Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

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Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by Michael »

To any and all armchair theorists, armchair genius’s, generals and peasants, footmen and squires and all builders alike. The site of Bessler Wheel is getting very old now. I don’t think I’ve seen one idea that hasn’t been discussed before in some fashion at some point in the Bessler Wheel annuals of history. Probably many have lent thought to ideas gone past. Probably many have kept a lot of their thoughts to themselves.
Only a person who has gone and created a working device will ever get that person the recognition they deserve. By way of example I myself have posted many ideas before. And I’ve kept a lot of ideas to myself and didn’t act on them. If someone has gone and taken what I may have posted as inspiration, and has been able to develop something along it’s lines, or developed something I kept only in my thoughts, seen something I might have missed or because I failed to act and beat me to the punch, I have only my own stupidity to blame.
Many will gather around the stone in an attempt to pull out the sword. Some will stand around and contemplate, and some philosophers will gather in groups and theorize. Some will sneak away with others advice and some will gather many in an attempt of brute force. Some might even try to pull and fail. Only the one who succeeds in pulling out the sword deserves to be named king.

meChANical Man.
"All things move according to the whims of the great magnet"; Hunter S. Thompson.
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by smotgroup »

I'll give everybody a clue.

the most theoretical solid state energy efficient system known to man at this time cannot exist yet practically because the lack of scientific research on different superconductors is not fully understood yet and the cost of manufacturing and cost of materials makes the ideal 'solid state' nuclear thermoelectric peltier cell unreachable at this time for public domain use and is only practical in such systems as spacecraft and satellite systems.


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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by justsomeone »

"A word for the wise ". Why can't I read it?

Any how... I think the media blitz after a running wheel is discovered will

heavily influence the inventors standing in history. A lackluster revealing

will just give other companies or inventors time to make some changes

and apply for new patents robbing the original inventor of some of his

kingdom. I could be wrong.
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by smotgroup »

there is 'nothing' better than a 100% efficient solid state thermoelectric cell for generating electricity.


and there is no moving parts.

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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by justsomeone »

Smotgroup, Are you on the correct thread?
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by coylo »

Hi Michael,

Didn't Newton modestly say after his achievements that he was merely "standing on the shoulders of giants"? - ideas are not born in a vacuum... so to speak, some people may have already laid the groundwork, and everything and everyone could claim influencial up to that point.
Well, that can't entirely apply to the invention that we seek - it should break the shoulders of those giants, because it is an anti-conventional line thought that will lead us there, that hasn't gone before.

Someone once told me jokingly, that anyone who creates such a machine shall be not merely a king, but a God amongst men....... "the machine is life - it shall bring life!", he said... quite philosophically, but he got me thinking..... such a machine is as close to true freedom and true independence as anyone could ever achieve.
Design such a machine, and you wouldn't have to worry about the sun coming up in the morning, literally!

Anyhow, I'm getting a bit carried away here. Yeah upon success people may come forward and try to claim influence, or that they helped in some way, or that they were sniffing around the same area..... but they didn't build it did they?
You can't win the race by not crossing the finishing line first.

... but hey Michael, if you ever make it.... give oul' coylo a mention will ya! hehee
Last edited by coylo on Sun May 10, 2009 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by smotgroup »

Here is an Ideal Thermoelectric Cell.


of course it would be 'Thin Film' and the size of the diagram is greatly exaggerated.

the system can be used to generate electricity or can be used to refrigerate or be used to generate heat.

in your analogy of the sword and the stone, I here by place, I have driven this sword into this stone to see who can extract the sword, he who extracts the sword out of this stone shall be King. the sword of light has now been placed.

Last edited by smotgroup on Sun May 10, 2009 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by coylo »

Hey you group of smots, it's time to start your own thread!
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by BAR »

I do not understand about 100% efficient thermoelectic cell. How is this so important? Please hit me with your theory and mathematics of this. I do have an understanding of neutron diffraction and fission.
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by smotgroup »

I just did. can you pull the sword of light from this stone?
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by smotgroup »

the most abundant energy source in the Universe is Heat, all systems generate it, if you could 'see the full potential' of Infrared light emanating from just the Human body then you might go blind, in fact, even a cold substance generates heat in fact if you could see the seething energy from all systems from a Thermal Superconductor point of view you would go blind from it's radiance.

other uses:
the hull of a perfect manned spacecraft is thermoelectric and simply having a host of occupants inside or out produces energy for a perfect spacecraft system.

I am the one who put the sword of light in the stone, who will pull it back out?

who will answer the quest of ages?

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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by BAR »

Huh? Can you explain what you mean? Give me the math, but I must say this forum is not designed for mathematical text. I need to hear more of your theory even if you have no experience in accepted physics. It is all important. :) If you have no math skills than please describe how you belive it works. Thanks
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by smotgroup »

this is for the philosophers of the sword in the stone, it is up to the 'one' to pull the sword out. no cheating.

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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by ovyyus »

Michael, it usually comes down to just one person who finally puts all the pieces together.

Jerry, what's the temperature on the inside of a 100% efficient thermoelectric cell in the shape of a sphere?
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re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.

Post by smotgroup »

A valid question to ask yourself is, why can't the sword of light be pulled from the stone?
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