1 idea

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Re: re: 1 idea

Post by Bessler_Supporter »

justsomeone wrote:Hi Jim. Sorry for being off topic but I would like you to check out the thread over at overunity.com. It is under the section... Alternate cancer
treatments. It concerns B17. Thought you might want to know.

Take care.
Thanks someone, I will check it out :-)

On a different note, if anyone would like to do their design as bessler did. That is, using pencil and paper, then this is for you.
It is Pythagorean Theorem. With this, you will not need the trig tables. Just a lot of time and paper. Myself, I prefer a pen and calculator :-)

p.s. I have found balance to be quite important. I am going to try balancing my wheel better. This could allow for as little as 1 inch of over balance. I am starting to think the less a weight moves, the better.
And of course, the ultimate goal is..........
It could be that these smaller builds I am doing is a learning what I will need to know to build The Real Deal.
As you can see, the levers would interefere with each other. I have taken some pics showing details that would work as Bessler drew in Mt 24.
Wow, almost forgot to mention. In the Wheel and the Pendulum, there is another half to the equation :-)
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AB Hammer
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Re: re: 1 idea

Post by AB Hammer »

Bessler_Supporter wrote:
AB Hammer wrote:Greetings BS, Jim,

Do you know what I would like to see ?
More people who make claims man up and post their builds openly.
Allot of people would like that. This of course (something for nothing) free energy

One thing I have heard often is the need for others to be able to do the same build to ensure it is legitimate.
But it seems a desire to protect a patent is what the claim becomes.
To protect ones self, you have trusted people to confirm it. Then patent it and then can show the world.

The patent laws are clear on this. Only the inventor can patent an idea within one year of it being published.
This is most likely considered publication unless it is not an original build such as mine.
I would like to see were this is in law. For I was under the understanding that you have to file a provisional patent to have a year to develop for full patent.
>>I would like to see were this is in law. For I was under the understanding that you have to file a provisional patent to have a year to develop for full patent.<<

http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/do ... ml#whatpat
Novelty And Non-Obviousness, Conditions For Obtaining A Patent
If the invention has been described in a printed publication anywhere in the world, or if it was known or used by others in this country before the date that the applicant made his/her invention, a patent cannot be obtained. If the invention has been described in a printed publication anywhere, or has been in public use or on sale in this country more than one year before the date on which an application for patent is filed in this country, a patent cannot be obtained.

AB Hammer, I think the USPTO is quite clear on this. This means that anyone that states I can not post my build to protect my patent rights is not being honest.
Of course, if someone makes a suggestion that is used in the design, then they are co-inventor.
Thanks BS / Jim

Yes it looks like you can do this. But it only takes a small percentage of difference to create a new and different patent. So I would consider it dangerous to do so, if that is your intent. But each person has their own decision to make.
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Re: re: 1 idea

Post by Bessler_Supporter »

To paraphrase path_finder, why make things more difficult than we need to ?
Here is the basic math I'm working from. It is something I realized while studying Mt 24.
If weight A is 24 inches from center and drops 4 inches, it can lift weight B a maximum of 4 inches.
If it did this, then weight B would be 20 inches from center while weight A is still 24 inches from center.
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Post by Bessler_Supporter »

What might be considered a clue even though it's not found in his writings is this one.
If you notice the weights on the pendulum, they're all numbered 8. 8 + 8 + 8 = 24.
On Mt 24 (it's a coincidence to be ignored), it has 24 locations that might be considered weights.
There is more .........
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Post by Bessler_Supporter »

Another way of considering 3 - 8's equals 24 is by considering 8 sections with 3 weights. They're opposites, but they're not. Kind of like Bessler's Code.

edited to add pics and this comment; Each section in Mt 24 is similar to the pendulum. They both have 3 stones. It is possible that the weights that Bessler used were actual stones.

edited to change pic to one that allows the pendulum to be compared to one section of Mt 24.

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Post by Bessler_Supporter »

Have a riddle for you.
How do you make 3 stones fly as one ?
Make one heavy stone and then put it in a catapult.
roflmao 8D
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Post by Bessler_Supporter »

Actually, the joke goes; How do you make 3 stones fly as one ?
Answer; put them on a catapult :-)
Why ? Then if you go lightly, you can throw one further than you can 3.
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Re: re: 1 idea

Post by Bessler_Supporter »

As is true today and was in Bessler's time, Engineering can lead to testing and or constrcution of a design.
This is the math I am basing my work on.
The attached digram shows a wheel with 8 levers rotated clockwise 12 degrees. This refers to having weights at 0 degrees and 180 degrees.
In the diagram, I used ^ to denote degrees and will continue to do so.
The numbers are as follows when worked out.
Under balance over balance
327^ 11.27.................12^ 4.30
282^ 20.08.................69^ 22.32
237^ 16.99...............102^ 21.84
192^ 4.30.................147^ 13.20

There is a 12^ advance in levers that is allowed. This is how a weight can be retracted by a value of 3.5. The calculations are based on over balance having a value of 24 while under balance has a value of 20.5.
Positions 1,2 and 3 show the starting position as well as the advanced position of the levers.
The weight at 12^ is not over balanced as it's lever would need to rotate sufficiently to allow the weight to roll out.
See the engineering test model in the next post for a better understanding of this dynamic type of behavior.

edited to add;
You guys can consider this along with Mt 25. It is possible that bessler built more than one wheel.
I'm going to have surgery next week so I'll probably take a break from this.
Of course, even though i have put up with massive amounts of shit while working on this, it is an open idea. It seems I am one those people that wouldn't mind seeing other people take an interest in seeing some of Bessler's wheel's built. Might not be money in it, but do think it is still something worth doing.
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Post by jim_mich »

(To type a degree symbol, hold down the Alt key, type 0186 using the numeric key pad, then release the Alt key)
Under balance over balance
327º 11.27.................12º 4.30
282º 20.08.................69º 22.32
237º 16.99................102º 21.84
192º 4.30................147º 13.20

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Re: re: 1 idea

Post by Bessler_Supporter »

Thanks Jim Mich. That'll help make things easier.
Here is a look at how far I have gotten on my current build.
It is 5 ft. in diameter. Most likely, I will increase the diameter to 7 ft.
I think it will make it easier to get working if the design proves to be in the neighborhood.
I will need to add stops so the arm will only advance so far.
It is something I hope to have tested tonight. This way, I will know if going to 7 ft. will be necessary.
The slots for the weights are longer than they need to be. One thought behind this is that if the weight is closer to center when above the axle, it will require less force to keep rotating. And when it rolls to it's over balanced position, that it would do so the same as if the slot were shorter.

edited to add;
photos. http://s979.photobucket.com/albums/ae27 ... supporter/
Picture 007.1.JPG
james kelly
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re: 1 idea

Post by james kelly »

I for one, have let people call me names, try to intimidate me into
telling,and did almost everything that you can imagine, just to get me to disclose or describe. the principle.
NO ONE and I repeat: NO ONE is going to know the secret, until the patent is pending. janmes l.kelly
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re: 1 idea

Post by path_finder »

Dear James Kelly,
You will put a patent request. Well.
And then: how will you be able to protect your rights?
Another design will be found in concurrence with your's.
Only the patent office will be more richer.
A cattle of chinese will copy it, sale it and you cannot do anything against.
In addition you will loose a lot of money for nothing.
The only ways if you found one of the numerous solutions:
1. silence
2. publish everything, removing any value for any other patent.
Good luck.

An old patenter, knowing the music.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Jim Williams
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re: 1 idea

Post by Jim Williams »

My patent says the following, "It is to be understood that the form of my invention herein shown and described is to be taken as a preferred example of the same and that various other changes in the shape, size and arrangement of parts may be resorted to without departing from the spirit of my invention or the scope of the subjoining claims."

I would suggest any solution to Bessler's wheel would be so distinctive and unique that the invention would become so well known that all lookalike copies of it would also become known as not the original, with it protected by US law here as well.

My guess is a solution would become so famous that it would be its own protection.
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Re: re: 1 idea

Post by LustInBlack »

james kelly wrote:I for one, have let people call me names, try to intimidate me into
telling,and did almost everything that you can imagine, just to get me to disclose or describe. the principle.
NO ONE and I repeat: NO ONE is going to know the secret, until the patent is pending. janmes l.kelly
... nor Ralph, your good friend?!

Man, 45 years of silence for a working wheel, and now that you are almost dead and that the planet is crumbling in pieces, you want to play the greedy game.. !????

Wow.. Just ... Wow ...

What do you need!? Money?! .. I don't believe it.. You want fame?! Then be the guy that gave the world a second chance, you'll have the nobel prize of peace or at the very least your name will be pronounced for centuries to go and maybe you'll help to stop the evolution of stupidity.. I'm sick of those iphone generations.. If they don't have their solve button they can't do anything! .. Stop that, you have the knowledge, or so you say.
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re: 1 idea

Post by path_finder »

Dear Jim_Williams,

Don't be too much confident in the power of any wide description of your design.
If the text is too much general, it will not be accepted.
If you give a lot of possible variations, you will quickly overpass the maximum lenght allowed.
And you will not be sure that everything has been covered (the imagination of the copyers is giant when money is the result).

Then you will spend your life with lawyers, trying to preserve your interests.
The prosecution will come from a cattle of other inventors, claiming the property.
Any proven anteriority can drive the opponent to obtain the cancellation of your patent.
Any small change in your original design will be considered as an innovation, allowing the request for a new patent, as long you don't prove at your charge(it's not the matter of the patent office) that this is a copy. Etc., etc. It will take more than ten years before to close the procedure.

I will just mention one example: the mouse driven menu.
As usually and commonly said, Apple was the inventor of the mouse, icons, etc. WRONG!...
This concept has been defined in 1971 in the PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) by XEROX Corporation, at a time where there were no microcomputer available at all.
The concept has been taken by Apple, first on the Lisa, then on the Mac.
The fight between Xerox and Apple for their respective patents reconnaissance took more than twelwe years. The Court decided to be incompetent.
Only an arbitration can fix the situation between the both companies, wich spent millions of dollars for finding a compromise.
The only winner has been the patent office and the mouse manufacturers (unable to pay the royalties in the absence of any identified holder).

Jim, are you sure to be able to pay some dozens of lawyers for ten years, with no assurance to be successful?
Meanwhile your idea will be worldwide used without any chance to stop the pandemic process.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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