We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is to build a working wheel...

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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by primemignonite »

In my marvelous fit of d'exstase Francais I forgot to say:

We DO care the Bessler Wheel!

We DO, DO, DO, DO, DO, care the Bessler Wheel!

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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by path_finder »

Dear Scott,
As Webmaster can you change the title of this thread (I'm assuming)
The new one should be:
'The Bessler Wheel could be useful before the building of any gravitic engine'
Many fans of Bessler would be happy.
Only the idiots cannot change their mind.
Many thanks in advance.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Post by greendoor »

Scott - does this forum have the ability to lock threads? Sometimes if a thread has run it's course it's not a bad idea to lock it so it can't be added to, and then the discussion can continue under a new thread - perhaps more appropriately named ...

I can understand both sentiments - We certainly Do care the Bessler Wheel ...

But I can fully understand Pathfinder's original idea: any running wheel is what we really want, and probably once we have a running wheel, the Bessler secrets will probably fall into place too. I can't imagine there is more than one basic operating principle at work - so finding one runner will probably make sense of all the other clues and make it obvious.
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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by Grimer »

greendoor wrote:... any running wheel is what we really want, and probably once we have a running wheel, the Bessler secrets will probably fall into place too.
I would go further and say any perpetual motion device of any kind.
Uncle's toy as mentioned in the Serendipity thread, for example.
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Post by scott »

Path Finder, I can rename this topic or I can lock this one and you can start a new one. Since this topic is nearly 20 pages long I would prefer the latter. Is that ok with you?
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re: We don't care the Bessler wheel, the most important is t

Post by path_finder »

OK Scott. I agree to lock this topic.
I will continue by opening a new one.
We need an end for everything.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...