups are concurrently working on the same type of program. What if 3 or more groups have a working wheel and they are all trying to find as many combinations as possible. What if all of those groups have attorneys and pictures and blueprints etc etc.

It could tun into quit an interesting fight/ argument. But what is for sure that is how it will become useless to all. 10 years fighting over who can and cannot sell the rights. Big companies not wanting to go near it with a ten foot pole because of the legal issues of who was first. ETC ETC.
The only people that will have free energy are a handful on here that build "hobby" models and don't try and sell them.

China and every other country wil be mass producing them and laughing at us. I want to make enough money to feed my family COMFORTABLY for the rest of my life but i think i have decided to give it away. Hopefully karma will reward me that way.
A great discovery solves a great problem, but there is a grain of discovery in the solution of any problem.
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by docfeelsgood »

Alan ;

look at the number of severe blows a well maintained auto engine takes in its lifetime . and it has to come to a dead stop twice per revolution .
here i'm talking two wheels BOTH traveling in the SAME direction but at slightly different speeds .
of course the shift has to be precise and speedy ! thats what the LEVERS did !! the shifts were ATDC not before also !!
i myself can equate it to a gas engine where each impact creates enough energy to carry the rising weight past the hard spot .
just my random thoughts , pay it no mind !

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AB Hammer
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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by AB Hammer »

Sorry Doc

A combustion engine does not impact, it compresses and then ignites the fuel, which is more of a push. Everything is under a control and impacts even of the valves are limited by the cam and lifter designs, or it would have a much shorter life span.

About your wheel it has no choice but to hit like most other designs, but the hit is not the force to make it run, but if it is all in the same direction it can help as long as it doesn't shake it apart. As looking at your wheel I see 2 impacts the one going to the outer wheel and the one going to the inner wheel which means a forward impact positive and a backward impact negative. I have looked back at your wheel, but I won't be able to try anything until I have finished with the projects at hand.

PS I am finishing your spur this weekend.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by docfeelsgood »

Alan ;

this wheel business is great brain exercise aint it !! just don't blow a head gasket on it . lol
thanks for the espuela update .

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re: Just for the fun of it..... What would you do if your de

Post by Kirk »

You would be putting so many wealthy people out of business that your only hope would be scattering the knowledge to the 4 winds before they could silence you. You would have to put the knowledge on 10,000 cds and simultaneously mail them from more than 100 places. Some by UPS, Fedex, postal and pray they were all delivered before they could mobilize. You would probably have 12 to 24 hours after detection before any further mail would be intercepted. In the establishments eyes you would be a thousand times worse than public enemy number 1. Forget monetary gain, think staying alive. The messenger of such change would have to be stopped at all cost in their eyes.
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