Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by BAR »

Wow, ok for not going to college and saying what you have to say is very impressive. Michael your are very versed for not having a diplomna in physics. Yes the armchair physicists are there, I am no doubt one of them and they are stronger than ever when you look at Stephen Hawking. How many things did he build? Ok, now he is disabled, but his theorys make very logical sense. I simply can not not make any jokes here. My teachers were in most part as you say, but they offered questions to what was accepted, but at that time I did not have the "balls" and experience that I have now to challenge them. In my opinion as of now the universe can be totally explained by mathematics. If we can not understand a physical system, then I say our mathematics is simply incomplete. If our mathematics is complete as well as knowledge then god creates the universe and is toying with us. I mean the value of the electron is not described by pure theory in any method that I am aware of... hmmm... ?

Now getting to my gravitational theory, over 30 years ago computers were really toys for the average person. Calculator watches were several hundred dollars. Infact a basic TI calculator was very expensive. So being in school for electron device physics, one of my professors was explaining about signal propagation. I simply asked how can high velocitys change the experience of phenomena or electrons interacting at high velocitys compared to no velocity. This was because they were traveling at nearly the velocity of light. He said we are not talking about relativity and it is not necessary in this class. In other words he was right, relativity has no meaning in every day experience. Relativity only has meaning at very high speeds. However photons seem to ignore this, except for gravitatational lensing. At that time I looked at the data and all the gravitational theorys were in my opinion incomplete. Einstein was a god in this respect, but even he had no explanation of the parts of gravitation that are most important. So I sat down 1 day some 25 years ago and became the devil's advocate. I thought if graviation was radiation then how would it manifest itself? How can the sun's gravitation spew at the velocity of light and yet capture the planets with absolutely no delay? What if gravitation was radiation? What if gravitation was like a molecular or electronic gas? I built mathematical models and tried to destroy them by every physical concept that existed in measurement. They all fell until one did not. The one that did not fall was simply quantum values of electron interaction. The classical meaning has infinity at it's side, and thus infinity can be cancelled by opposition in the classical meaning. However quantum states can not be cancelled. So even now I can not say my theory is 'by the hand of god", my theory is simply a more accurate "guess" of reality than all the other theorys at this time. Still incomplete I assure you. :)

I thankyou Michael for the link for the velocity of gravity, but in my opinion is it severely flawed. The qusar frequency can be explained by other means than relativity of gravitational radiation propagating out of the system. Mass ejection by radiation etc, can account for those findings. The other "test" by watching Jupter transit a radio source is puzzling to me in their findings. I must read further of the results and their data. If one could have multiple points between two massive gravitational objects,and see light coming in simultaneously across that void, then one could say gravitation travels at "x" velocity. From what I have read this was not proven. Simply by my opinion gravitation exists because entitys with the mass of the electron have no absolution in interaction. Their uncertainty of superposition allows the gravitational field. If mass did have absolution then gravitation would not be possible. All existance would be a singularity. So at this point if I go ahead with my quantum gravitation it may have "holes" in it., but at least the theory describes the gravitational constant. I have yet to see any string theory or quantum gravitational theory that yields the gravitational constant. Perhaps I am merely lucky?
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by BAR »

This is my theory. This is now my theory of quantum gravitation. This theory has not been seen anywhere else on earth that describes the gravitational constant. If you belive i am am wrong please do not just say so, please have a mathematical argument to prove me wrong.. So now it begins.:

As I said earlier, electrons are the ultimate mass components of the universe. They interact with uncertainty, This uncertainty has the interaction of quantum super positional spherical space. This interaction complys with Planck's constant. So now when 2 entitys interact in the mutuality, the mean interactin is simply 4piG x c(squared). So what is interaction? The ability to exchange momentum does not describe all the physics of the interaction. So if 2 entities are exchanging momentum, then how do they describe their interactions? Now this is my opinion, two entitys interacting must exchange momentum thru uncertainty superposition space with the value of 4pih. And they have a maximum value of Omega Density (4pi x cSquared x gravitational constant). This is 7E14 grams a cubic cu cm.. Where pi = 3.14159. This is the maximum density that is possible in the universe. Black holes can not crush to infiniity. So now when interactions occur with neutral electrons, there is uncertainty in that interaction. Mathematically this is the spherical area derivative of the universal resolution 4pi (Planck's constant). The area of probability interaction of uncertanity superposition is the mean uncertainty of all possible interactions in the universe. This geometry then must interact like it is an entity of mass. This interaction geometry is simply 4pih. (4 x 3.1415 x 6.626 E-27). Then if that is the uncertainty geometry, then for it to react and exchange momentum it must do so in the kinetic equilvalent of 1 dimensional exchange. I call this principle linear uncertainty. This value is 2(3 x h) to the 1/3 power. This value is calculated by solving the radius of the uncertainty of interaction resolution as it were a sphere. Since 2 entitys must interact in any mutuality then the linear uncertainty of 2 entitys must be present for interaction. This mutual uncertainty must exist across a volume of space. Then one must add those experiences. It becomes the result of Einstein's tensor that he could not resolve. 8piT and the tensor "T" in my opinion is the quantum value (3h) to 1/3 power. Then to take this quantum gravitation further. The uncertainty principle of Heisenburg states about if we want to measure position with greater accuracy, then we lose information about the area. This is also shown to be as if one wants to know more about energy, then we lose information about distance. The quantum gravitational equation then must be modified to accept this. So if energy is gained, the uncertainty probability must collapse. If energy is lost the uncertainty probability must expand. Both actions have a basic derivative which explains the path along the interaction. This exchanging component must exert force along 1 dimension. in mutuality Then the quantum relation is:

8pi((3h)1/3 power) - ((3h)1/3 power) /2 = 6.672754E-8

This is the value of Newton's gravitational constant friends. You will not find this estimate anywhere else on earth. By this I have to say gravitation is much faster than light. So now think about what this means. :)

Opps had an extra 2 there, sorry.
Last edited by BAR on Mon May 11, 2009 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Grimer »

I prefer Tom van Flandern's explanation why gravity is faster than light. That is not to say that your explanation is wrong. Merely that I can't follow it.
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re: Hello I Will Try to Help Your Gravity Problems

Post by BAR »

Grimer what is not to understand? If you are an engineer by profession then you have a great advantage in knowledge over the average person trying to understand quantum physics. Yes what I say is not at all easy to comprehend but I will try to do my best to explain how the universe works.

My I ask you what software you use to make diagrams? Then I could explain myself much better. Thanks.
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