We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is to build a working wheel...

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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by rlortie »

Careful my loyal Northern redneck!

Don't demean my royal ebullience for thou shall face the certain punishment of your mail box exhilarated with chain mail and a few good jokes. :-)

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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by ectropy »

I have followed a certain member`s posts with interest and I find it so very sad that this individual who has been commendable in offering advice and assistance is insulted and belittled. Yeah perhaps he could be more diplomatic at times but when a spade needs to be known by that term, thats it.
There seem to be a few Saints out there, (not in it for the....) (helping Humanity) etc. (expletive). Look very very deep and only then, stand up and be counted.
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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by path_finder »

Dear riortie,
Many thanks for your comments.

Regarding the copyright, anybody can copy my pictures at the sole condition do not modify nor erase any detail.
For commercial use just mention the author ('path_finder on www.besslerwheel.com forum').

Regarding any eventual patent:
I don't care if somebody submits a patent request coming from my displayed data.
I had two european patents in an ancient life avatar and I know what the word 'INNOVATION' means (you make some changes and this is a new project).
In addition I wish good luck to this person: it's obviously the best way to bury anything (the DoD has a preemption right, like in France and some of the 'defence secret' restrictions are not ever based on real technical reasons).
I don't care also because what is the value of a patent for a simple bike, when you can at any moment submit a patent request for a motorcycle?
At the least you must fight to protect your patent. The Ferrayé affair is a good example (many URLs are available in french, this one is in english)

I regret the level of some messages. My intent was to improve the dialog not to promote the insults.
I hope that several other fans will understand that keeping secret any part of the solution will just drive them to a dead end (this information will be anyway lost for everybody). There is no way to make money with this kind of patent like 'the engine for repelling the work and attracting the money')
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by coylo »

I have followed a certain member`s posts with interest and I find it so very sad that this individual who has been commendable in offering advice and assistance is insulted and belittled. Yeah perhaps he could be more diplomatic at times but when a spade needs to be known by that term, thats it.
Yeah, I know..... Ralph gets a hard time around here, but he can be quite irritating, hehee ;-p

To who'm are you referring to, ectropy?
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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by ectropy »

Hi Coylo, No names please. With respect I do not want to be drawn into a mud slinging match. Regards.
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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by coylo »

Well, with respect Ectropy, I wouldn't make such comments on the forums conduct without backing them up. It's debatable, but I agree we should leave it at that.
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Re: re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important

Post by AB Hammer »

ectropy wrote:I have followed a certain member`s posts with interest and I find it so very sad that this individual who has been commendable in offering advice and assistance is insulted and belittled. Yeah perhaps he could be more diplomatic at times but when a spade needs to be known by that term, thats it.
There seem to be a few Saints out there, (not in it for the....) (helping Humanity) etc. (expletive). Look very very deep and only then, stand up and be counted.

Not very many post since 27 Nov 2008. But you write in interesting ways similar to a Bessler007 ? Please leave personal inflammatory remarks out of it, and lets talk wheel.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by Michael »


I'm not sure about those diagrams and the way the author of the web page has interpreted how to make Teslas motor, but I discovered many years ago that if you held a gyroscope by its axel, with your hand inside the area that is the same radius as the gyroscope from hand to the center - or less, and pivot the gyroscope from this secondary point one of two things will happen. If you pivot the gyroscope towards the upswing if the gyroscopes mass the gyroscope will rise upwards, and if you pivot the gyroscope towards the mass that is moving down the gyroscope will be forced downwards. So what I am saying is with a sideways turning motion the gyroscope will either go up or down. The thing is though the gyroscope needs a stable base, which in this case is your body anchored to the ground, to do this. This is probably what Tesla had in mind but what he had in mind to make a stable base on a ship that is in the air is beyond me. Maybe that's where some of his special machinery that he didn't talk about comes in.
meChANical Man.
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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by jupter »


"Now this assembly must be completed with some other parts.
Do you have any idea?"

for some reason i keep thinking of the the tripod
still thinking ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Path_finder i like the link you gave on www.mekanizmalar.com
very nice animation like meny others here my wheels in my head keep spinning

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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by Michael »

Pathfinder I don't wish to be rude, I just want to make you aware of copywrite law. You don't own any copywrite to the images you submitted. Once you put them up on the web site, prior to having a copywrite placed on them, you made them public domain.

You can't get a patent until it's shown that your idea really is unique enough to grant to the privilege of having the title intellectual property applied to it. The reciprocator mechanisms and parallelograms are old. Older than the ones that have already been pasted on this web site before.

If anyone thinks a free energy machine isn't worth a patent they are very mistaken.
meChANical Man.
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Post by greendoor »

I honestly believe a patent for a free energy machine is worthless. For many reasons.

A - you won't get one.
B - you won't get one without spending so much money that it will bankrupt you
C - big energy will ensure that you are assimiliated or eliminated. Look what the Bush's did for a little oil.
D - any real FE device would be instantly classed as top secret for military purposes
E - your life would be ruined sorting out the politics, the skeptics & the media
F - you will be crucified & hung out to dry by the established academics unwilling to let go of the house of cards that they have defended for centuries &
G - you still won't get one.

And even if you got one - pirates in China, India, Russia etc would ignore it and make cheaper units anyway. With this type of enemy, you will not live for very much longer.

The smartest thing to do would be to widely disseminate working models and documented evidence. Put the idea into the public domain.

Don't fight it Marsha, it's bigger than the both of us ...
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Post by WaltzCee »

Michael wrote:Pathfinder I don't wish to be rude, I just want to make you aware of copywrite law. You don't own any copywrite to the images you submitted. Once you put them up on the web site, prior to having a copywrite placed on them, you made them public domain.

You can't get a patent until it's shown that your idea really is unique enough to grant to the privilege of having the title intellectual property applied to it. The reciprocator mechanisms and parallelograms are old. Older than the ones that have already been pasted on this web site before.

If anyone thinks a free energy machine isn't worth a patent they are very mistaken.
Until the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988, the lack of a proper copyright notice would place an otherwise copyrightable work into the public domain, although for works published between January 1, 1978 and February 28, 1989, this could be prevented by registering the work with the Library of Congress within five years of publication. After March 1, 1989, an author's copyright in a work begins when it is fixed in a tangible form; neither publication nor registration is required, and a lack of a copyright notice does not place the work into the public domain.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by greendoor »

A copyright isn't a patent. And FWIW, a copyright is essentially valueless. I can read any copyrighted book on Google books for free with very little omitted.

With a world-shattering invention of this scale, you can guarantee that the inventor will be royally screwed. Laws are for honest people - they certainly don't apply to politicians & war mongers, and that's who you would be dealing with.

On that happy note ... I just realised I referenced an obscure New Zealand song that is probably not known to anyone outside of NZ ... I think it's pretty cool and the lyrics fit pretty well with the theme of this forum ...
Lyrics to Don't Fight It, Marsha, It's Bigger Than Both Of Us :
It's been some time now, a year or so,
If you weren't coping, you'd have let me know.
My friends say I do too much, I've got a lot on my plate,
If there was something I wouldn't hesitate.

There's five blue figures on a white circle.
They're making agreements,
They're keeping each other in line.

And I want you to be happy,
But I'd rather that you were still with me,
Perhaps we can arrange something.
Arrange something.

I took pride in my even hand,
When I took control I thought you'd understand
If all things were equal I could be your friend
I could turn around and take it again,

There's five blue figures on a white circle.
They're making agreements,
They're keeping each other in line.

And I want you to be happy,
But I'd rather that you were still with me,
Perhaps we can arrange something.
Arrange something.
[ Don't Fight It, Marsha, It's Bigger Than Both Of Us Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ]

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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by path_finder »

Many thanks for all,

I fully agree with greendoor (many thanks): 'a patent for a free energy machine is worthless
He explained perfectly the several reasons why.

For Michael: I don't understand your permanent care for copyright and patent.
The problem is not to put a patent request, it's to protect your rights after the deposit.
IBM was the biggest patent holder. They had a cattle of inspectors and lawyers, permanently in charge of the counterfight.
And even with this power they lost the lawsuit against Mister Ungermass-Bass (token ring network).
Are you enough rich and strong to do this task?
The copy on Internet is a planetary game and you cannot avoid it.
I'm pretty sure that a thousand of chinese (they are numerous) are at this time in way to compile the data I posted here.
Since a long time I don't care for that: the only mean to counterfight is the innovation, and the launch on the market of a new innovative and high quality product every year. Today all successful companies know that.
And at the least if some day a 'last minute inventor' engages a legal action against me, I have just taken some dispositions allowing me to testify the anteriority for the Court.

In fact I had an idea few months earlier: as for the building or scenic scenes wich can be declared 'mankind property' or 'mankind patrimony', this kind of invention could be declared 'mankind heritage' by the United Nations. This has never be done for an intellectual concept and only for concret things. How to do that? No question will be possible after.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by ectropy »

Hi AB, Your quote;
Not very many post since 27 Nov 2008. But you write in interesting ways similar to a Bessler007 ? Please leave personal inflammatory remarks out of it, and lets talk wheel."

I don`t do internet when I have to prepare for a Lecture. "inflammatory remarks"? Quite possible that I read more between the lines than the next person and quite possible that my conclusions are in error.

Bessler007? Huh! Pass. Regards.

Wheel is what it is!