A Cure For Cancer

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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by Sevich »

continuation of :

A radical cancer Treatment Using electromagnetism [4 of 4]

Jacobson himself has written that, "It was McClintock who first showed us that renes do not occupy stable loci; they jump as well. " such observations suggested that if a gene could be appropriately stimulated it indeed would have the ability to change place--an effect that Jacobson had predicted through his theorising.

Late in 1994, significant support came for the Jupiter, Florida-based thinker/researcher in the form of proposals from three universities--Baylor, in Houston, Texas; the University of Nebraska, in Omaha, Nebraska; and the University of Oklahoma, in Oklahoma City--to research aspects of the application of Jacobson's theories.

The Baylor College of Medicine Department of Molcular Physiology and Biophysics, for one, proposed to " ...study the interaction of extremely weak magnetic fields (i.e., the range of Jacobson Resonance) on cells, organelles and molecules, using the technology of scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). " The first year was to be spent upgrading the STM electron microscope so that it would be powerful enough to observe Jacobson Resonance, wrote Chief Investigator Dr Carlton Hazlewood. Two more years would be reqired to carry out the actual experimentation, with total costs running to an estimated US$400,000
Yet, despite the seriousness of these proposals, Jacobson's Perspectivism Foundation has great difficulty raising the necessary matching funds. Jacobson senses that there is a still-to-be-expected---perhaps in some ways subtly orchestrated--resistance to his ideas.

In september 1994, Jacobson made a second major attempt to go public with requests for funding, this time introducing at a go public with requests for funding, this time introducing at a press conference Angelie Diya--a ten-year-old girl, also of Jupiter, Florida, who was born HIV- positive and developed AIDS earlier that year. Angelie, said Jacobson, represented the sort of human tragedy he could avert if he were given the means to put his theories into practice.

CBS-TV, which had taped a story about an AIDS children's summer camp that Angelie had attended, was present at the press conference. In the comming months CBS taped extensive footage of Jacobson, including interviews, making him, his views and activities an integral part of a two-hour documentary, "Angelie's Secret" which was aired nationally in the US in June 1995.

Yet, though Jacobson had finally recieved the kind of national exposure he needed, the CBS program largely succeeded only in suggesting, by focusing mainly on the scientist/thinker's non-medical interests and talents, that Jacobson was a sort of amateur "Renaissance man" Whose activities should not be taken seriously, and even that he might be, however subconsciously, something of a con artist. The program failed to mention Jacobson's multiple publications and medical conference appearances, and the success he has had in obtaining from reputable universities proposals for the development of his ideas. Though it briefly showed the group, it did not mention the dedication of a number of publications who had quit their jobs to work full-time, at no salary, raising funds for Jacobson.

The CBS treatment of Jacobson raised the spectre of organisations like the AMA and the FBI moving in determined if shadowy fashion behind the scenes to make sure Jacobson did not get the funding that he needed.

"Jerry is the smartest man I have ever known, and also morally the best," says Harvey Grossman, who quit his position as executive director of the prestigious Weissman Institute in West palm Beach, Florida, to act as director of publicity for Jacobson. "The tragedy is that the world may simply not be ready for him."

A spoksman for the national American Cancer Society in Atlanta Georgia, says he has heard about "numerous" on Jacobson's theores, and refers all reporters to the newly-formed Office of Alternative Medicine of the US National Institute of Health. The office says the field of alternative medicine is so "unregulated", and its own operations so new, that its policy is not to comment on the effectiveness of alternative medicine or practices.

The odds seem stacked against Jacobson, despite his brilliance and his determination to fight. He has focused his energies on finding a cure for cancer since the age of six--when, one day, his father arrived home from an unexpected stay in hospital to announce in a whisper to his horrified son that he had cancer of the larynx and that his larynx had just been removed. He did not go the nomal route of a medical researcher, he says, because he felt his mind should remain free of the influence of all 'authority'

Even now, Jacobson, together with dr Nordenstrom, is planning an international conference, to be held in West Palm Beach, that will bring together 300 international scientists who are involved in the use of Nordenstrom's electrochemical tretment (ECT) against cancer. The conference will include 30 scientists from China, where the Swedish scientist's innovations are meeting with significant success.

Jacobson's determination to fight on is the best indication that this bold adventurer into forbidden realms of medical wisdom might one day escape from the visible and not-so-visible coils of the forces that suppress revolutionary scientific thing in our world today.

For more information, contact:

Foundation for Jacobson resonance
17829 Pine Needle Terrace, Boca Raton, FL 33487 , USA
Telephone: +1 (561) 997 8833; Fax: +1 (561) 989 0335
E-mail: fjr@aksi.net Web page: http://users.aksi.net/~fjr/

NEXUS magazine 1997

End of [4 of 4]
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by docfeelsgood »

SEVICH ; thank you again for a very informative post . you are exactly right about big oil and big $ healthcare being in controll of this world !! KEN; i will try to give you a little insight as to how this works as i understand it . it is based on the fact that everything has a "mortal oscillatory rate" . if you can find this frequency which is what "Rife" did with his microscope . the organism just explodes . the beam ray does not harm the surrounding tissues because they have a different MOR. Rife only treated his patients at 3 day intervals to allow the body to rid itself of the toxins created by the dead cellular tissue . this is probobly what Murilo referred to as he was sick for a week . his was an auto-ranging instrument that covered many pre programmed freqs. . perhaps the time duration was too long and too big a chunk of cells were killed at one session . now the frequencies used for "x ray" and microwave are far above any used in this device . this is kind of like the opera singer who hits a certain high note and the glass shatters . fact is in lynes book he mentions a doctor who deceided to "soup up" his machine and when he turned it on it shattered every piece of glass and windows in the lab. . this person in charge of "Rife Forum" in germany is affiliated with one of the formost manufactures of "dark field " microscopes in the world today . i wont ever have one for those mega $ !! i wouldn't know how to use it anyhow . Rife in his work noticed that pigs , chickens , i believe asparagus carry super high amounts of the virus and microbes that cause cancer, also carnation flowers . so we all have these potentials in our bodies being held in check by our immune system . now if somthing happens to that system they are home free to attack !! as in your case weakened by mercury . and i hope this doesn't lead to anything serious for you !!! but as you can see by the hiv & aids victems a pattern of cancers and tuberculosis and other diseases that just go rampant on them . by knowing the proper frequencies i personaly would have no fear of it , keeping the output power down and length of duration . forgot to mention these treatment are a very narrow bandwidth , a little margin for error but not much . Thanks "Doc"
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by ken_behrendt »


Thanks for your excellent explanation, but I would still be leery of having anything done to me that would make my chromosomes start "jiggling" excessively. If this technology is truly safe and effective, I think that I will wait until it begins to appear in use my mainstream health practioners before I submit myself to treatment with it.

Over my life, I have made a consistent effort to avoid using prescription drugs and getting x-rays at the first sign of an ailment. I'm glad I did and attribute much of my present health to that practice.

One must keep in mind that a lot of alternative health practioners have no medical training from recognized medical schools. Some use the title of "Doctor" after receiving bogus degrees from various diploma mills. If one follows their health instructions, then it could be a case of the blind leading the blind. One must do everything possible to safeguard one's health...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by Vic Hays »

The idea that the precise frequency of vibration can cause all of the cancerous cells in the affected tissues of a body to revert to the normal state sounds like a real stretch and very hard to believe, at least by me. If we are talking about killing the abnormal cells, that might seem to be more possible.

A number of years ago a treatment was developed for cancer by using microwaves to heat them. Cancer cells being abnormal are not as viable as normal cells and die at a couple of degrees less than normal cells. The theory was to bring the tissues up to that temperature that would leave the normal cells alive and kill the abnormal cancer cells. I don't think the treatment was very successful because I haven't heard much about it since then.
Vic Hays

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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by ken_behrendt »


I think I remember hearing about something similar. It was called "hyperthermal therapy", but it required heating up a person's body to about 108 &$176;F! The idea was that the heat would kill the cancer before it killed the healthy cells.

I think the best defense against cancer is a strong immune system. It can been scientifically demonstrated that a normal immune system can easily absorb a tumor that is about a centimeter in diameter. At that size, the tumor already contains a billion cells!

For a strong immune system at any age, one needs to be getting adequate daily supplies of all of the vitamins and such minerals as zinc, selenium, etc.

Cancer tends to be a disease of old age...a time when a person's diet may not be adequate. I think everyone should be taking a good high potency multi-vitamin / mineral tablet every day. And, of course, avoiding exposure to know carcinogens (cigarettes, pollution, household chemicals, etc.) Before the beginning of the 20th century, cancer was actually a rare disorder and most people, if they survived the high infant mortality rate, could look forward to reaching a ripe old age and then, when their immune systems really began to suffer from bad nutrition, succumbing to some infectious disease. But, I often wonder, how long might they have lasted if they could have been provided with modern vitamin and mineral supplements? Who knows...maybe they would have made it to 120 or farther...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by docfeelsgood »

Vic Hays ; i havn't seen them but they supposedly have video showing these virus and cells totally exploding like hitting a tomato with a hammer when exposed to the right frequency beam . they do not revert back to normal cells as they are totally fragmented . the trick is that different virus and microbes have different "MOR" . with the use of the darkfield microscope and one with enough magnification to even see a virus and with video attatchment it is possible to vary the frequency untill the desired results are obtained and note the frequency. they can not replicate themselves as they are so totally fragmented . i suppose this new process of eliminating kidney stones by sonic vibration must work somewhat along these lines but not sure . i believe what you refered to by heating cells was done by diathermy . and no i havn't heard much of that in a while but i believe people are still experimenting with it . myself i believe Rifes principle is sound . i have seen people who have had chemo. and radiation treatments done and ended up destroying their liver, kidneys, and just about everything else along with their pocket books then dieing shortly thereafter . i would like to see a lot of research in this country but its not going to happen because of AMA controll !! there is just too much power in some peoples hands !! look at the big oil profits !!!!! Thanks , "Doc."
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by ken_behrendt »

Doc wrote:
i havn't seen them but they supposedly have video showing these virus and cells totally exploding like hitting a tomato with a hammer when exposed to the right frequency beam . they do not revert back to normal cells as they are totally fragmented
One has to be very careful in accepting such medical "evidence" because it could be faked. I think there is some sort of microscope out there that can direct a laser beam at a single cell and destroy structures within it or even the entire cell itself. Well, that might seem impressive when viewed through a microscope, but it caused solely by the rapid heating of the cell's contents by the laser beam. Destroying only a particular type of cell within the human body with invisible oscillations of energy is something quite different. Even if cancer cells could be either totally destroyed or forced to revert back into normal cells in a test tube during an experiment, that still would not guarantee that the same thing would happen to such cells inside of the human body.

Who knows if the various "frequencies" of whatever energy used even penetrate the tissues of the body sufficiently to be effective. For example, microwave radiation such as is used to "cook" meat in a microwave oven will only penetrate the meat to a depth of a few centimeters. I know this for a fact because, in the past, when I used (past tense) to own one of these annoying gadgets, I discovered that if I put a piece of chicken into it to heat it up and the piece was too thick, then the center of it would still be ice cold while the exterior was hot!

However, if there is the slightest chance that any of these techniques might work, then I agree that some recognized medical research facility should actively try to verify any claims being made for it. With any new type of medical device or proceedure, there is always the danger of dismissing it without adequate testing.

I totally agree with you about the harshness of present day cancer therapies. What most people do not know is that radiation and chemotherapy actually cause cancer! You read that correctly! It is well known in the medical community that radiation and chemotherapy may knock out the original cancer one has, but that months later secondary cancers can spring up in previously healthy cells within the body whose chromosomes were mutated by the use of the radiation or chemotherapy! The solution of the medical community? Why, more radiation and chemotherapy, of course!

I think that we need to concentrate on strengthening a cancer patient's immune system while simultaneously slowing down the growth of his cancer with the least toxic substances possible. In that way, the human body could probably rid itself of most cancers. There are natural substances found in such vegetables as brocolli and cauliflower and spices such as tumeric that can slow even the most virulent cancers to a crawl by disabling the enzyme systems that their damaged cells use to multiply and spread out of control. Then, there are also a wide variety of herbs that have been demonstrated to have an immune system enhancing effect. Perhaps coupling both types of foods together would be just as effective as the harsher use of radiation and chemotherapy without any of the undesirable side effects of these...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by turulato »

Hi Doc:

On a thread called "mercury contamination - to Ken" I posted a circuit I built to keep me healthy, I guess you can call it a zapper, to me it's more than an anecdote as it cure my wife of cancer after following the protocol of Dr. Hulda Clark (The Cure for All Cancers). I have being using it for over 8 years and my chromosomes are still going strong, no sign of genetic mutation (that I can notice) :-) I like the explanation that someone gave concerning the device and it went something like this; the electric current makes H2O2 in your body therefore increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood stream which is well known in the medical field that cancer cell don't like as they die out. I don't know why, I only know that it does work and that is good enough for me. Besides, if anything else, the high frequency releases the tartar from my teeth :-) as an added bonus.

Wheeler, did you ever built it?

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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by rlortie »


Hello, it is nice to see you back on the forum, it has been a while.

H2O2 is water plus an extra Oxy atom, better known as Hydrogen Peroxide. You can buy it by the bottle over the counter at your favorite drug or department store.

http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&o ... =gd&q=h2o2

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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by docfeelsgood »

Turulato ; Thats great news that this unit has had a positive influence in the lives of you and your family. i have seen Hulda Clarks name mentioned many times in my searching. i am going to purchase her books and study them. I really wish that the united states would catch up with the rest of the worlds research into this device. Thank You, "Doc"
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by ken_behrendt »

There is also the possibility that these devices, when they appear to be producing a cure or other improvement in a person's health, are only working because of the so-called "placebo effect". That is, they produce an effect only because the user believes that they will work.

I remember reading a clinical study that was done on a drug that it was claimed could regrow a balding person's hair. Half of the participants in the study got the drug and the other half a sugar pill. Amazingly, of the half who got the sugar pill, there was a small percentage who experienced a heavy regrowth of hair! Since sugar is not generally credited with such power to regrow one's hair, one can only assumed that the regrowth came from the person's belief that he was taking a powerful new drug that would produce results.

I also think that one's health can be greatly benefitted by trying to maintain a positive attitude at all times. Instead of expecting to become frail and sickly as one ages, a person should imagine himself becoming stronger and more active. Yes, vitamin and mineral supplements, a healthy diet, and exercise are all critically important, but believing that you will, in fact, make it past 100 is also very important.

And, part of maintaining a positive attitude about one's future is making sure one looks the part. It's important to see an image that fits in with one's positive attitude when one looks in a mirror...particularly a full-length mirror. Is one's hair graying? It's chic now for guys to color their hair and various hair coloring kits are now being located near the shaving items in most supermarkets and pharmacies. Overweight and flabbly? Cut the quantity of food you consume at each meal in half and the flab will disappear over night. Also, consider a light exercise routine several times per week to begin building muscle mass. Even a sagging face with wrinkles will yield to the effects of a three times per week facial muscle exercise routine. Addicted to caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol? Free yourself of these addictions through absinence and expect to add decades to your lifespan.

I got a Chinese fortune cookie once with an interesting message in it. It said "In order to stay young, do what you wouldn't do". That message puzzled me for a while, but then I realized it had a lot of truth in it. Most people "get old" because they stop doing the things they did when they were younger. I'm trying to recapture as much of my youth as possible by thinking young and acting young as much as I can. If my tire goes flat, I try to fix it myself before I call AAA. If I have to mail a letter, I walk to the mailbox (a block away) instead of driving. Last week I found an old bicycle. Sometime during the summer I intend to refurbish it and begin using it to ride around my town to perform small errands instead of driving. I could just buy a new one, but I want to know I'm riding on something I repaired with my own two hands...just like I would have done when I was a teenager.

Well...enough of my lecturing. In the final analysis, each of us is just as old as he decide he wants to be...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by docfeelsgood »

I have decided to ressurect this old thread because a fine young member here has made it known that a close family member has fallen ill with terminal cancer .

i made the suggestion of perhaps putting together a "Rife Ray" machine to augment the conventional chemo treatments .

since this thread is now very old i am wondering if anyone has any new information or experiences that would help him make a informed decision ???????????

Thanks , "Doc."
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by murilo »

Doc, hi!
I'm very sorry about this member's problem in family.
Very recently I received informs about an italian doctor that does have a site about cancer cure.
Not hard to find by google, this doctor got that most of cancerous states are goten through ''candida albicans''previous infection, a very common fungus, that may cause damage even to the DNA program, while body trys to fight against it.
Go to the site, where they have impressive films and much more informs. Of sure, I don't know if it's a hoax.
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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by rlortie »


Check this out! http://sbir.nasa.gov/SBIR/successes/ss/8-034text.html

A Google search for LED cancer cure will lead to more hits,

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re: A Cure For Cancer

Post by docfeelsgood »

This is an example of the greed and ugly power of politics . very well could happen to any Bessler researcher as well !!

times havn't changed !!!

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