Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
Moderator: scott
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
Contrary to popular belief, the elusive philosopher's stone didn't transform lead into gold, but the striving alchemist himself beyond any and all human faults and failings.
Finding an equally elusive petpetual motion wheel might well do that too for the sincerely dedicated acolyte that manages it...hmmm?
Who is to say if it would be wiser to share such an accomplishment and deny others the possibilty of ever achieving that same state of grace or if it wouldn't be wiser still to with-hold it to preserve that opportunity for any of them that are worthy enough to find it for themselves?
Finding an equally elusive petpetual motion wheel might well do that too for the sincerely dedicated acolyte that manages it...hmmm?
Who is to say if it would be wiser to share such an accomplishment and deny others the possibilty of ever achieving that same state of grace or if it wouldn't be wiser still to with-hold it to preserve that opportunity for any of them that are worthy enough to find it for themselves?
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
Perhaps we're lucky Alexander Fleming didn't hold a similar view about sharing his personal accomplishment? I think there's more than enough mystery in the universe to give everyone multiple opportunities to achieve personal discovery and accomplishment - and then share the experience. One hand can not clap, sharing is good :Dsilverfox wrote:Who is to say if it would be wiser to share such an accomplishment and deny others the possibilty of ever achieving that same state of grace...
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
please see lower post for update on the Capillary motor.
Last edited by smotgroup on Mon May 11, 2009 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Minto Wheel is a very similar public domain free energy wheel very similar to this. The Minto Wheel uses straight pipes, which I think is more efficient. These devices require a heat gradient. I'm intrigued with the idea of parabolic reflector mirrors pointed out to space as a cold sink, and solar panels for the hot sink. These have a lot of potential if done right - next best thing to a gravity wheel for frustrated wheel builders.
I am fascinated with heat pump technology. Heat pumps are virtually over-unity in disguise. Rather than requiring a heat differential - they make their own! This I find surprising that nobody else finds this suprising! OK- we expend energy to create the heat differential, but we get back 4 times as much energy as we expend in creating the heat differential.
IMO - the Bessler Wheel achieved a similar thing with gravity - if I explain it too much, I give the game away too soon.
I am fascinated with heat pump technology. Heat pumps are virtually over-unity in disguise. Rather than requiring a heat differential - they make their own! This I find surprising that nobody else finds this suprising! OK- we expend energy to create the heat differential, but we get back 4 times as much energy as we expend in creating the heat differential.
IMO - the Bessler Wheel achieved a similar thing with gravity - if I explain it too much, I give the game away too soon.
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
actually the quicker the transfer the faster the wheel rotates, short capillary pipe make that possible. the design I drew up was the easiest to show as a more efficient transport of the capillary medium, I can make it better.

here is the principle of capillary action:
watch the entire video and you'll see it do work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs_OtCsD ... annel_page
if using liquid Helium as a capillary medium the capillary action would become very violent in one direction using this wave guide, as the Liquid Helium begins to expand it is very possible that at some point the Liquid Helium would start to become a super-fluid and the remaining friction or resistance becomes less as the capillary action accelerates further.
I hope you have a very good wheel bearing!
here is the principle of capillary action:
watch the entire video and you'll see it do work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs_OtCsD ... annel_page
if using liquid Helium as a capillary medium the capillary action would become very violent in one direction using this wave guide, as the Liquid Helium begins to expand it is very possible that at some point the Liquid Helium would start to become a super-fluid and the remaining friction or resistance becomes less as the capillary action accelerates further.
I hope you have a very good wheel bearing!
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
using the above Capillary transport as a method for cryogenic Tc in an Ideal Thermal Superconductor. which comes back to the Ideal Thermoelectric Peltier. any heat above the boiling point of liquid Helium can and will do work in a capillary system, especially an ideal capillary system.
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
no this forum is not old, with more than 300 years!
There is a lot of still not solved stuffs and the mechanism is philosophic.
The ``people`` that put the sword in the stone follow to strong tendencies.
You said:
``Only the one who succeeds in pulling out the sword deserves to be named king.``
No friend, this guy is more to be a server, a disciple, or a slave of the art!
The cosmic timing and general karma plays too hard against any practical realization on this field.
It`s philosophic and refined, not exactly with feet over the ground.
Take care.
Muliro SP may/11th
no this forum is not old, with more than 300 years!
There is a lot of still not solved stuffs and the mechanism is philosophic.
The ``people`` that put the sword in the stone follow to strong tendencies.
You said:
``Only the one who succeeds in pulling out the sword deserves to be named king.``
No friend, this guy is more to be a server, a disciple, or a slave of the art!
The cosmic timing and general karma plays too hard against any practical realization on this field.
It`s philosophic and refined, not exactly with feet over the ground.
Take care.
Muliro SP may/11th
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
King as in THE king of the perpetual motion or free energy wheel Murilo. It was only a metaphor.
meChANical Man.
"All things move according to the whims of the great magnet"; Hunter S. Thompson.
"All things move according to the whims of the great magnet"; Hunter S. Thompson.
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
King: a metaphor, this is exactly what I contest!
If one think about JB death and compare to how would be the planet today, with free and cold energy, one may guess that it would be too much good than the deserved by humankind in future.
Much worst situation and danger plays today, and people is still irresponsible!
The man, the metaphoric king, the ``Allowed Compassion Instrument``, will be a poor servant, because he`ll recognize to the OTHER mechanism.
By the way, Johan is getting weird and excited again!
He`s showing me his tongue, blinks the eyes and took out his peruke!
This must be some kind of advise... I guess... I hope...
(He`s very bald under that wig.)
Muliro SP may/11th
If one think about JB death and compare to how would be the planet today, with free and cold energy, one may guess that it would be too much good than the deserved by humankind in future.
Much worst situation and danger plays today, and people is still irresponsible!
The man, the metaphoric king, the ``Allowed Compassion Instrument``, will be a poor servant, because he`ll recognize to the OTHER mechanism.
By the way, Johan is getting weird and excited again!
He`s showing me his tongue, blinks the eyes and took out his peruke!
This must be some kind of advise... I guess... I hope...
(He`s very bald under that wig.)
Muliro SP may/11th
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
Look, if you want to test the output it is pretty simple, just make yourself a capillary jar, a jar with a tight lid and a capillary straw down the middle, then use various low boiling point liquids inside the jar to see how high the expansion of liquid will shoot out the straw, first try Alcohol, it's not very powerful either in a cool basement or in direct sunlight, but it does work.
now try it with Liquid Nitrogen, try it in the cool basement or in direct sunlight and you will see very good pressure coming the capillary straw, you'll see it works incredible in direct sunlight.
now try it with liquid helium, you might need to stand pretty far back especially in direct sunlight, the capillary pressure will be enormous.
Liquid Helium or Liquid Nitrogen with both experience a capillary action while sitting on a table in a cold basement, it works day or night!
and a capillary system can be a self contained system(closed) with no loss of fluid with the exceptions of Superfluous Liquid Helium which tend to pass through every tested material anyways.
Lay down thy arms and follow me.
now try it with Liquid Nitrogen, try it in the cool basement or in direct sunlight and you will see very good pressure coming the capillary straw, you'll see it works incredible in direct sunlight.
now try it with liquid helium, you might need to stand pretty far back especially in direct sunlight, the capillary pressure will be enormous.
Liquid Helium or Liquid Nitrogen with both experience a capillary action while sitting on a table in a cold basement, it works day or night!
and a capillary system can be a self contained system(closed) with no loss of fluid with the exceptions of Superfluous Liquid Helium which tend to pass through every tested material anyways.
Lay down thy arms and follow me.
I agree. Heat pumps are fascinating. Only problem is we use 5 star energy and get back 1 star. Now if we could use 1 star energy .........greendoor wrote:The Minto Wheel is a very similar public domain free energy wheel very similar to this. The Minto Wheel uses straight pipes, which I think is more efficient. These devices require a heat gradient. I'm intrigued with the idea of parabolic reflector mirrors pointed out to space as a cold sink, and solar panels for the hot sink. These have a lot of potential if done right - next best thing to a gravity wheel for frustrated wheel builders.
I am fascinated with heat pump technology. Heat pumps are virtually over-unity in disguise. Rather than requiring a heat differential - they make their own! This I find surprising that nobody else finds this surprising! OK- we expend energy to create the heat differential, but we get back 4 times as much energy as we expend in creating the heat differential.
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata?
Looks like Jerry's wheel (or the Minto wheel) can use 1 star energy & deliver 5 star ...
I wonder what would happen if somebody built a small Jerry Wheel (do you have a name for it Jerry?) and used the rotary motion to drive a conventional heatpump compressor. The heat pump would be configured to dump heat into one end of the Jerry wheel, and remove heat from the other end of the wheel.
The cold end would also be exposed to the outside - so this would not be a closed system - and ambient heat energy could freely flow into the cold heat exchanger.
I would be fascinated to know if this could self sustain ... I don't see why not, since it has an inflow of external energy ...
Maintaining a differential when there otherwise would not be one ... it should be illegal!
I wonder what would happen if somebody built a small Jerry Wheel (do you have a name for it Jerry?) and used the rotary motion to drive a conventional heatpump compressor. The heat pump would be configured to dump heat into one end of the Jerry wheel, and remove heat from the other end of the wheel.
The cold end would also be exposed to the outside - so this would not be a closed system - and ambient heat energy could freely flow into the cold heat exchanger.
I would be fascinated to know if this could self sustain ... I don't see why not, since it has an inflow of external energy ...
Maintaining a differential when there otherwise would not be one ... it should be illegal!
re: Sword in the Stone, a word for the wise.
I don't know, According to J. C. Poggendorff, Leonardo da Vinci must be considered as the discoverer of capillary phenomena, but the first accurate observations of the capillary action of tubes and glass plates were made by Francis Hawksbee
which one deserves the credit?
I will have an update on an 'Ideal' Capillary system soon.
who would be a good person to send it to when I get it constructed? I don't think I'll be able to ship liquid nitrogen through the mail which is needed for serious testings.
what I meant by closed system was that it loses no internal Liquid or Gas, it is an infinite circulation system. it works either vertical or horizontal or in between.
which one deserves the credit?
I will have an update on an 'Ideal' Capillary system soon.
who would be a good person to send it to when I get it constructed? I don't think I'll be able to ship liquid nitrogen through the mail which is needed for serious testings.
what I meant by closed system was that it loses no internal Liquid or Gas, it is an infinite circulation system. it works either vertical or horizontal or in between.
I haven't thought this through - so excuse what might be an ill considered proposal ...
But I do wonder if heatpump technology could be applied to a wheel such as this - perhaps incorporated directly into the wheel. By this I mean engineering pressure increases & pressure decreases to allow heat-of-compression followed by cooling-of-expansion. With our gravity wheel thinking we seem pretty good at designing wheels that win-some-then-lose-some-but-ultimately-balance-out-in-the-end ... so compression stages followed by expansion stages could be engineered to require very little energy input - maybe with a massive flywheel to balance out the torque. The point of this apparantly balanced activity would be to allow that heat differential that encourages ambient heat to flow into the system. Sort of Maxwell Daemon thinking ...
But I do wonder if heatpump technology could be applied to a wheel such as this - perhaps incorporated directly into the wheel. By this I mean engineering pressure increases & pressure decreases to allow heat-of-compression followed by cooling-of-expansion. With our gravity wheel thinking we seem pretty good at designing wheels that win-some-then-lose-some-but-ultimately-balance-out-in-the-end ... so compression stages followed by expansion stages could be engineered to require very little energy input - maybe with a massive flywheel to balance out the torque. The point of this apparantly balanced activity would be to allow that heat differential that encourages ambient heat to flow into the system. Sort of Maxwell Daemon thinking ...
I may be barking mad, but I understood Capillary action to be basically surface tension chemical-bond type action. So while a fluid may be attracted up a capillary tube, it equally will not want to leave the tube. So unless it's like a tree, with leaves vaporising fluid under solar power, a capillary action can't be used to lift fluid uphill and power anything.
I view these types of heat engines to work by vaporisation, rather than capillary action. Or have I misunderstood? Either way - I believe they work, and would be a valid free energy wheel.
I have considered whether the Bessler wheel was a heat engine, but i'm fairly sure it's pure gravity power, and have the maths to prove this (should my experiments confirm this).
I view these types of heat engines to work by vaporisation, rather than capillary action. Or have I misunderstood? Either way - I believe they work, and would be a valid free energy wheel.
I have considered whether the Bessler wheel was a heat engine, but i'm fairly sure it's pure gravity power, and have the maths to prove this (should my experiments confirm this).